I do not disagree that women are unfairly excluded.Who are you not disagreeing with here? It can't be me.
You and the OP are slinging vague generalities and thinking with very fuzzy logic. Women will bring spirituality to physics?This comes after a quote from me, so I guess it must be addressed to me. What vague generality did I sling? Where did I state that I agreed with the OP about the need to bring more spirituality (whatever that is) to science?
In the words that you quoted I didn't state that women are unfairly excluded from science or that science needs more or less of any particular ingredient. I stated my agreement with you (that changing the nature of a subject in order to include a particular section of society is self-defeating) but suggested putting it into more general terms. I guess I didn't say much really!
Still, on the subject of generalizations in general (as it were):
What if there do generally tend to be broad sets of personality traits that tend, on average, to make men and women think differently to each other? And what if these do, on average, tend to cause men and women to be over-represented in some fields and under-represented in others?
Obviously it's incorrect to mistake a generality for a universal. Saying "women tend to be shorter than men" is not the same as saying "all women are shorter than all men". But that doesn't stop generalizations from being useful in analyzing trends. I think it's highly likely that there are traits and tendencies that tend, on average, to exist more in one sex than the other, just as there are physical characteristics that do so.
The field that I work in, software engineering, is massively male dominated. I suspect that's not entirely due to prejudice and societal pressure but also has something to do with the way that on average male and female minds tend to work. The trouble is, it seems all too easy for a statement like that to be twisted into a statement like: "software engineering is man's work." which of course would rightly annoy my female colleagues.
Also, making observations of these kinds of generalities is often seen as somehow saying that women who do work in male dominated fields are somehow more masculine than others. I guess this is like turning the statement "women tend to be shorter than men" into the statement "tallness is a male characteristic and women who are tall are really men".
Unfortunately, some statements of general truth, even if true, cannot be stated because they are always misinterpreted as statements of universal truth or as a value judgments. It's extraordinarily difficult to persuade people to take what you say at face value and not imagine a whole host of other things in it, as Halfwit's reply to me seems to demonstrate!