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Use this forum to discuss the philosophy of science. Philosophy of science deals with the assumptions, foundations, and implications of science.
Say we have two observers: one at a light bulb, the source of light and photons and another observer riding on a photon of the light just emitted by the light bulb. Now as the observer on the photon looks back toward his point of origin, he will be able to see the clock that the other observer is holding in his hand but the clock will appear motionless because even as the arms move, the light that they emit will never be able to reach the observer on the photon since he is also traveling at the speed of light but left before hand.

To the observer on the photon, time will appear at a stand still when looking in the direction of the light bulb observer. If the observer on the photon relies on the clock of the light bulb observer, he will not know that he is now traveling at the speed of light, he will not even know that he has left the light bulb observer because it couldn't be so since there was no time since he left, according to the clock.

The only indication he will have that he his on his way is if he looks at his/her own clock. The variation between the time on his/her clock and the time on the light bulb observer's clock will be the only clue he has that he has left.

Is this argument basically correct or logical?
Favorite Philosopher: Berkeley Location: Toronto
Time isn't a thing you can find alone in the universe, it is a concept (like everything we can talk about), and like every concept, it's related with the rest of your mind, and it isn't equal for everybody.
You don't need to have the same concept about time that a scientist have, but if you want that, then you'll have to study science, you won't understand a concept if you don't understand all the complex relations between all concepts in a science, and nobody learn science in forums... and there are more than one model to understand some phenomena.
This is not the forum for that, there are physics forums that surely can help you with that questions. But phisics doesn't have all the answers, you can be sure that knowledge is always incomplete, "wrong", they just have think more in some things, you can't know everything, nobody can, they specialize.

Now, answering with my knowledge, time is just a concept to measure differences between causal states.
Thanks for your opinion TSBU. However, I am not so much interested in the scientific aspect of the question as much to the logical aspect of it.

So, for instance, if the observer on the photon turns around and looks toward where he is going, say a distant planet, and there is a clock on that planet. The time on that clock should be going twice as fast as that of the observer on the photon because it will take half as much time to get to the observer on the photon as it would if it were not mobile.

Now I disagree that this is the wrong forum to ask the question because I do not believe that an experiment could be made to verify this question. Pure logic should not be off limits to philosophy, right?
Favorite Philosopher: Berkeley Location: Toronto
Well, Einstein's theory of relativity states that the closer the observer gets to the speed of light, the more time slows down for him. It's not physically possible for the observer to actually attain the speed of light (ride on a photon, as you said) and stay in one piece, however if he could, I suppose it would be as you suggested, that the hands of time on the distant clock face would appear to have stopped.
Empiricist-Bruno wrote:I am not so much interested in the scientific aspect of the question as much to the logical aspect of it.
You mean that you are not interested in a model wich fits reality, but in a model itself, don't you? but there are many models, there is more than one concept of time. And wrong or right, is completely related with "fit or no fit reality". Time is a very abstract thing, but i's still talking about what is real, what is right.
But even if you are interested only in the model, I think you can't understand the model if you don't study.
Let me think an example... suppose we are talking about color, you are asking how do we see where is the difference between different colors. Then it's impossible to understand that, if you don''t understand optics, and how your eyes work (uops, when it comes to specific topics, my English is useless XD), but you still can have your own differences based in what you know, you still see red and green things, no need to talk about wavelength. It's useless (no, in fact, it is wrong) to try to use a scientist model for every aspect of your life, you can't have all that logic in your head. You don't know how your clothes are made, you probably don't know how your clock works, etc. Of course it is good to have curiosity, but really, understanding all knowledge about something like time, even if you don't see experiments... you are talking about years of work. And, as I said, there is more than one model. Also, for me, it sounds like you are trying to run before learning to walk.
Empiricist-Bruno wrote: should be going twice as fast
no, time can't go faster or slower, because "fast" is related with time. In that model, as far as I know, time can grow or time can get little.
Empiricist-Bruno wrote: Now I disagree that this is the wrong forum to ask the question because I do not believe that an experiment could be made to verify this question. Pure logic should not be off limits to philosophy, right?
I don't see anyone talking about math here. Philosophy is about everything, it's about doubt about all you know, philosophy has no axioms, it makes axioms. If you want to talk about something more specific you have to go to other forums, even for math. And you'll find people who know more about phisics in a phisics forum. Of course, do as you wish, but I don't think you are going to get a good answer here. And there are forums were you'll get lots of answers, some of them probably from teachers.
Everything in the material Universe is made up of energy. Atoms and molecules are made up of energy. Our bodies, our clothes, our cars, our houses are all made up of energy but what makes them different is their vibration. Energy is always vibrating at a different frequency under the influence of conditional phenomena. Everything has its own vibrational frequency – our thoughts, our feelings, the rock, the table, the car, the animal, the plant, the tree, etc. Even colours are merely expressions of certain vibrational frequencies.

