Greta wrote:Yes. Perfection is unchanging, thus dead, and also logically non-existent in reality. Perfection does not even exist as a meme, only an abstraction, because no one can imagine any kind of perfection, although they might think they do at times.
That is my point,
the idea of perfection is "logically non-existent in reality" i.e. in empirical reality.
But some thinking theists insist their God is 'absolutely perfect" [St. Anselm, Descartes, and all their followers] in empirical reality.
However I further argued, whatever God theists present [ignorantly], ultimately it has to be an absolutely perfect God.
What is real is SOME of these theists [especially the Abrahamic] rely on such an absolutely perfect God to commit terrible and the full range of evils and violence on non-believers and even their own kind.
What is going on is the acceptance of the idea of an absolute perfect God as real [in reality it is not] provide moral support implicitly to those evil prone theists to commit terrible evils as divine duty inspired by the God.
I believe you [living in a majority non-Muslim country] are not aware and mindful of the full impact and potential of the terrible evils, terror and violence committed by evil prone theists of all kinds [especially from Islam] as inspired by their God's words.
Christians are demanding the teaching of creationism, abandoning evolution and other scientific theories. Jihadists are killing non-Muslims because they believe Allah sanctions it. Now, where we can prove God is an impossibility, these evil prone theists will be defanged and have no grounds to rely on a God [illusory] to kill non-believers to satisfy their desperate lust for an imagined paradise with virgins.
It is obvious, Muslims are demanding for Sharia Laws, killing of apostates, 100 lashes for adultery, wear the hijab without respect for rules, and all sorts of impingments on the basic rights of non-Muslims, all because they believe Allah the absolutely perfect God is very real.
To resolve the whole load of evils [full range] of theistic based evil, the most effective solution to convince [by argument] their God is an impossibility and there upon
provide them alternative solutions [this is critical] to deal with that inherent existential crisis. I am confident of this because the truth will always prevails.
Note 'absolute perfection' cannot be imagined [restricted to the empirical only] nor can it be conceived [due to lack of empirical element for conceptual reasoning]. The idea of an absolutely perfect God only arise from pure primal reason driven by psychological factors.
Note this from Kant re thing-in-itself and manifesting as God;
[b]Kant[/b] in CPR wrote:There will therefore be Syllogisms which contain no Empirical premisses, and by means of which we conclude from something which we know to something else of which we have no Concept, and to which, owing to an inevitable Illusion, we yet ascribe Objective Reality.
These conclusions [of an absolutely perfect God] are, then, rather to be called pseudo-Rational 2 than Rational, although in view of their Origin they may well lay claim to the latter title, since they are not fictitious and have not arisen fortuitously, but have sprung from the very Nature of Reason.
They are sophistications not of men but of Pure Reason itself. Even the wisest of men cannot free himself from them. After long effort he perhaps succeeds in guarding himself against actual error; but he will never be able to free himself from the Illusion, which unceasingly mocks and torments him. B397
Not-a-theist. Religion is a critical necessity for humanity now, but not the FUTURE.