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By JPhillips
The following, except for the introduction, was taken from a manual published in the 1930's. The introduction was written by someone who published the manual on-line.

This manual has also allegedly been used by Scientologists.

http://www.xenu-directory.net/practices/brainwashi ng1.html

I am not advocating a conspiracy theory. We may be doing a number on ourselves and don't need any outside help.

I would appreciate some of your thoughts on this.


The following treatise on communist brainwashing, which has been published and republished since the 1930s, is an edited version of an actual textbook on Russian "psychopolitics." It was used as a primer, here in America, to teach communist agents how to brainwash people, and, in fact, how to subvert entire populations.

Is it possible that the disastrous discrediting of America's values that has taken place over the last three decades has not been some sort of accident, but that it has been the deliberate development of an agenda? I leave the reader to determine that for himself.

lt is my hope that contemplating what is written here will help each individual, and ultimately our nation, to rediscover the moral principles that once made America shine so brightly, and hopefully will do so once again.

Roy Masters August 16, 1991

CHAPTER V: An Examination of Loyalties

By making drugs of various kinds readily available, by giving the teenager alcohol, by praising his wildness, by stimulating him with sex literature and advertising to him or her practices taught at the Sexpol, the psychopolitical operator can create the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness, and worthlessness that will be the matrix to give the teenager complete freedom everywhere communism.

By these means the reverence of youth for their capitalistic flag can be dulled to a point where they are no longer dangerous as soldiers. While this might require many decades to achieve, Capitalism's short- term view will never envision the length of the time frame across which we can plan.

If we can effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation we will have won that country. Therefore we must keep up a continual barrage of propaganda abroad to undermine the loyalty of the citizens in general and the teenager in particular.

The role of the psychopolitical operator is very strong. He can, from his position as the authority on the mind, advise all manner of destructive measures. He can teach overpermissiveness as the means of dealing with the child at home. He can instruct, in an optimum situation, the entire nation in how to handle children instructing them so that the children, given no control or given no real home, can run wildly about without responsibility for their nation or themselves.

The misalignment of the loyalty of youth to a capitalistic nation sets the proper stage for a realignment of their loyalties with communism. Creating a greed for drugs, sexual misbehavior, and uncontrolled freedom, while presenting this to them as a benefit of communism, will easily bring about our chosen alignment.

The assessment of youth cases by courts should be led further and further away from law and closer and closer into "mental problems" until the entire nation thinks of "mental problems" instead of criminals.

Thus the subject of loyalties and their realignment is in fact the subject of non-armed conquest of an enemy.

CHAPTER XIV: The Smashing of Religious Groups

Traditionally, both in civilized and barbaric nations, the priesthood alone had complete charge of the mental condition of the citizen. As a matter of great concern to the psychopolitician this tendency still exists in every public in the Western World and scientific inroads into this sphere have occurred only in official and never in public quarters.

The magnificent tool welded for us by Wundt would be as nothing if it were not for official insistence in civilized countries that "scientific practices" be applied to the problem of the mind. Without this official insistence or even if it were to be relaxed for a moment, the masses would grasp stupidly for the priest, the minister, the clergy, whenever mental conditions came into question. Today in Europe and America "scientific practices" in the field of the mind would not last moments if not routinely enforced by officialdom.

Care must be taken to hide the fact that the incidence of insanity has increased only since these "scientific practices" started to be applied. Much mention must be made of "the pace of modern living" and other myths as the cause of the increased neurosis in the world. We care nothing about what causes it if anything does. But we must tolerate no evidence of any kind to get out and drive the public back to the church. If given their heads, if left to themselves to decide, independent of officialdom, where they would place their deranged loved ones the public would choose religious sanitariums and would avoid as if plagued the places where "scientific practices" prevail.


Communism has already spread across one-sixth of the inhabited world. Marxist Doctrines have already penetrated the remainder. An extension of the Communist social order is everywhere victorious. The spread of communism has never been by force of battle, but by conquest of the mind. In Psychopolitics we have refined this conquest to the nth degree. The psychopolitical operative must succeed, for his success means a world of Peace. His failure might well mean the destruction of the civilized portions of Earth by atomic power in the hands of capitalistic madmen.

The end thoroughly justifies the means. The degradation of populaces is less inhuman than their destruction by atomic fission, for to an animal who lives only once, any life is sweeter than death.

