Burning ghost wrote:What is the method of attaining X and what are the common methods.A place to start might be, forget about obtaining X.
Here's why. The process we are discussing isn't about accumulating, but discarding.
It's like when we've sold our house and have to remove all our stuff so the house will be empty for the next tenant. Seen this way, we don't want to be chasing enlightenment, self realization, nirvana or "X" etc. All this stuff is just more crap we'll have to drag out of the house in to the moving van. If we don't buy this heavy mental furniture in the first place, then we won't have to move it.
Say we're meditating. A thought arises that we need to clean the garage. Meditation is about letting that thought go, right? Ok, and so then we think, "My boss is an ass." Ok, we'll let this thought go too. And then another thought arises, "I want to be enlightened." This is no different than the thought about our boss, or garage cleaning, or anything else, the job is to let it go.
So, method #1, in whatever time you have available, practice forgetting about you and what you are going to attain. All that greedy grabby mental noise, just let it go for a bit.