Greta wrote:
I think sophisticated theists might say that, yes, it is a state of mind, and that state of mind comes from the connection to God, or The Source. Or something like that.
As you had stated, sophisticated theists may claim a 'state of mind' in connection to an external God that exists independent of the person.
What I meant was that 'state of mind' is by itself, i.e. not connected to anything else external to their selves. Whatever the idea of God it is merely a state of mind confined to the individual and thus it is solely human-made.
Your belief is based on wildly incomplete information. How can we know? Humans have barely been civilised (if at all) for a century or so. A toddler is not yet privy to the information it will have as an adult.
It is not based on "wildly incomplete information." In a forum like this, it is not practical for me to produce all the relevant information.
I have given you clues to a 'psychological impulse' in my earlier posts, i.e. re Abraham willing to kill his son on God's command.
Some believers [currently jihadists] will commit the worst of evils and violence to protect their existential security when they feel their theism is threatened. The central doctrine of all the major religions is related to the afterlife, rebirth, etc.
Note the saying, "there are no atheists in foxholes*" [* defensive holes dug in a war]
My hypothesis is based on very extensive research I have done on this on this issue, re theism, religions, psychology and other related knowledge.
I have stated many Eastern Religions [Buddhism] are recognizing that terrible 'psychological impulse' in various ways.
Was our universe the first? No one knows. We seem to assume it was the first. We would probably also assume that nothing could survive the heathd eath of a universe. Yet, what problem would intelligent spacefaring life not be able to anticipate and survive? For all we know, there could be beings that evolved to the godlike stage of living off and in space itself, and who survived the death of prior universes, existing informationally within our universe (a la "God is within").
I'm not saying it is so. I'm just saying that any beliefs, pro or con the non-childish conceptions, are simply beliefs. You either believe something, or you believe the opposite or, if you are like me, you simply doubt because you don't know the ultimate nature of reality.
I had stated earlier we need to consider beliefs in terms of;
- 1. Empirically based
2. Empirically possible
3. Non-empirical based - a priori
4. Non-empirical and empirically impossible - Synthetic a priori Judgment.
Anything that has empirical elements is empirically possible subject to evidence. Thus I had agreed, human-liked aliens a billion light years away are a possibility awaiting evidence to prove its reality.
I believe what you missed is the critical elements of my proposition on the impossibility of God.
My major premise is
- 'Absolute Perfection is an impossibility'
God imperatively must be absolutely perfect
Therefore God is an impossibility
Note, it is "Absolute Perfection" not just any perfection which can be relative [like 100/100 in an objective test].
I have also argued all ideas of God will be defaulted to an absolutely perfect God, i.e. an ontological God.
Still, if you just wish to disprove the Santa-like anthropomorphised God of simple-minded believers, be my guest.
"Santa-like anthropomorphised God."
Anthropomorphic is related to human nature and that is empirical.
Therefore a 'Santa-like anthropomorphised God' is an empirical possibility, it could exists somewhere in the Universe. But such an empirical possibility is very low, say 0.0001% and to prove it is real, we need verifiable empirical evidence.
As I had argued elsewhere, the "Santa-like anthropomorphised God" of simple-minded believers whilst is empirically possible with very low possibility, such a concept is based on ignorance of the simple-minded.
The default of "Santa-like anthropomorphised God" which is inferior will ultimately lead to a belief of an ontological God, i.e. the absolutely perfect Being. It has to be - as driven by that terrible inherent psychological impulse - that "zombie parasite" within.
The end game is 'the absolutely perfect God' is an impossibility. [As one of the many support for my argument, I'll throw in Kant's view on this]. In general 'God is an impossibility."
-- Updated Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:16 pm to add the following --
[b]Dark Matter[/b] wrote:Hmmm. I wonder how far human beings would have progressed if they were only interested in the already-known.
Note my point above re,
- 1. Empirically possible
2. Non-Empirically impossible - Synthetic a priori judgment.
Human beings has progressed far by projecting on what is possible-to-be-known, i.e. the empirically possible. I have no issue with a speculation of human-liked aliens and UFOs 1 billion light light years away subject to availability of justifiable empirical evidence.
But as of 'God' must be ultimately an absolutely perfect God, that is non-empirical and a proven impossibility. [see my argument in the specific OP for it].
Why must there be an "Ultimate Reality" despite the lack of evidence?
Why can't one live ordinarily and optimally without reifying an "Ultimate Reality" based on nothing and an inference of empirical impossibility.
