Greta wrote:Perhaps, Greta, I caught you at an insecure moment? Feeling delicate?Namelesss wrote: (Nested quote removed.)How many times have we all seen people say online:...
It is not, by definition!
Uni- = One! All is One!
The 'multiverse' theory violates Occam's razor and is an ignorant statement that they are clueless, so, add a few more Universes to compensate for what they cannot explain!
Rather pathetic!
One (unchanging, ALL inclusive Universe. Irrefutable! *__-
I fear no insults from you or anyone else because you lucked out and I am indeed a rather clueless, ignorant and pathetic woman hence my presence on philosophy forums rather than philosophy departments. Still, I'm sure we can all do much better than pointless ad hominem attacks. We can leave that other forums and social media.
There was nothing personal, at all.
I was referring to the so-called scientists who came up with the 'pathetic' theory of multiverse.
Not you, dear. No need to get your knickers all a twist.
My point was that there is another layer beyond just applying etymology (I took Latin too), because what we refer to as "the universe" is only an assumption - an assumption that this particular cluster of galactic superclusters is the sum total of reality.
All clusters, anywhere, ever... of whatever you ever find... and what you don't = ALL INCLUSIVE (caps for emphasis, don't get frightened! *__- )! Logically, definitionally!
One means ALL inclusive!
I really don't understand the difficulty understanding the One intellectually. Some actually experience/Know!
Who is to say there are not incredible voids between what we call "the universe" and other "universes" (which in that case would actually be a megacluster of galactic megaclusters, although in subjective terms they could perhaps be thought of as universes)? Perhaps the idea that our mega megacluster is the only one is naive? A century ago we believed that the Milky Way comprised most of the "universe", with just some random scattered stars around us. Meanwhile the ancients believed the Earth to be the centre of the universe.Without the 'incredible voids' (and there are no true vacuums), one couldn't see your 'clusters' of any size! *__-
Yes, intellectually, all this leaves stretch marks on the brain, imagining distances and such of which you have no experience/Knowledge can leave one shaky and disturbed. So some imagine 'another UNI-verse' until can fill their dark ignorance with other than grant sucking crappola! *__-
Uni- = Omni- = One = ALL inclusive! Logically, experientially.