In the cosmos, energy would only transform - to transform is to change, to change is to become, and to become is to reborn. So energy is ever ‘reborn’ all the time in Mother Nature. At the same time, energy is something that has always been in existence and remaining as a constant - as per the Law of Conservation of Energy that says energy in a system can neither be created nor destroyed and the sum of all energies is a constant or never changes. In other words, energy is beginning-less and end-less as well (with characteristics of inherent existence). By understanding well and observing thoroughly into the characteristics of energy, one could gain insight into the nature and its orientation.

To start with, there is emptiness and it is an inherent existence of Mother Nature. Here, the emptiness is portrayed as in a uniformed translational motion i.e. a bare becoming process. When the two opposing translational forces clash against one another, vibrational forces arise concurrently. The arised vibrational forces would appear in a regular pattern of waves i.e. standing and traveling and this in turn would give rise to deflective forces. The traveling waves would involve with higher vibrational frequencies and the standing waves would involve with lower vibrational frequencies. Subsequently, the conditions of duality and multiplicity would arise out of the combination of deflective, translational, vibrational and rotational forces as the becoming processes moved into an advanced level of complexity.

The emptiness of emptiness in Mother Nature would give rise to two conditions i.e. present-statism and present-dynamism. Present-statism is a paradigm of balanced state of affairs i.e. non-becoming, no minds, no labels, no shapes, no varying frequencies, no manipulations, etc. After all, it can be classified as the deepest facts about things. On the other hand, present-dynamism is a paradigm of imbalanced state of affairs i.e. with boundless becoming processes and it is born out of present-statism. Both the present-statism and the present-dynamism can be represented by the philosophy of yin-yang. The classic principle in effect: ‘Yin creates Yang and Yang activates Yin.’ Yin is like an individual playing card and Yang is like a deck of playing cards. With a deck of playing cards, one could perform myriad of games such as poker, solitaire, gin rummy, etc. However, with one individual card, these games would be deemed impossible. Therefore, this scenario has shown that yin and yang are dependent on one another to bring forth a dynamic system existing in harmony.

For general understanding, everything does exist at the same time under present-dynamism only. The projectile movement of time as often experienced by our mind consciousness is purely due to relativity as well as the varying vibrational frequencies in play. As a result, we tend to perceive things a little bit linearly, thus creating the delusion of past, present and future movement of time. The conventional time that we involve ourselves with every day is a subjective and a relative time. This means the time orientation is dependent on the observer (i.e. the subject’s mind) to provide the valuation on the other side of the object or matter. As a consequence, the time conclusion varies among different observers or minds.

In fact, Albert Einstein has given out an interpretation of spacetime that is actually the endless evolving frequency cum becoming process in Mother Nature. We could liken the frequency to space and the becoming process to time because time is actually a dimension (indicator) for the becoming process and space is merely an expression for energy in play as per frequency (i.e. the number of occurrences or observations within a given time period or statistical category).

Present-dynamism = frequency x becoming (space x time)

Once again, time would always arise at the present state of condition. There is no backward or forward movement of time but just a regenerating of occurrences all the time at a common pace of spacetime or present-dynamism. This means in the twinkling of an eye, all events or phenomena as observed by our mind consciousness would fluctuate and renew simultaneously and continuously. Just like the gravity effects on earth for all different masses are the same (acceleration value, g = 9.80 m/s2) even though the rock strikes the ground before the feather per se. However, the common pace of spacetime or present-dynamism is unconjecturable and it is mainly due to emptiness i.e. its nature of beginning-less and end-less.

