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Fan of Science wrote:There are different geometries, and not all of them are likely to be an accurate reference to objective reality. Math is not empirical. Geometry is not logic, it is a branch of mathematics. Mathematical reasoning gave rise to logic, not the other way around.Correct!
Fan of Science ; In math, we have knowledge of all sorts of things that have no empirical reference. Like the concept of infinity. That's knowledge, without any empirical basis. So, yes, knowledge can exist without any empirical basis for it.Not all mathematics is part of the Math of the Universe, is not God’s Math.
1. A bachelor is a single person.
2. A single person is not married.
Therefore, a bachelor is not married.
I don't think anyone would particularly quarrel with the validity and soundness of this argument. The question is whether it constitutes true knowledge.
1. Dragons have fire in their belly.
2. Fire is hot.
Therefore, dragons have something hot in their belly.
This argument is logically so similar to the above bachelor argument that.....
You do not seem to understand Ancient Knowledge, myth, astrology, symbols, which is reminiscent of prori knowledge.
1. A bachelor is a single person.
2. A single person is not married.
Therefore, a bachelor is not married.
I don't think anyone would particularly quarrel with the validity and soundness of this argument. The question is whether it constitutes true knowledge.
1. Dragons have fire in their belly.
2. Fire is hot.
Therefore, dragons have something hot in their belly.
This argument is logically so similar to the above bachelor argument that.....
Scott wrote:In this thread I want us to debate whether a priori knowledge is possible. Some philosophers argue that some knowledge is a priori (fully independent from experience). In contrast, radical empiricists argue that all knowledge is a posteriori (derived from experience). Immanuel Kant made the distinction between analytic a priori knowledge and synthetic a priori knowledge. (An analytic proposition is one whose predicate concept is contained in its subject concept, such as "All bachelors are unmarried." And a synthetic proposition is one whose predicate concept is NOT contained in its subject, such as "All bachelors are happy.")
What do you think? Do you think a priori knowledge is possible or not? Why?
I think the answer depends greatly on how we define knowledge and experience.
If knowledge refers to the act of knowing, which requires a conscious being to perform the act, then I believe all knowledge depends on experience in some ways simply because the conscious being itself cannot exist without experience-gained data. In regards to the claim that a conscious being cannot exist without experience-gained data, I believe a functioning conscious being, namely a human or similar animal, is created through experiences that hard-wire it with certain instincts, beliefs, etc. Even before birth, a human baby's brain is experiencing developments as a result of experiences that happened to its mother and evolutionarily-gained traits through experiences that happen to its ancestors over time. But of course all those statements rely on the definition of experience and what is and is not experience.
I deny that that the brain has any causal relationship to consciousness whatsoever (FYI);Do you consider this to be priori knowledge, can you prove it?
I deny that that the brain has any causal relationship to consciousness whatsoever ( /quote]
It is obvious that any opinion you have in regards to Priori Knowledge is biased, in fact all of your opinions about anything and everything is biased.
You have your head in the wrong place to understand Priori Knowledge, in fact your opinion is Blasphemous, totally misses the mark.
-- Updated October 1st, 2017, 10:53 am to add the following --
Some pull his or here knowledge of the Empirical world of Reality out of a place where the Sun does not shine.
-- Updated October 1st, 2017, 10:59 am to add the following --
The source of priori knowledge is empirical in Nature however said priori knowledge itself is an Illusion of Reality. is born of Rationalization.
-- Updated October 2nd, 2017, 10:22 am to add the following --
What in the hell is immaterialist empiricism ?????
You may have knowledge of something that has no mass but you can
not experience something that has no Mass.
Any Knowledge of immaterialist empiricism is a Rationalization.
-- Updated October 5th, 2017, 10:37 am to add the following --
Creation is an original product of the Mind.
You people are funny; You claim to be empirical and yet your opinions are biased.
The mind Body Problem was Identified and a solution explained eons ago, yet you still do not understand the mind body problem. You know there is a problem but you do not seem to know what the problem is, nor do you have no solution .
The Mind Body Problem was introduced to Mankind both he and she by the mind itself, when Mankind, he and she became Wise!
The problem is the battle between Male and Female, the mind and body, the spirit and the flesh, the material World of Reality the , and the Immaterial, Spiritual, and the Astral World of Reality, ethereal, the Illusionary, Imaginary World of Reality, born the introduction of mankind to the World of Reality born of the introduction of Priori Knowledge Reason, Rationalization.
