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Spectrum wrote: ↑January 10th, 2018, 5:45 amIs you name Darrel W. Ray by any chance?Dark Matter wrote: ↑January 9th, 2018, 3:04 am In the off-chance anyone is interested, there's a book, The Trace of God: A Rational Warrant for Belief, that deals with the very topic of this thread.I have made some comments in an earlier post that one need to consider counter views to the above and not just take it hook, line and sinker.
Here is another interesting counter to the above which is related to the OP;
https://www.amazon.com/Illusion-Gods-Pr ... 1633880745
The Illusion of God's Presence: The Biological Origins of Spiritual Longing
John C. Wathey
Here is one comment from Amazon:
This is the most engaging and thought-provoking book on religious belief I’ve read in a long time – maybe ever. The author eschews the usual New Atheist rants, and instead cuts to the heart of religion’s appeal: the strong emotional pull of belief and its promise to fill what has been called “the God-shaped vacuum in our hearts and minds.” As the author notes in his preface, the New Atheists have “largely ignored the real reason that most believers believe: their personal experience of the presence of God.”Whilst I agree to the points raised by the author, I believe those reasons are merely proximate causes and not the ultimate cause in relation to the deep emotional basis of belief.
This book examines that subjective religious experience, offering a cogent description of its likely biological and psychological underpinnings.
Ably sorting through a wide array of evidence from neuroscience to Sunday sermons, the author builds a strong case for belief as an outgrowth of human biology and social organization. He also explains a familiar (yet baffling) aspect of religion: Why is God often perceived as judgmental and wrathful, while also being described as infinitely loving? As the author makes clear, these two views of God spring from different aspects of human experience (what he calls respectively the “social” and “neonatal” roots).
The book treats religious belief with respect (even affection), while at the same time fully recognizing its dangers. The author’s description of an encounter with a survivor of the Jim Jones “Peoples Temple” cult offers a particularly chilling warning about how easily religious charlatans can prey on the emotions of vulnerable believers.
Atheists and believers alike will find this book fascinating and enlightening. But I think it’s especially valuable for nonbelievers (like me). Atheists can scoff all we want about “imaginary friends,” but until we understand the deep emotional basis of belief, we’ll mostly be talking to a wall of denial.
Burning ghost wrote: ↑January 10th, 2018, 5:29 am Proof replaces the impossibility of believe for those unwilling to accept subjective responsibility for their actions.I'd like to see anyone try to join the two ends of this assertion together and what it's got to do with subjective responsibility.
Fanman wrote: ↑January 10th, 2018, 7:07 am I think that belief in God occurs for many different reasons. As such I don't think that there's a single proximate or root cause as Spectrum stipulates.I am claiming there is an ultimate cause that manifest in many proximate causes and many forms of diversified causes.
If we were to take a large sample of people and ask them why they believe in God, I think we would find a plethora of different reasons for why they believe as they do. So given that would be the most likely scenario, I think it may be presumptuous to conclude that there is one single proximate cause for religious belief.
I understand that there is depth to the human psyche and that there may be underlying causes for religious belief that are subconscious, but I don't think its possible to isolate a single cause, given the complex nature of the human psyche. I just don't think that our current knowledge allows us to reach that conclusion. If someone claims that they believe in God, because they believe that the Biblical account of Jesus is true, in the case of a study, what grounds are there to claim that is not the proximate cause of their belief? What I mean is, should we dismiss what someone claims is the reason for their belief in favour of what we think is the cause of their belief? Would that be reasonable or justifiable?For every reasons given by theists why they believe in a God, if we dig deep into the psyche, we will get to the ultimate cause, i.e. the existential crisis. It is not what I think is the ultimate and proximate causes, obviously the reason must be justified thoroughly [ I have details but too complex to get into here].
Fanman wrote:With regards to the question of whether belief in God is reasonable, my position is, I'm not sure. I don't think that its reasonable to believe in something without evidence, something that we cannot prove exists, but people who believe in God have faith in something that is claimed to exist. So there's a difference in believing in something like a pink unicorn, as it is not claimed that pink unicorns exist, there's no framework or consensus supporting the existence of pink unicorns and no accounts of people encountering them. The same cannot be said of God or religion, as there are many accounts of people having religious experiences or encountering God. Whilst those accounts (or the religious frameworks) don't constitute proof that God exists, I find it difficult to dismiss every single religious claim or experience as nonsense, because some of them may have some validity - not necessarily that God exists, but that there may be more to reality than can be measured empirically, although I don't know what that "more" may be. That said, I don't think that there's anything which validates belief in God, but the belief may be held for reasons which are anecdotally justifiable.I believe it is empirically possible [not impossible] for a pink unicorn to exist on Earth yet to be discovered or somewhere in the Universe albeit the probability is very slim.