This just adds more fuel to the fire:

Evolution and Communism

Another interesting facet of history is the connection between evolution and communism. With communism the struggle of "race" is replaced by the struggle of "class" as history is viewed as an evolutionary struggle.
Both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were evolutionists before they encountered Darwin's "The Origin of Species" - (Dec 12, 1859) Engels wrote to Marx: "Darwin who I am now reading, is splendid" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Zirkle). Like Darwin, "Marx thought he had discovered the law of development. He saw history in stages, as the Darwinists saw geological strata and successive forms of life... In keeping with the feelings of the age, both Marx and Darwin made struggle the means of development" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Borzin). "There was truth in Engel's eulogy on Marx: 'Just as Darwin had discovered the law of evolution in organic nature so Marx discovered the law of evolution in human history'" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Himmelfarb).

"It is commonplace that Marx felt his own work to be the exact parallel of Darwin's. He even wished to dedicate a portion of Das Kapital to the author of The Origin of Species" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Barzum). Indeed, Marx wished to dedicate parts of his famous book to Darwin but "Darwin 'declined the honor' because, he wrote to Marx, he did not know the work, he did not believe that direct attacks on religion advanced the cause of free thought, and finally because he did not want to upset 'some members of my family'" (Morris 1989, 83 quoting Jorafsky).

Other Soviet Communist leaders are evolutionists as well. Lenin, Trostsky, and Stalin were all atheistic evolutionists. A soviet think tank founded in 1963 developed a one-semester course in "Scientific Atheism" which was introduced in 1964. Also, a case can be made that Darwinism was influential in propagating communism in China.

Interestingly, according to Morris, Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard University, the co-founder of the punctuated equilibrium theory of evolution is a Marxist in philosophy, along with other distinguished Harvard evolutionary scientists and university professors across the country. One has to ask - could a person espouse the Marxist view and tolerate creationism?

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By wanabe
The only problem with communism is that people are greedy and because of that, it has not worked. If we could have a communist democracy we could all think of each-other as equals.

JPhillips it seems that you view these viewing angles(communism) as problems when in fact the problem is what both capitalism and communism are fighting poverty/non-opportunity.

Lastly it is a mistake on both sides part to view them selves as the ultimate system. Essentially they are saying things can evolve no further; which is not the case.
I think this fits much better in the politics section than the science section. You have given it no direction, and the topics discussed are about politics not science. Unless we begin to talk about if these methods are actual brain washing techniques or not, but that then gets in to metaphysics.
Favorite Philosopher: Gandhi. Location: UBIQUITY
By JPhillips

After I read your response to my post, I have to say the words from Bob Dylan's song, Ballad of a Thin Man, comes to mind: "Oh my God, am I here all alone".
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By wanabe
If you do some thing beside repeat the line of a song maybe we could get somewhere.

There are a lot of different meanings of communism, socialism...You have effectively just "yes maned" your quotes and not said anything of your own; besides mentioning: we are doing a number on ourselves.

What is this "number" you say "we are doing on our selves"?

Hell for all I know this could your attempt at getting me to do your homework.

Have you considered that the way that is worded: If communism appears weak it's only because things are going as planned, certainly not because something is better or winning. Who is really being brain washed?
Favorite Philosopher: Gandhi. Location: UBIQUITY
By JPhillips

I apologize for being curt. I thought everyone would get my meaning. I should have explained it better.
Think about USSR before the collapse, or Red China, or North Korea, or Cuba. Would you like to live in any of these places?

The Communist Ideals may appeal to you but has not worked very well because the small ruling class in the Communist countries, while saying one thing, has demonstrated through their actions that the working class exists to serve the ruling class and to make them wealthy.

Communism as it currently exists is not about economics and everybody working for the good of everybody else. It is about the abuse of a fascist government who would dictate how common citizens must live their lives. Although Communism varies from country to country, in general the Communist government has a large say in deciding who gets to attend universities and who gets the best jobs. In some cases, jobs are chosen for people in accordance with what is best for the State. Freedom of speech is virtually non-existent in most Communist States because you are not allowed to criticize nor write anything derogatory about the government. Also the government generally decides what movies, books, and music choices are best for you. Individual ownership of business enterprises is not a common practice, and businesses are much more heavily controlled regulated by the government. Government owns many of the businesses outright. Everyone must accept the religion of the government, which is usually communism. Laws are much stricter, and punishments are much harsher than in free countries.

In the Communist training manual which I mentioned and quoted from, the Communists said in order to weaken America you must first weaken the youth. You must do away with religion, and replace this with the notion that we are nothing more than animals. The goal of Communists is to replace a government which is for the people and works for the good of the people, with one in which the people obey and follow without question. The Communist goal is to replace the idea that anyone can succeed if one makes an effort with the belief that only the strongest and smartest should be given the opportunity to do so. Everyone must put faith on the government, and should depend on the government to determine who is deserving and who is not. Principles of evolution, such as survival of the fittest, are adhered to.