For example, despite the vast differences in the cultural development, the time zone and the locality, a Bushman in Africa and a modern businessman in America are both living concurrently in the 21st century under a common pace of spacetime or present-dynamism. Literally, we could not discriminate or differentiate them by saying that the Bushman is from the past time and the modern businessman is a person living in the future time. The distinguishing factor among them and their respective surroundings is merely their variable vibrational frequencies. In fact, the circumstances of duality or multiplicity as observed by our mind consciousness would be an obvious indication of all fluctuating vibrational frequencies arising in the cosmos.

On another aspect, the varying vibrational frequencies in the respective planes of existence would conjure up unique forces of energy that are interweaving and interfering amongst other corresponding or resonating frequencies elsewhere. As such, it is not surprising for one to observe a growth or a demise of certain species in a population as there are always natural forces interacting and complementing to bring forth a harmonious dynamic system across all planes of existence in Mother Nature. In addition, the fluctuating vibrational frequencies amongst different planes of existence would bring about variances in terms of the relative timeline. Under the common pace of spacetime or present-dynamism, a higher vibrational frequency would yield a slower becoming process and vice versa.

Present-dynamism (constant) = frequency/space (speeds up) x becoming/time (slows down) or vice versa

This is the correct understanding behind the thought experiment of twin paradox which concerns a twin who flies off in a spaceship traveling near the speed of light and returns to discover that his or her twin sibling has aged much more. By nature, everything is interconnected and balanced with both the yin and the yang aspects. Yin and yang are actually complementary but opposing forces interacting to form a whole greater than either separate part; thus bringing forth a dynamic system existing in harmony. For instance, in a relative term, the experience of one second in a celestial plane (higher vibrational frequencies) is equivalent to ten years for a human plane (lower vibrational frequencies). As such, from a human perspective, all the celestial beings are assumed to have been living in a continuum of eternity.

Moreover, there is a possibility for beings to perform a time travel from one plane of existence to another via a wormhole. A wormhole is literally a cross path for different planes of existence. The described wormhole here is basically referring to a ‘tweak’ of frequencies by beings with higher vibrational frequencies to discern the beings in lower vibrational frequencies. The general prescription is that any realms of higher vibrational frequency would be able to discern the realms of lower vibrational frequency. However, the realms of lower vibrational frequency would not be able to discern any realms of higher vibrational frequency. Mainly, if the vibrational frequencies of the perceiver are lower than the perceived, the cascading events are deemed impossible. In other words, the object or matter must keep on within the purview of the subject’s frequency horizon; without it, the observation would be impossible. It is akin to any beings of higher vibrational frequencies having an aerial perspective on the affairs of beings with lower vibrational frequencies rather than the other way round. Therefore, beings of grander vibrational frequency span are able to discern at-will basis on all other beings with common vibrational frequency span via a tweak of frequencies. In fact, one of the instances on time travel that occurred many times in the human plane of existence is the trance mediumship or channeling.

As a summary, all creations or destructions in Mother Nature are due to the emptiness of emptiness that subsequently conjures up two conditions i.e. present-statism and present-dynamism. Present-dynamism is a paradigm of imbalanced state of affairs i.e. with boundless becoming processes and it is born out of present-statism. Whereas, present-statism is a paradigm of balanced state of affairs i.e. non-becoming, no minds, no labels, no shapes, no varying frequencies, no manipulations, etc. Moreover, everything within the cosmos of energy arises at the present time under the common pace of present-dynamism only. In a continuum of present-dynamism, there is only regenerating and evolving events and it is akin to a measuring tape in its coiled condition. The projectile movement of time as experienced by the mind consciousness is due to relativity as well as the varying vibrational frequencies in play and it is akin to a measuring tape functioning as a flexible ruler whereby the tape can be stretched out for a linear measurement.

In Mother Nature, the elements of energy would constantly fluctuate and orientate in translational, rotational and vibrational motions. And these motions are the key components for the proceeding of universal laws such as the law of attraction, the law of vibration, etc. Finally, clock is merely an apparatus used by mankind to measure time. Whereas, time is merely a dimension created by mankind to measure events or becoming processes in Mother Nature. In other words, time is an indicator for event; just like length, width and height are indicators for size and volume. All these indicators belong to a category named as dimension. In other words, dimension is created for the task of measurement per se and therefore, not something that arises out naturally in Mother Nature.

Current Philosophy Book of the Month

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