Ok, this is getting tangled. Can you please read carefully before replying?
Eduk wrote:I'd point out that the idea that evolution, or string theory, or what have you, is invalid because it's not falsifiable, is yours not mine. I'm disputing the idea that something must be falsifiable in order to be valid.
I said it seemed reasonable and that I can't think of anything which contradicts that (that is not the same as saying I think it is true). I thought it was Karl Popper's original claim by the way, not mine?
No. You are contradicting Karl Popper. You are saying evolution and similar theories are falsifiable, he said they were
not falsifiable.
Eduk wrote:As I said, according to scientific consensus, evolution is falsifiable
I don't agree, nor did Popper. I don't agree that there is such a consensus, since all the examples you've given conflate falsifiable with useful and/or valid.
Eduk wrote:String theory is a good example. Professional physicists don't agree String theory is a scientific theory. I have no expertise so given that I very slightly agree with some scientists in saying it isn't a scientific theory. I could easily be proven wrong however. One of the ways of being proven wrong would be to generate the techniques required to falsify it, of course then it would pass Popper's criteria. Don't get me wrong, many good theories start out with dodgy origins, so I'm not writing string theory off, I'm just doubtful.
The point is that people talk about string theory because it is an useful idea, and it is valid to discuss string theory. The problem with it is not that it is falsifiable or not, but that it generates too few predictions in practice.
Eduk wrote:Regarding mathematics if I gave you two apples and you already had two and then the apples were counted that would falsify whether you had 4 or not.
Yes, but that doesn't falsify whether 2+2 equals 4 in principle. Both Mathematics and Logic are based on axiomatic reasoning, not empericism.
Eduk wrote:I don't think Popper is dumb, I think his theories are interesting and quite profound, I disagree with your earlier claim that they don't really stand up to scrutiny (which seemed to me quite dismissive).
I wasn't talking about Popper, you're misquoting me.
This is what I wrote:
What Togo actually said wrote:]There are plenty of famous scientific sceptics, such as Pete Medewar, who claim that empericism, being the only form of knowledge subject to proof, is the only form of knowledge, and that all other knowledge reduces to science. While I can see that this is an interesting claim, it doesn't really stand up to scruntiny.
The claim that doesn't really stand up to scruntiny, in my opinion, is the one that all knowledge reduces to emperical statements. Far from being Popper's claim, it's a position that Karl Popper spent a great deal of time arguing against.
Eduk wrote:I am not sure if I agree with the entirety (or parts) of Popper's work or not, I'd have to do a great deal more reading. At the least he is not trivially wrong, and if he is wrong it is subtle and nuanced.
Well, you're the one disagreeing with him, not me.
The principles that Popper came up with was that the science, or more properly empericism, was the only means of gaining certain knowledge, because it tested propositions against reality This doesn't mean that all of science consisted of testable proposition - indeed it specifically includes both testable propositions and an explanatory framework surrounding them. That framework may not be testable, as he argued it wasn't in the overall framework of Evolution, but that doesn't stop it from being valid, useful, or the best supported explanation that exists.
I'm not sure if that's what you're aiming for, or if you're instead taking the Positivist position that only emperical statements are meaningful/valid/useful, or somewhere in between?