Mark1955 wrote:Anthony Edgar wrote:Since "most scientists" are atheists, I'm not surprised! How can a atheist find evidence of ID (God) if he's determined not to or doesn't want to? He can't - or won't. Some atheists would rather lose a limb than concede to any evidence of ID.
If all you can do is accuse the opposition of cheating you've lost the argument, or more to the point you haven't got an argument. I could just as unconvincingly say that since the people who believe in ID believe in god they can't see how poor their argument is because it calls into question their belief in god as the designer.
Yes, they are basically saying that nature is too complex not to have been designed so they posit an even more complex entity that remains completely unexplained.
Thing is, I am very complex and I was created by Mum and Dad, neither of whom had the slightest idea about the billions of processes involved in this being they created. Simplicity begets complexity through long chains of knock-on effects, shaped by the inclinations of nature that are somewhat misleadingly called "the laws of physics". No one made any "laws", but there are limits and thresholds in all aspects of reality that ultimately lead to emergences - creation.
More likely, it seems to me that there are different kinds of life. Aside from biological life, there is a kind of geological life with its own "evolution" leading up to the kinds of chemical conditions that resulted in abiogenesis (at the time of abiogenesis, the difference between the first organism and the surrounding chemicals would not be great, suggesting the deep connections between geology and biology). Star systems, planets and galaxies are all complex entities that go through their own life cycles.
It makes sense that the universe too (or what we think of as the universe, which might only be a portion) will have its own developmental cycles like its entities, though those larger cycles would run over such long time spans that comprehension of them would be forbidding.
Our confusion is starkly shown by the changing faces of dark energy. A century ago we lived in a static, eternal universe. With Hubble came the expanding universe. Then we find it's expanding faster. Then faster. Then faster again. Now doubt is being cast over the consistency of Type 1A supernova brightness, whose "standard candles" are apparently not standard. What will next years' news bring? Or in a decade?
We are flying blind because at the scales of the very small and very large there is no reference, no objective standard, no precedents or examples. We humans are akin to intelligent bacteria in a body, trying to understand their environment. The gut itself would seem like a universe to "intelligent microbes", and there'd be confusion about when major upheavals occurred (eg. eating or emotional upset). Not that I'm suggesting that outside of our universe something large is on its giant periods and scoffing down giant chocolates, but there are probably some very large temporal dynamics that we interpret as permanent features due to the disparity of time scales.
I obviously favour naturalistic answers to these questions, but I don't think of nature as "non human stuff" but consider humans to be, not only part of nature, but quite possibly an early, primitive form, given the young age and potential future life of the universe.