Why is there something rather than nothing? What must be in order for what is to be as it is?
If we can't know what it is, why not ask ourselves what it is not?
Reality is an spontaneous emergent reality in correspondence with humans collectively.
According to Kant, why there is something rather than nothing is because humans spontaneously are the co-creators of that something.
Yes, we must ask what it is not.
It is definitely not God because God is an impossibility thus a non-starter and moot.
What it is, is humans are the co-creators of it - whatever that it, including the idea of an absolutely perfect God.
No things can exist without humans as its co-creator.
How can you know yourself when you're a rudderless ship adrift on an infinite sea? Even Eastern spirituality, with which you are so enamored, is grounded in an Ultimate Reality.
Humans are constructed with a hierarchy of empirical based selves. We can know our self and selves by studying these empirical-based selves.
Some people believe in a self or soul [the "I AM"] that exists after physical death. Such a self is non-empirical and as such is an impossibility.
I am referring to Eastern spirituality [like Buddhism] without an absolute Ultimate Reality. While some Buddhist doctrines refer to some kind of ultimate reality, they are not Absolutely Ultimate Reality. The Buddhist's ultimate reality ultimately fall back on human nature and not on a theistic absolutely perfect Ultimate Reality, i.e. an absolutely perfect God
If you want to keep deluding yourself, knock yourself out. Someone living in a make-believe world (or infected by a zombie parasite) has neither reason nor desire to escape.
I don't dance with illusions. I made it a point to provide substantiated rational arguments.
A delusional person is one who insists and persists in believing an illusion [God is illusory - a transcendental illusion] is very real despite the absence of evidence.
-- Updated Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:30 pm to add the following --
Eduk wrote:I agree with you about Spectrum's repetition by the way, but that complaint could be aimed at many.
With the terrible evils and violence committed by evil prone theists as inspired by their God, the repetition is necessary and worth the effort.
Just recently,
New York Islamic-based Terror Attack
note the past theistic related evils and there will be more to come in the future.
The answer to 'Why Believe in a God when It is Impossible to Prove?' must be directed to that terrible inherent psychological impulse within the human psyche, i.e. the zombie parasite and to be resolved psychologically as some Eastern Spirituality is doing.
My thesis is not merely opinions but supported by rational justifiable arguments with various reliable references [albeit not presented in a organized way like a proper PhD thesis due to limitation in such a forum].
Btw, how many here and who else has put in so much effort and rational argument for a thesis and note the tons of supporting references [various philosophers] & links I have added.
-- Updated Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:18 am to add the following --
[b]Greta[/b] wrote:Generally beliefs promote placebo style effects. I suspect that in "surrendering" - moving into highly receptive states - anthropomorphism of one's environment would generally make it more relatable in one's mind, and thus promote more placebo effects. Belief is extremely powerful - ask any elite athlete or performer.
In a polytheistic approach, many gods of various qualities are invented to provide the hope for one to fulfill various specific needs, e.g. gods of war, money, love, knowledge, wisdom, predict, good weather, etc. However in general in a polytheistic condition, there is usually a God [master and all powerful] of all the various gods.
While the majority of humans have various psychological needs, the most significant is that psychological angst related to existence and mortality.
Meanwhile humans has evolved to being a more rational being [higher cortical brain from reptillian and limbic]. Thus the trend is for the average human to evolve to a more rational God to ensure 100% assurances to deal with their problem of inevitable mortality.
This problem of the terrible angst associated with mortality is thus taken by the rational mind to resolve the issue. This natural evolution of reason will ultimately lead to an absolute perfect God, i.e. an ontological God and monotheism.
This is why >75% of theists are leveraged on a monotheistic God which is ultimately ontological and an absolutely perfect God.
But, logically and rationally, as I had proven an absolute perfect God is an impossibility which can only exists in thought and reason but not as a reality.
As we can see, it is a terrible psychological impulse that compel theists to reify the idea of an illusory God for psychological security. Because the idea of God is an impossibility, theists has to resort to a 'rising' trend of conception of God and reason to counter critiques.
But because their theistic belief is false and illusory, it will end up in a dead-end, i.e. God is an impossibility as a non-starter and moot.
The alternative way out of this dead-end is thus to reverse to resolving that terrible inherent psychological impulse truthfully and psychologically
Not-a-theist. Religion is a critical necessity for humanity now, but not the FUTURE.