Fanman wrote:Spectrum:
The problem is theists do not even speculate, but they take a groundless leap of faith, stop infinite regression and assert with certainty there is a first cause, i.e. God at the other end who has created reality.
Its interesting that you phrase theistic reasoning as a "problem". I agree that their reasoning includes faith, but I don't see why you define that as a "problem" in what sense is it a problem? I also think that there is grounding to a theist's reasoning, as their reasoning is usually based upon a particular framework of "God", not something that they simply invent, like an imaginary friend. I'm not saying that any frameworks of God are correct, but I don't think that "groundless leap of faith" correctly describes a theist's reasoning, as many theists are intelligent people – who may think they have credible reasons for their beliefs. We can dismiss their claims, because they are not supported by evidence, but that does not automatically mean that their reasons for belief are groundless.
Problem = any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty.
Basically I meant the theistic ideas [or frameworks] are problematic, i.e. there is something that is not right about them.
This initial claim of being problematic is confirmed by the real problems of evils, terror, violence committed by the evil prone theists of certain theistic ideology [especially Islam] when they are inspired by immutable evil laden verses from their so-claimed 'real' God.
You cannot generalize 'intelligence.'
According to Gardner, human intelligence is multi-varied, i.e. has multiple intelligence.
To be more serious, general intelligence must be analyzed and categorized into specific intelligence, e.g. linguistic and mathematical [IQ], Spiritual Intelligence [SQ], Emotional Intelligence [EQ], Moral Intelligence [MQ]. Religious Intelligence [RQ] etc.
Thus a person may have very high IQ but not necessary has high EQ, e.g. the psychopaths.
In the case of theists, they do not have high Religious Intelligence and Psychological Intelligence as compared to the non-theistic religionists like Buddhism.
It is correct that theists believe in a first cause, but that is understandable given the nature of infinite regression, a never ending sequence of causes is counter-intuitive. I understand your views on theism, but your comments towards theists seem quite insulting of their intelligence, whilst conversely, you hold to have proven things through logical arguments. There's a dynamic to your comments which makes it seem as though you think that theists are somehow inferior. Is that the case here?
Basically I respect the basic human dignity of all individuals regardless whether they are theists or not. So there is no question of 'inferiority' on this basis.
Yes, for comparative and higher utility purpose for humanity based on criteria for net positive progress, I believe [with evidence and objectively] theistic beliefs [e.g. Abrahamic] are VERY inferior to non-theistic beliefs [e.g Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism].
Frankly theists are insulting their own overall intelligence by believing in an illusory God as real and not being aware they are driven by psychological reasons ["zombie parasites"] within their psyche.
Buddhism [& others], having higher Religious Intelligence is well aware of the inherent psychological basis and deal with the problem on a religio-psychological basis.
-- Updated Thu Nov 23, 2017 10:54 pm to add the following --
Greta wrote:We are doomed if people cannot agree on even the most fundamental aspects of reality, which is all science is. If science isn't valid, then nothing is aside from the noise in our skulls. Fake moon landing. Flat Earth. Anti-vax. Evolution denial. The list goes on. It's pure hubris - the notion that a nation of people can create their own reality. Let's see how that nation competes with others who take reality seriously.
Dark Matter wrote:Science is valid, but it cannot be empirically demonstrated.
I meant to say, "What's "pure hubris" is the belief that it's the arbiter of truth."
In general, I don't see Greta insisting on Scientism, i.e. Science is the ONLY WAY.
Science is only an arbiter of truth qualified solely to its framework. As Popper has stated, scientific 'truths' are merely "polished conjectures." The strength of Science is its objectivity, testability, repeatability, verifiability, UTILITY [double-edged], etc. but Science is always limited to the limits of the human-made Framework it is conditioned upon.
What we need is to have strong reinforcement for all frameworks of truth, i.e. that reinforcement is Philosophy-proper.
Bertrand Russell wrote:Thus, to sum up our discussion of the value of philosophy;
Philosophy is to be studied, not for the sake of any definite answers to its questions since no definite answers can, as a rule, be known to be true, but rather for the sake of the questions themselves;
because these questions enlarge our conception of what is possible, enrich our intellectual imagination and diminish the dogmatic assurance which closes the mind against speculation;
but above all because, through the greatness of the universe which philosophy contemplates, the mind also is rendered great, and becomes capable of that union with the universe which constitutes its highest good.
The purpose of Philosophy-proper is to keep questioning but it is always grounded on the empirical.
The problem with theism is it claim itself to be absolute and know God exists as real thus has no room for Philosophy-proper at all.
The fact is theism is groundless [empirically] and the only ground it has is the individual's psychological existential crisis.
“Not-knowing” is a state of mind, the mother of openness, questioning, authenticity, and freedom. It's not a pretense to self-congratulatory ignorance. Its nature is consciousness without form, possibility without limit, honesty without distortion. Not-knowing is a natural and healthy aspect of being alive, but in our scientific and evidence-dependent culture we have no foundation upon which to understand it.
If you are praising 'not-knowing' so much, why do you claim to know God exists as real.
It appears Greta being an agnostic is living the 'not knowing' maxim more that your certainty of knowing God exists as real.
Not-a-theist. Religion is a critical necessity for humanity now, but not the FUTURE.