Greta wrote:
All you are saying is that physics research will continue to uncover physical phenomena. Meanwhile, the subjective nature of existence and its connection with "stuff" remains not well understood. However, today's models will be tomorrow's laughably naive notions so I keep an open mind.
Sure, who doesn't feel enthusiastic about the potential discoveries in such a promising field. But let me do a quick recap of what we do know already about the subjective nature of existence and its connection with stuff. We know that consciousness and agency is found in living organisms. We know that subjectiveness always implies a subject. We know that the whole set of processes behind sense perception, abstract representations, reflexes and emotions take place in a nervous system with a brain. We know that they operate with neurotransmitters passing electrochemical signals between neuron cells in synapses, and that this is key for the memory function of the brain. We know that any minimal impairment of any part of the nervous system results in alterations of the functions of other systems in the organism and when the damage occurs in the brain, normal cognitive functions are severely affected. When psychotropic drugs are administered targeting that neural architecture, the effects are felt as vivid experiences of consciousness by the subject. We know that just like any other physiological tissue, without oxygen your brain is dead. And without a brain functioning, you simply die and so disappear any traces of your cognition, it goes nowhere to be stored.
So, the subjective nature of existence is intimately linked to physical biological processes going on in the subject's body and there are no findings in science that will dispute that. Whatever gets discovered tomorrow is very unlikely to change all of this and turn it into laughing material; and right now the chances of everything in the subjective experience of organisms depending on a new, yet to be discovered immaterial force, are extremely low, not to say inexistent.
Greta wrote:
I am aware of the rationalisations. Yet consider the dynamics behind people on the verge of death suddenly becoming briefly more functional, eg. congenitally blind people experiencing blindsight, severe dementia patients suddenly becoming lucid. This is the mental equivalent of a person with a broken leg suddenly jumping up and dancing a jig. What is the rationalisation for these phenomena? A fortuitous release of a blockage as the brain's material degrades? Heh, maybe. I see no need to rush our conclusions one way or another with these things
That is nothing. Pat Robertson and every other televangelist perform those tricks everyday, in front of an audience. People get back to walking, are cured from cancer, etc. What am I supposed to say? Should I not rush to conclusions and give Jesus and Robertson the benefit of the doubt? Hell no!! Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I understand the difficulties of bringing NDE to the science lab. No rat or monkey is going to reveal much about their afterlife experiences, so all we get is anecdotic evidence from humans. It's OK to believe it, I guess, but so will be astrology, witchcraft, reading tobacco leaves and bleeding statues. Once you open the can of worms, anything is possible, everything gets the benefit of the doubt. So why even bother with scientific inquiries?
Greta wrote:
The cosmos, the Earth, microbes, plants, animals, technology are all interconnected natural systems. Not all of these systems are known or understood, and will inevitably prove to be more strange that logical positivists suppose.
I get the point that knowledge about everything is never complete. Absolute knowledge is perhaps impossible to achieve. But to assume that everything will have to be incomprehensible is an unwarranted hypothesis. We look for the best explanation and if there's none, we must assume it will be found through proper systematic research and it will be part of the causal regularities of the world. Experience tells us that what was once thought to be weird, magical behavior of nature, turned out to be natural and intelligible.
Greta wrote:
Logical positivism is necessary for rigour; the movement is basically a maximally conservative stance that reflexively resists new ideas. As soon as a physicist breaks from the standard narrative they are dismissed as "gone rogue".
As I understand the history of knowledge, it's the other way around. The science field has been openminded and bravely advancing their "heresies" against the current of the religious-minded establishment, while theologians have took the conservative stance, imposing dogmas and hindering scientific progress.
Niels Bohr was very close to the Vienna Circle of logical positivists. He even participated in one congress they held dedicated to quantum physics and they were very receptive to his theories.
Greta wrote:
I do not reject ideas just because they touch on the claims of woo-persons. There are usually some "babies" in what is admittedly a great lake of "bathwater".
I just reject woo-woo ideas. If someone has a good hypothesis, let's hear it. The god hypothesis, in any of its forms, is not one of them, it's absolutely ridiculous.
Greta wrote:
Consciousness logically relies on quantum processes because if consciousness was purely an EM phenomenon then it would be quite well understood. The quantum realm is subtle, as is consciousness. Max Tegmark refuted the Hameroff/Penrose hypothesis about quantum processes in the brain's microtubules, claiming that decoherence would create too noisy an environment in the brain for ordered quantum processes. Further investigations, however, have noted ways in which quantum decoherence in the brain can be temporarily resisted by quantum particles in the brain.
If this guy Tegmark disproved something, it was a quantum theory of consciousness. The problem that I see with these theories (speculations, really) is that they depart, perhaps ingenuously, from a dualistic notion of consciousness, as if it were some type of pure substance (the "spirit"), disregarding the biological processes, because they are presupposed to be byproducts of the non-physical process of consciousness. Mental experience is devoid of all its physical relations with sense perception. The usual inversion from Idealism.
Greta wrote:
That's too pat for me. The ancients were ignorant in the same way as we today will seem ignorant to more advanced people of the future. Still, I agree on the manipulation aspect. No questioning allowed = a stitch-up. What better to maintain civil order than an omnipresent auditor on duty 24/7 who could read one's every thought? It worked well, allowing for more cohesion and determination, given religious societies a competitive advantage. Ironic that religion's success is basically an example of group selection.
Still, before the organisations of religions formed were the original ideas, stemming from extraordinary experiences. I'm interested in those kinds of experiences, not so much to have myself but to better understand; I suspect there are valid layers of meaning to these experiences beyond mere dopamine and wishful thinking. Note, I suspect, I don't know.
I think we're different now, in the sense that we have accumulated experience and our better knowledge includes sophisticated methods and instruments that the ancients only could have dreamed of.
I do think there are other layers of meaning to our experiences beyond chemical responses to stimuli. We are not just animals, but highly complex beings with evolved brains and higher cognitive functions allowed by the billions of connections of our neural network and its interactions with the perceived environment. I don't see anything of this happening because of some mysterious, non-physical force. I don't think that old beliefs about the existence of such forces justify them now.