Reactor Wrote: Space and time are neither cause, nor effect.
As part of this topic I am suggesting that Space is the Present or now point in time and that an object or particle in space is in fact a weakness or type of hole in the present linking future to past time, so in a way Space and time are the same and time is the cause and effect acting on everything.
Reactor Wrote: Space is perceived and identified by the distance between the physical locations of objects.
I agree, Distance only exists because particles or objects made from those particles that exist in the now point in time (Space). Time itself has no physical dimension. Distance between points in space can perhaps only be imagined.
Reactor Wrote: There can be no space without objects.
Is that really true ?
Reactor Wrote: Time is perceived and identified by the duration between occurrences
This condition, the duration between occurrences, applies because as a living organism we can remember a past and imagine a future in an environment of particles and inert objects there is only now.
Present awareness Wrote:
And there can be no objects without space.
I agree.
Atryu Wrote:
What the Universe is is unknown, and always will be unknown
We are made from the stuff of the universe so in a way our DNA and molecular structure already know what the universe is, our intellect has just, been unable to interpret the way things are put together but with enough time and perhaps evolution it should be possible to fully understand how everything works.
Reactor Wrote:
Space and time, matter and motion, is merely how we make sense of the world. This in no way implies that that is actually how the Universe is.....
I agree and it is that fact that is currently holding back our understanding of how the Universe really exists, one of this topics aspirations is to explore and question how our perception of time and the reality of its existence are perhaps different.
Life interprets the passage of time in terms of, and to achieve, species survival.
The life that exists in any part of the universe has to exist alongside the physics of the place that it has to survive in. On this planet life has to fit with the conditions that exist for its survival to be possible, one of those very important conditions are the various annual and daily cycles of the planet represented by seasons and night and day. No life form needs to know why the cycles are there but must evolve to survive because they exist.
The human species is still in a position where its interpretation of the universe is being influenced by the history implicit in its primeval need for species survival inherent in the ancestral history of its and all other species.
Most of the replies to this topic see the issue of space and time as separate but in some way linked, and indeed the attempts of science to explain the existence life the world and everything is constrained by the problem of explaining the existence of everything in terms of our species life experience and evolutionary survival.
In this topic I have tried to describe a different vision of how the existence of everything is possible by explaining it in terms purely of time. The time I am trying to describe is the foundation that the universe and everything in it is based. Space in this model is just a version of time and is, the now point, the future and the past exist either side.
Space can be viewed, as just an empty void and the existence and the propagation and evolution of simple life forms would continue in the same way as if the earth were viewed as a flat disc. The role of our species within all the species, and of its intellect dictate that we strive to understand the way in which the physics of the universe works, so far we have perhaps been hampered, in that goal of that understanding by the evolutionary history that we share with all life forms. Seeing space and time in the way that we instinctively do is right for the advancement of life but probably inhibits our true understanding of how things really are. Physics and the answers that it can currently provide appears stuck and there now seem more questions needing to be answered than the ones so far solved and much doubt about many of the questions that have been solved.
In my previous post I have attempted to find and explain a solution to the particle double slit experiment, which so far as I understand no one has been able to explain with existing physics. A solution to this potentially appears possible with the arguments I am trying to advance in this topic. The problems arising from the double slit problem and others relating to the very existence of the Universe based on our current mathematical models should lead us to believe that there is more to time than those described by Stone Henge or an Atomic Clock and more to space than just a void.