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Existentialanxiety wrote:Everyone knows modern science is overwhelmingly materialistic. So when it comes to explaining the origins of life, great majority of biologists try and explain it by invoking various materialistic causes. But as everyone who has looked into the topic closely will know, the scientific evidence supporting STRICTLY MATERIAL genesis of life is quite weak and many scientists admit that they have no idea how it could have started. They know even the probabilistic resource of the entire observable universe is not enough to credibly argue chance hypothesis. So there are some evolutionary scientists that invoke multiverse theory to explain away this problem, but obviously that is a highly controversial and not to mention unproven hypothesis. I believe the origin of life can one day eventually explained away solely by materialistic causes, and as I understand it, that's what's motivating evolutionary biologists conducting research on this area. But my question is, what is the basis of insisting on a premise (materialism) when the evidence don't support the hypothesis? Because I know that today's biological community considers any other approach heretical. Why?You can create a non-materialistic 'theory' of origins of life, but it will be not scientific theory, because science is based on materialism. Such 'theory' already exists (described in Bible).
Science doesn't insist on a purely material explanation of the origin of life. Science simply follows the evidence.Yes ... but only if said evidence is material in nature. This is where the science-derived philosophy of Scientism comes from.
Theophane wrote:Science doesn't insist on a purely material explanation of the origin of life. Science simply follows the evidence.Yes ... but only if said evidence is material in nature. This is where the science-derived religion of Scientism comes from.
Theophane wrote:Science doesn't insist on a purely material explanation of the origin of life. Science simply follows the evidence.Yes ... but only if said evidence is material in nature. This is where the science-derived religion of Scientism comes from.
Theophane wrote:Yes ... but only if said evidence is material in nature. This is where the science-derived philosophy of Scientism comes from.Science doesn't insist on a purely material explanation of the origin of life. Science simply follows the evidence.
Existentialanxiety wrote:Everyone knows modern science is overwhelmingly materialistic.I'm not sure what this means. Define what you mean by 'materialistic'.
Bohm2 wrote:Existentialanxiety wrote:Everyone knows modern science is overwhelmingly materialistic.I'm not sure what this means. Define what you mean by 'materialistic'.
Existentialanxiety wrote:But my question is, what is the basis of insisting on a premise (materialism) when the evidence don't support the hypothesis? Because I know that today's biological community considers any other approach heretical. Why?Because any other "approach" would be outside of their boundaries....
Leog wrote:Science is based on materialism by definition.Science is based on the scientific method or methodological naturalism because to date it has produced the most progress. Science is not based on materialism. Materialism/physicalism is a philosophical term that is vacuous, because it changes as our physics/science changes:
Conceptions of the physical/material are, at best, contingently tied to tentative theories in physics. Since such theories are open and evolving, the concept of the physical [or material] is unstable and, hence, not sufficiently well-defined for the purpose of framing empirical or metaphysical theses. There simply is no definite a posteriori concept of the physical available for use by the physicalist. The significance of this conclusion for physicalism is also clear: if our conception of the physical is tied to open and evolving theories in physics and there is, therefore, no well defined a posteriori conception of the physical, it follows that it is pointless to inquire about the content of the theses of physicalism since they too have no well-defined content.https://www.academia.edu/237143/Chomsky ... hysicalism
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