Space: macro-infinite non-occupied space embraces our finite, occupied space Universe. This is not rocket science. This is rather simple, rational, logical common sense. imho
The truth exists, for those who seek it, those who don't and those who scoff at it.
https://www.google.com/search?q=define+ ... 8&oe=utf-8 .
..." Space:
..................a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied.
"a table took up much of the space"
synonyms: room, capacity, area, volume, expanse, extent, scope, latitude, margin, leeway, play, clearance More
"there was not enough space"
gap, interval, opening, aperture, cavity, cranny, fissure, crack, interstice, lacuna
"the space between the timbers"
an area of land that is not occupied by buildings.
"she had a love of open spaces"
synonyms: area, expanse, stretch, sweep, tract
"green spaces in the city"
a blank between printed, typed, or written words, characters, numbers, etc.
plural noun: spaces
synonyms: blank, gap, box; place
"write your name in the appropriate space"
each of the four gaps between the five lines of a staff.
an interval of time (often used to suggest that the time is short, considering what has happened or been achieved in it).
"both their cars were stolen in the space of three days"
synonyms: period, span, time, duration, stretch, course, interval
"a space of seven years"
pages in a newspaper, or time between television or radio programs, available for advertising.
an area rented or sold as business premises.
noun: commercial space; plural noun: commercial spaces
the amount of paper used or needed to write about a subject.
"there is no space to give further details"
the freedom and scope to live, think, and develop in a way that suits one.
"a teenager needing her own space"
one of two possible states of a signal in certain systems.
the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move.
"the work gives the sense of a journey in space and time"
the physical universe beyond the earth's atmosphere.
noun: outer space; plural noun: outer spaces
synonyms: outer space, deep space; More
the universe, the galaxy, the solar system;
"the first woman in space"
the near vacuum extending between the planets and stars, containing small amounts of gas and dust.
a mathematical concept generally regarded as a set of points having some specified structure.
verb: space; 3rd person present: spaces; past tense: spaced; past participle: spaced; gerund or present participle: spacing
position (two or more items) at a distance from one another.
"the houses are spaced out"
synonyms: position, arrange, range, array, dispose, lay out, locate, situate, set, stand
"the chairs were spaced widely"
(in printing or writing) put blanks between (words, letters, or lines).
"the default setting is single line spacing"
be or become distracted, euphoric, or disoriented, especially from taking drugs; cease to be aware of one's surroundings.
Rr6--0) http://science.howstuffworks.com/warp-speed2.htm
..."That's why we need to look at Einstein's later theory, the General Theory of Relativity, which describes how gravity affects the shape of space---ergo occupied space ---and flow of time-- ebb and flow, motion/frequency ^v^ \/\/\/
1) We feel/sense ergo observe the passage of time.
<<<< past OUT <<< ( * | * ) <<<< IN <<<< future <<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arrow-of-time>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2} Many people, if not also many other animals, seemingly a have genetic clock.
3) Feeling is observing. Experiencing is observing. Observation can only occur as time ergo terminal begnining and ending times and the duration in between.
4) Observation is time. Observation takes time. Feeling is time. Feeling takes time. Experience is time. Experience takes time.
5) Time is beginning, ending and the duration inbetween
...5a) <<<< past OUT ( * | * ) IN future <<<<<<
6) temporality1.the state of existing within or having some relationship with time.
7) Temporal lobes
http://www.livestrong.com/article/23820 ... functions/