If you don't have the time, I agree you don't have to do it.
But for intellectual sake, you need to do it to support your point with such details and confidence levels.
My time isn't the issue. I thought that I made it clear why I don't want to complete the task you suggest? What does “for intellectual sake” mean? I don't see how posting an arbitrary speculation will support anything that I've stated. Don't arguments need to be supported by facts/evidence?
I believe the difference between what is primary and secondary is very obvious in terms of set and subsets.
The primary sets is those directly related to the words of God while others are subset thus secondary.
I think that the qualifier here is “I believe”. Which means that what you're stating is not factual, but opinion.
I was referring to an agnostic or one who was indifferent to God but then because to please the girl declare he is a theist in mind and all occasion. Such a belief I would say in secondary relative to what would be primary.
With respect, I don't that think this scenario is a possibility.
Nope, what I am referring is direct empirical evidence to justify the existence of God.
I stated it is empirically possible for a pink unicorn to exists but we know it is very very slim but it not impossible. To prove a pink unicorn exists, one will need to bring a pink unicorn for empirical testing and justification.
But God is empirically impossible as I had demonstrated.
What evidence is there for the existence of a pink unicorn? Your prior list of “empirical elements” is not sufficient IMO. Also, if as you claim there's a possibility of pink unicorns existing, why can't they be “absolutely perfect”? Also, remember that “unicorns” are "magical creatures". Can't you see that by your own arguments, God and unicorns are in the same category?
This is my claim, it is up to you to disprove.
I think it has been shown that your arguments in this case are not sound.
Yes, I insist but I have provided justification.
I think that the only justification of your arguments is that God cannot be proven to exist empirically. Impossibility requires a leap of faith.
You missed my point. I stated it is empirically possible and we need all the empirical evidences available but it can be further reinforced with brain imagings.
So you insist, but I think the consensus would generally be interpretation.
I suggest you raised the valid counter-argument in that threat and I will address them. For me there are no outstanding points I have not address and dismiss.
There are many, and they're valid IMO. You claimed that your argument is perfect. For me, that claim alone is enough to show that it is not a sound argument.
I had relied heavily [not fully] on Kant's argument re where the thing-in-itself is claimed to be a real empirical God it is an illusion. If you can prove Kant wrong then my support would be greatly shaken.
Kant did not use the term 'absolute perfection'. I derived it from various other philosophies in combination with Kant.
I'm not going to attempt to prove Kant wrong, and since you've already be proven wrong a number of times, proving Kant wrong wasn't necessary.
Theists believe, agnostics ponder and atheists analyse. A little bit of each should get us the right answer.