A priori knowledge (a Real Thing, BTW) is not knowledge without experience, it is knowledge not previously experienced by that individual. It has been experienced by previous generations.
Wayne wrote; Priori Knowledge has to be more than simply the knowledge of Reality as experienced by some but not experienced by others.
Priori Knowledge is not experienced, the existence of Priori Knowledge may or may not exist as a Reality, is Uncertain, Priori knowledge has the potential of being and not of being a Reality, an Illlusion.
Priori Knowledge not being readily apparent, having no mass, not being measurable as to location and momentum in Space-Time.
If or when prior knowledge becomes the knowledge of a Reality that has been experienced said Knowledge, is no longer a priori Knowledge, makes an appearance as a Simple Reality, is no longer
a non-being, becomes a Reality.
A Singularity having a relative, numerical value of One-1 is a Singularity of Zero that has gone thru metamorphosis, the conversion process.
A Singularity has a dual quality; in the beginning a singularity exits as an affect, as a Singularity having no relative, numerical value, having a numerical value of Zero-0, which then through a metamorphic process is converted, transfigured, into the First Singularity to have relative, a numerical Value of One-1, becomes the Single direct cause of a system of chaos (as in the Butterfly effect) that is then becomes the single direct material cause of the system of chaos that made manifest the creation of the Heavens and the earth, the Universe, the Reality of Everything that exists in the material sense of the word, even a rock; here to fore had a relative, a numerical value of One-1 as a Singularity of Zero-0 was first and foremost Prior Knowledge.
The Singularity of 0/1 is an equation that explains the existence of the Reality of Everything.
-- Updated May 8th, 2017, 9:00 am to add the following --
A priori knowledge (a Real Thing, BTW) is not knowledge without experience, it is knowledge not previously experienced by that individual. It has been experienced by previous generations.
Wayne wrote; Priori Knowledge has to be more than simply the knowledge of Reality as experienced by some but not experienced by others.
Prior Knowledge is an original product of the mind, is a creation, has no prior existence, original, first knowledge.
[quote; Wayne you are coming from the theological transcendental perspectivalism point of view for the ontology of material existence to define a priori knowledge on the nature of reality.
Wayne wrote; Absolutely True!!!!!!!
IMO, a priori knowledge can exist in objective reality with the coherentism of transcendental perspectivalism point of view on the reality of nature. [/quote]
Although the objective reality might be an illusion, IMO, a priori knowledge in objective reality exists.
IMO, a priori knowledge can exist in objective reality with the coherentism of transcendental perspectivalism point of view on the reality of nature.
Wayne Wrote; I just stumbled onto my thoughts on Priori Knowledge which hit me like a bolt of Lightning that came, out of the Clear Blue Sky, from somewhere out in left field.
.[quote="Wayne92587Prior Knowledge is an original product of the mind, is a creation, has no prior existence, original, first knowledge.
Priori Knowledge does not, can not exist as an objective Reality.
Priori Knowledge exists as the Illusion of a potential Reality.
When priori knowledge becomes readily apparent it becomes an objective Reality, Truth, Fact.
That is not correct; Prior knowledge not exist as an Illusion; in fact Priori Knowledge is of a substance that has no mass, meaning, is Undefined.
Priori Knowledge exists as the first sign of an heretofore unknown Reality.
It has also been said, in so many words, that source of priori Knowledge is the Akashic Record.
Example; It is said that all Religions are born of same priori knowledge.
The Whole of the Material, Physical, World of Reality, Universe, is born of a Priori Singularity, of a Singularity that has no relative, numerical value, a Singularity of Zero-0.
There is the omnipresence of not only, a very minute Singularity, there is also the omniscient State, of Singularity, existing as the Transcendental Fully Random Quantum State of Singularity filled with an unspoken of Number, Quantity, of Infinitely Finite Indivisible Singularities
Here is an example of what I consider to be the priori knowledge of the Singularity of the Reality of First Cause, the Uncaused cause, the cause of the Heavens and the Earth, the Universe, the Reality of Everything that exists in the material, objective sense of the word.
Following the Metamorphic conversion of a Singularity of Zero-0 into a Singularity having relative, a numerical value of One-1, the Reality of First Cause, the First Singularity to have relative, a numerical, value of One-1, a Singularity is found to have a dual quality, existing as both an Omnipresent, Infinitely Finite Indivisible Singularity of Zero-0 and as the Omniscience of the Fully Random Quantum, Metaphysical, State of Singularity.
Priori Knowledge is not experienced, the existence of Priori Knowledge may or may not exist as a Reality, is Uncertain, Priori knowledge has the potential of being and not of being a Reality, an Illusion.
Priori Knowledge not being readily apparent, as having no mass, as not being measurable as to location and momentum in Space-Time.
If or when prior knowledge becomes the knowledge of a Reality that has been experienced said Knowledge, is no longer a priori Knowledge, makes an appearance as a Simple Reality, is not longer a non being, becomes a Reality.
A Singularity having a relative, numerical value of One-1 is a Singularity of Zero-0 that has gone thru metamorphosis, the conversion process.
A Singularity has a dual quality; in the beginning a singularity exits as an affect, as a Singularity having no relative, numerical value, having a numerical value of Zero-0, which then through a metamorphic process is converted, transfigured, into the First Singularity to have relative, a numerical Value of One-1, becomes the Single direct cause of a system of chaos (as in the Butterfly effect) that is then becomes the single direct material cause of the system of chaos that made manifest the creation of the Heavens and the earth, the Universe, the Reality of Everything that exists in the material sense of the word, even a rock; here to fore had a relative, a numerical value of One-1 as a Singularity of Zero-0 was first and foremost Prior Knowledge.
The Singularity of 0/1 is an equation that explains the existence of the Reality of Everything, Being and Non-being