Eduk wrote: ↑January 10th, 2018, 7:12 amYes God did assert his words in the Quran are immutable, i.e. cannot be changed.The Quran literally claim to be perfect, complete and immutable.I'm sorry you can't have it both ways.
No one can change God's words.
If the Quran is immutable and the word of God then we should all be Muslims.
If not then it's a book like all other books and open to revision and reinterpretation like all other books. The thing is you can read the Quran and then form any interpretation you like. As proof of this I present the Bible (also the claimed immutable word of God) and the vast differences of opinion across Christianity (both historically and currently). The Muslim faith is the same, they too have vast differences of opinion on interpretation.The Quran stipulated very specifically God's words cannot be changed.
As I had claimed, the core fundamental reason why theists believe in God is centered on the existential crisis [subliminal thus not conscious of it].As for other unreasonable beliefs one need to take them case by case to understand the root causes.A case by case approach to educating against unreasonable beliefs seems like a losing battle me. You could never hope to keep up with the new unreasonable beliefs. I would say it was better to take a general approach with specific cases for illumination.
For example you have an unreasonable belief that anyone who is a theist is a theist for one reason and that you could some how prove a foolproof way to assuage that one reason and then everyone would stop being a theist. You seem to be ignoring that the main reason the average person goes to Church is because most everyone else (they identify with) goes to Church and that there are thousands of other reasons people go to church (existential crises merely being one reason).
I mean if you pointed to a random person in a church and asked me why they are in church and what they believe I wouldn't have a clue (and it seems ridiculous to claim that you do). I wouldn't even be more than 50% sure they even believed in God in the first place and weren't just there because they liked it.
Elsewhere Antonio Damasio has researched into how emotions and feeling do effect 'logical' decisions.
While we are fully aware of what is going on in the conscious mind, we have no idea of what information is stored in the unconscious mind.
The unconscious contains all sorts of significant and disturbing material which we need to keep out of awareness because they are too threatening to acknowledge fully.
The unconscious mind acts as a repository, a ‘cauldron’ of primitive wishes and impulse kept at bay and mediated by the preconscious area. For example, Freud (1915) found that some events and desires were often too frightening or painful for his patients to acknowledge, and believed such information was locked away in the unconscious mind. This can happen through the process of repression.
The unconscious mind contains our biologically based instincts (eros and thanatos) for the primitive urges for sex and aggression (Freud, 1915). Freud argued that our primitive urges often do not reach consciousness because they are unacceptable to our rational, conscious selves. People has developed a range of defence mechanisms (such as repression) to avoid knowing what their unconscious motives and feelings are.
Freud (1915) emphasized the importance of the unconscious mind, and a primary assumption of Freudian theory is that the unconscious mind governs behavior to a greater degree than people suspect. Indeed, the goal of psychoanalysis is to reveal the use of such defence mechanisms and thus make the unconscious conscious.
Londoner wrote: ↑January 10th, 2018, 7:35 amI'll repeat the following;Londoner wrote: ↑January 10th, 2018, 7:23 am It doesn't follow they all agree its meaning or application.To save Spectrum's, and everyone else's, time, I should say that the next step is that Spectrum will insist he know's God's will as expressed in the Koran better than any Muslim, so that Muslims who do not conform to his stereotype are not true Muslims.
To save Spectrum's, and everyone else's, time, I should say that the next step is that Spectrum will insist he know's God's will as expressed in the Koran better than any Muslim, so that Muslims who do not conform to his stereotype are not true Muslims.I have spent a long time researching the Quran and coupled with my philosophical background I dare to claim I understand God's intention in the Quran better than 95% of the 1.5 billion Muslims [most are sheep-liked and do not think for themselves] around the world.
Scribbler60 wrote: ↑January 10th, 2018, 10:23 am None of that makes a god true, of course, but there is a certain utility in believing. And if people choose to believe because it gives them comfort, who am I to tell them that they're believing in a fantasy?Note my signature below.
Dark Matter wrote: ↑January 10th, 2018, 11:33 pm On a more serious note, the question “why believe in a God when it is impossible to prove” obviates the whole philosophical endeavor in one fell swoop.Your usual one-liner. What serious note?
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