The Sun is worshiped only because the Sun is the Light unto the World of Reality, the World of Reality as seen, experienced, in the Light of Day.
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus was born of Thoth, Thought.
As Above so Below, as Below so Above, is used in reference to Ethereal, the Spiritual, the Illusionary World of Reality born of the Air and the World of Reality born Materialism, the Empirical World of Reality.
In the Beginning, before the beginning moment of the Existence of the Creative process, everything existed in a State of Nothingness, as a Metaphysical (metaphorical) Fully Random Quantum State of Singularity filled with a unspoken of, a fully Random Quantity of Infinitely Finite Indivisible Singularities having no relative, numerical value, each having a numerical value of Zero-0, Nada, Zip, Nothing.
At the Zero-Hour Time Space and Motion were not Relative, each existing as Individual Singularities having a numerical value of Zero-0;
Undifferentiated, Infinite, Space, Undifferentiated Time, Infinite, Everlasting, Eternal Time, Undifferentiated Motion, Motion having no displacement, no angular momentum, no velocity of Speed and Direction.
Motion in Time and Space being meaningless, existing as the insignificant inner, innate, motion within the Reality of differentiated, Time, Space, and Motion, an inner, innate, Vibration, Oscillation.
Motion at the Zero-0 Hour, in Time and in Space each, existing as an undifferentiated Singularity having no Relative, Numerical value, having a numerical value of Zero-0, Nada, Zip, Nothing.
The Knowledge of Time, Space and Motion prior to the beginning moment of the Creation of Space-Time exists as as Priori Knowledge.
The Mind/Body problem has been solved numerous times through out the Known history of civilization.
The solution to the Mind Body problem is only spoken of by Mythology, metaphors, Greek Mythology, Religion and numbers, numerology.
There is a mathematical equation that speaks of how the Heavens and the Earth, the Universe, how the Reality of Everything that exists in the Material sense of the word came into existence, even a rock.
Everything is born of a single, minute, Mass, substance that has no mass, Nothingness, which at one time was spoken of as being the Ether, as being ethereal.
This Substance, Singularity, having no mass in its most Minute form existed as a Singularity having no relative, numerical value, having a numerical value of Zero-0; the motion of a Singularity of Zero-0, being meaningless, having no angular momentum, no velocity of Speed and Direction.
Zero-0, the Place marker for a series that begins with a Singularity of One-1, is also the Place maker for the beginning of the Evolutionary a process that begins with a Singularity of One-1.
A place marker of Zero-0 proceeds a Singularity of One-1, the first in a series, the beginning of “whatever”.
Before the existence of a Singularity of One-1; at a Random moment, place in Time and Space (at the Zero-0 Hour) before Singularity became a Duality, before a Singularity of Zero-0 was reborn a Singularity of One-1, the Reality of Everything existed in a State of Nothingness.
The Reality of Everything existed as an Infinitely Finite State or Condition filled with an unknown quantity of Infinitely Finite Indivisible Singularities of Zero-0, whose motion was meaningless, exist without displacement, angular momentum, without velocity of Speed and Direction.
The Place Marker for beginning moment of the creation of the
Creative Process, the beginning of the Evolutionary process, before the beginning of the Space-Time Continuum there was only the nothingness of the Zero-0 Hour.
Ye, Amen-Ra!
Hermes Trismegistus Lord of the Ring,
Keeper of the Holy Grail, >0.
-- Updated October 5th, 2017, 1:58 pm to add the following --
Did you know that Jesus, the so called Christ, Savior of Mankind, was to die in the flesh, rise up to the heavens in spirit, the spirit to then return to the body, so as the Savior of Mankind to then walk the Planet Earth having both a Spiritual Body and a Flesh Body in order to fulfill the Prophecy of coming Christ, Son of God, the Savior of Mankind.
The Two, the duality, of the Savior (the first of many).
Mankind as a whole, for the duality of Mankind, the Spirit and the Flesh, Mind and Body, for Man and Woman to become One, to walk upon the Planet Earth as the Whole of a Single Reality.
Scott wrote:In this thread I want us to debate whether a priori knowledge is possible. Some philosophers argue that some knowledge is a priori (fully independent from experience).Knowledge = experience! Here! Now!
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