Count Lucanor wrote:Greta wrote:At the risk of being mysterian, even our vast knowledge today is still much less than our ignorance of how reality works.
One comes with the other, doesn't it? It is precisely because of our vast knowledge that we're able to assess the dimension of what is yet to know. Socrates' maxim, "all that I know is that I know nothing", expresses with humbleness this paradoxical notion of wisdom. Not what you see in theologians, who's dogmatic thought is inspired by the idea that the big issues have been settled, revealed to them by the divine know-it-all creatures.
As with everything, theology evolves in its own way. The ancients recorded what they saw, no doubt with some exaggeration to add traction (like today's scribes). Since they lacked scientific language, metaphor was the only referential tool, and simplified further with metonymy and synecdoches. I suppose it was inevitable that at some point their words were always going to be taken literally, not to mention being regularly doctored prior to the Gutenberg Press.
Increasingly it seems to me that more believers today are seeing literalism as naive and actually trying to understand what the ancients were trying to get across rather than mindlessly following instructions like biological golems in the idiot fringes of religion. Still, as you know, I also disagree with their continued certainty, and certainty per se. I just don't think we have enough information. It would really help if we could understand most of reality, ie. dark matter and energy, not to mention better understanding what matter and energy actually are.
Give it another few thousand years and the boffins will have a much better idea of what's going on unless they open up yet more seemingly endless rabbit holes.
Count Lucanor wrote:Greta wrote:More specifically, the string theorists have posted an extra six to eight (note that string theory is not dead, it just smells funny). One may also wonder how tiny quantum entities can affect reality, but en masse they do. Meanwhile gravity remains only explainable with extra dimensions (so the boffins say).
Lots of theoretical speculative physics, which might refine our knowledge of how reality works, complementing or encompassing fundamental laws, but very unlikely to demand the rewriting of physics in whole. If the other dimensions in string theory have too little or no interaction with the observable world, they become irrelevant for our understanding and transformation of this one world we do live.
I think that is unlikely thanks to chaos theory, where initial conditions (such as in speculative tiny dimensions from which these dimensions grew) dramatically change outcomes. Of course, if the speculative tiny dimensions are emergent from our known ones, then that wouldn't apply.
Count Lucanor wrote:Greta wrote:Re: the things being "brought into the fold" by knowledge, We know many things about black holes and QM, yet the limits of accessibility remain because they pertain to physical thresholds.
Not a fixed threshold, I must say, as historically it has been moving as science progresses. Interesting though, that what was once a realm of the unknown and filled up with supernatural forces and entities, eventually receded to give room to our true knowledge of the world. It's not different now: the woo-woo preachers will swear that beyond those frontiers of our knowledge, reside the old divine beings that once were the cause of rain and earthquakes.
Too much straw; the old divine beings have evolved, as per the above. Still, you speak of a way of thinking where the biggest thing around is a deity. Really, given the ambiguous range of definitions - between Big Santa and the ground of being - God is about as easy to critique as the concept of love - like wrestling with a cloud.
The way I'm seeing it, a fair few people have experiences that they interpret as communication with God, and then they need to work backwards in trying to posit what God is. Science works bottom-up, theology works top-down, and there's a whoppin' bloody great gap in between.
Count Lucanor wrote:Greta wrote:I can relate to those who see our reality as one dimension, seeing the above parameters as practical constructs rather than reality. Seen as a single dimension, reality would seem to consist of one big thing turning itself inside out - the universe - and all of its constituents are doing the same thing (turning inside out) at differing rates. The process of life is one of turning inside out over a life span - where what was on the inside is cycled with the environment, ending with death, turning fully inside out / disaggregating. Not sure what that would mean for a god or God, though.
You might be describing substance monism. A god in a purely materialistic world would be plain nature. The next thing to ask will be if it can have consciousness. All empirical evidence and reasoning points at not being so.
The monist approach is basically Spinozan pantheism. It doesn't seem to be conscious but, then again, if our bacteria or cells were sentient, we probably wouldn't look conscious on the inside either. The fact that we don't know how far the universe extends or its ultimate nature means we are only left with speculations.