As far as the goals set forth in the Communist training manual, Communists in training were taught that in order to brainwash our youth to accept the Communist ideology, you must first teach them to reject the American ideology. You must first teach the youth that drugs, promiscuous sex, and basically anything that feels good are acceptable goals. You must teach the youth that parents and authority of any kind should be ridiculed and rejected in favor of personal self gratification and you should follow whatever moral code suits you. The purpose was to not only weaken the nation, but weaken the youth. Then teach them that the only government which can work and is the best suited for everyone, is the Communist government of which I mentioned above. Tear down the old, build up the new. It was projected that the United States would be under control of the Communists by the middle of this century.

The current state of affairs in this country suggests to me that this country is headed down that bleak road of which I speak. Whether or not there is a conspiracy does not matter because you get the same results either way. We are witnessing the erosion of our rights and freedoms from one decade to the next. It has to occur slowly so people don’t take much notice or have much resistance.

I was never worried about anything like this happening in this country but the things I have seen over the last ten years have me worried. With the outsourcing of so many of jobs overseas, weakening of the labor unions, surge of illegal immigrants who are working so cheaply, and the willingness of the government to more and more take over the responsibilities that once belonged to the masses, I sense a decline in the middle class. I really don't expect the government to take control over all businesses, but I do fear government only looks out for the very rich and big money, or Corporate America. In this regard, our government and Corporate America seem to be united and are acting as one. I fear eventually we will have a two class system which will consist of the very rich and the poor who are working for low wages and dependent upon the government for support.

For the first time in my life I am really beginning to understand why so many fear a big government that has far too much control over the common masses.

I agree now that I've thought about it that this thread should be under politics. I did put it under science because of the brainwashing techniques employed.
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By wanabe
Good explanation of practiced communism up to this point, I agree.

People, kids have been listening to(I'm using these loosely) rock and roll, doing drugs and having the 'evil' sex for centuries. We have a cooping strategy; responsibility. the reds are not going to "defeat" the youth, or anyone with that strategy. Biologically we are nothing more than animals, but we know we have beliefs different from others whether it be religion or otherwise. There will always be religion, even the Scientology is a 'religion'.

"If we can effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation we will have won that country."(crazy communist thing)

Thats quite the if and I'm not sure thats the case either way.

"Principles of evolution, such as survival of the fittest, are adhered to."(you) By the dictate of the .gov, is not the principals of evolution!

..........gah....ok look, the problems you see to say starting at:"I was never worried about anything like this happening in this country" are separate from communism. You are worried about the powers of the oligarchy; big business and politicizations becoming greater. That would be a capitalist take over(but thats an oxymoron in Americas case).

the real issue

I think big government is bad too, but the people are not mature enough yet to handle a libertarian system. So where does that leave us. Can't rule our selves, and don't want the man to rule us; Civil 'war'. I'd have to kill both sides(democrats/republicans) cause they both want the same thing(total power) but go about it differently, but ironically work together cause they have both steadily been making government bigger.

So is there a conspiracy CERTAINLY. Is a two party government a joke CERTAINLY. Heads or tails is not democracy that's choosing how you want to die.

Don't worry those brain washing techniques are extremely weak, they work only on the weakest of minds.

So I'm going to notify the mods about this post and hopefully have it moved to the politics section so people that think government is important can have a go at it. I don't know hopefully people wise up and vote libertarian for a couple of elections.(the best government is the one we don't need)

I'm done here as I feel dirty from talking politics. If you have questions or comments pm me.
Favorite Philosopher: Gandhi. Location: UBIQUITY
Drugs and promiscuous sex were not taught in USSR. I's the opposite. That is why such measures to be taken against capitalism countries seem silly or fake. Why would Communists try and do that if such things like drugs and promiscuous sex are originally capitalism-born? If lack of patriotism was Soviet's big bet, they could have US easily for the reason of large amount of immigrants not becoming very patriotic very fast or even able to reverse to anti-patriotism. It seems such plan to brainwash American citizens was flawed for other reasons, then insufficient patriotism in population or disobedient youth.
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By Imperious
wanabe wrote:The only problem with communism is that people are greedy and because of that, it has not worked. If we could have a communist democracy we could all think of each-other as equals.

JPhillips it seems that you view these viewing angles(communism) as problems when in fact the problem is what both capitalism and communism are fighting poverty/non-opportunity.

Lastly it is a mistake on both sides part to view them selves as the ultimate system. Essentially they are saying things can evolve no further; which is not the case. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I think this fits much better in the politics section than the science section. You have given it no direction, and the topics discussed are about politics not science. Unless we begin to talk about if these methods are actual brain washing techniques or not, but that then gets in to metaphysics.
Exactly, well said, communism has a good general idea, but is always practiced by nutcases.

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