Greta wrote:
It seems rather rich to speak of "fiction" given that you uncritically believe middle eastern Iron Age mythology invented by people who believed pathogens and bad weather to be the work of evil spirits.
Uncritically? lol
If I observe the world around me and come to the conclusion that matter per se cannot be responsible for its wonders, then I have no choice but to conclude that there must be a Magic Sky Daddy who is. Many scientists reject the idea of a Magic Sky Daddy and, determined to not let a divine foot in the door, believe in Magic Rocks instead, which I regard as foolish superstition. So I'm deeply suspicious of any theories that these deluded rock-worshippers come up with.
Am I be interested in their ireelevant musings about how the universe made itself? Not at all.
What am I missing out on if I remain largely ignorant of their useless theories? Not a thing.
Am I be interested in scientific ideas that have a practical use? Yes ... not least because practically-useful science is necessarily based on ideas that are correct. A false scientific idea will never produce a practical use.
I can understand theists who claim that subjectivity or awareness itself is God, or that their deity is believed to be within, but questioning such an established theory (not hypothesis) that is so strongly proved via so many sources for so long, and which makes perfect logical sense as opposed to fantastical primitive mythology. There may be mistakes in assumptions made by evolutionary biologists in terms of the fine detail, but the general theory is not in question.
The general theory of evolution is not in question for someone who rejects creation. Once creation is rejected, it's would be quite easy to accept evolution as a "fact", since there is probably no alternative idea. Once creation is rejected and evolution is accepted as a general theory, one then looks around for explanations as to how evolution happened.
-- Updated November 1st, 2016, 3:51 am to add the following --
Greta wrote:Fooloso4 wrote:Vijaydevani:
(Nested quote removed.)
I only brought it up because I think Edgar says he is a Catholic. Creates quite the dilemma doesn’t it?
The Bible didn't even say so. The creation passage in Genesis is a decent metaphor from intuitive people who didn't have scientific language with which to express those concepts. I suspect that the writers of these passages would be shocked by the mindless literal interpretations by modern religious people.
In the first chapter of Genesis, the description of each day of the six days of creation is accompanied by "And there was evening and there was morning". It's entirely reasonable to conclude that the author included these words to convey the idea that each day was a period of literally 24 hours. It's also entirely reasonable to conclude that anyone reading those words in ancient times would have interpreted these words exactly that way.
Furthermore, nowhere in the Old Testament are the words, "evening" (used 142 times) and "morning" (used 218 times), used in any sense other than literal.
In Exodus 20:8-11, Yahweh sets out the requirement for a seven-day week - "Six days you shall labour and do all your work; but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work." Yahweh then gives his reason for this seven day week: "for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day." Such verses strongly support the idea that the six days of creation described in Genesis 1 were literally of 24-hours duration.
I suspect that the writers of these passages would be shocked that anyone would interpret them any other way. Moreover, the 24-hour interpretation was always the orthodox Christian position ... until certain dopey Christians attempted to put a square peg in a round hole by combining Scripture with Darwinism.
So I would suggest that your views on the literal six-days interpretation are somewhat off the mark.
-- Updated November 1st, 2016, 4:02 am to add the following --
Greta wrote:
Do you actually know why the multiverse and QLG hypotheses were proposed? It doesn't sound like it.
I admit that I don't know much about the multiverse and quantum loop gravity. Look, I tried, but I just couldn't get into the whole Star Wars thing. Kids movies don't do it for me. But I do know that Darth Vader came up with QLG and that Pricess Leah thought it was nonsense, hence the friction between them. The multiverse was first proposed in Star Trek by Mr. Spock, so Stars Wars plagiarised it.
-- Updated November 1st, 2016, 4:10 am to add the following --
Fooloso4 wrote:Anthony Edgar:
I don't believe life started as a single-cell organism and evolved into more complex organisms. I believe that all creation took place in six days, as per the book of Genesis.
But the Catholic Church has officially acknowledged that biological evolution is a fact.
There are many high ranking Catholics who acknowledge evolution as a fact, but it's debatable if the Catholic Church officially acknowledges it as such. The word, "evolution", doesn't appear in The Cathecsim of the Cathlic Church. Officially, Catholics are free to either accept evolution or reject it. So there is no dilemma.
Unfortunately, many Catholics are so ignorant and naive as to uncritically accept the opinion of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, which was set up to advise the Pope on matters of science. The PAS is made up of scientists who are not all Catholics by any means - many are non-Catholic and some are atheists. Anyway, their consensus on evolution is sadly no different to that of mainstream science.
There are also many Catholics who are silly enough to think that evolution can be reconciled with Scripture.
-- Updated November 1st, 2016, 4:27 am to add the following --
Dolphin42 wrote:Anthony Edgar:
I only accept scientific theories that can be verified by observation or experimentation. I'm not missing out on anything by using these criteria, as they serve to filter out the theories that have no practical use.
That sounds like a sensible policy. If a theory does not generate any predicted observations then it clearly can't be falsified or verified.
But what, in your view, counts as verification by observation or experimentation? Suppose I have a theory which states that a particular set of events happened at some time in the past, but are not currently happening and are not expected to happen in the future? Suppose my theory is based on evidence that exists in the present. It could be any set of past events, really, from the birth of Henry VIII to the initial formation of the Himalayan mountain range to the speciation that led to our divergence from our common ancestor with chimpanzees. All of these events happened in the past, will not happen in the future and are verified by examining evidence that exists now and deciding what is the most likely explanation for that currently existing evidence.
Do you count this kind of verification as valid? Or do you think that scientific theories should confine themselves purely to events that can directly reproduced in the present and future? Do you believe that Henry VIII existed? Why?
I don't think scientific theories should confine themselves to anything.
Regarding your example of the formation of the Himalayan mountain range, I can accept the explanation for it as plausible even though that event occurred in the distant past and won't be repeated. Tectonic plates colliding is easy to accept as a plausible explanation since earthquakes have been reported throughout history and are observable in the present, and there is physical geological evidence of massive shifts in the earth's surface. Plus there are no alternative theories, as far as I know.
If there were no recorded history of earthquakes, no earthquakes in the present, no geological evidence of shifts and there were an alternative theory, then tectonic plates colliding would not be not so easy to accept.
As for the theory that speciation allowed apes to evolve into humans, there is no record of speciation ever occurring. The fossil record is lacking in transitionals (as usual). Plus there is an alternative theory - creation. So apes evolving into humans is a theory that is too questionable to accept as the truth.
I believe Henry VIII existed because there are historical documents that say so and tradition (which is based on eye-witness accounts) says he existed. Plus no one is saying he didn't exist.
"There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe in them." - George Orwell