ThamiorTheThinker wrote;
It's not simple to me, because the way you write suggests to me that you are speaking in different terms. You appear to be talking past me as though I already know what you know. You are speaking as though I have the exact same understanding as you do. That is why I say it is poetry, and not philosophy - you aren't defining your terms.
Wayne wrote; Use the simplest explanation that you can THINK of.
Flash of Insight;
When the solution to a problem comes to you in an all-of-a-sudden manner, it can be considered insight. More specifically, insight can be defined as the sudden and often novel realization of the solution to a problem. This is the opposite type of solution to trial-and-error solutions.
When you have an insight, you have a feeling or emotion or thought that helps you to know something essential about a person or thing.
Insight isn't based on hard facts or evidence. And it doesn't have anything to do with using your senses such as sight or smell. When you gain insight, you are using your intuition, or sixth sense. Insight is formed from the prefix in- plus the English word sight, so this word literally means seeing inward
the cognitive condition of someone who understands
You talk about a flash of something when you are saying that it happens very suddenly and unexpectedly
A sudden rush of water over dry land.
dart, dash, fly, race, shoot, speed, sprint, streak, sweep, whistle, zoom
Flash; Slang The pleasurable sensation that accompanies the use of a drug; a rush.
flash Idioms;
flash in the pan
flashed, flash•ing, flash•es
, intransitive
1. To burst forth into or as if into flame.
2. To give off light or be lighted in sudden or intermittent bursts.
3. To appear or occur suddenly: The image flashed onto the screen.
4. To move or proceed rapidly: The cars flashed by.
5. To hang up a phone line momentarily, as when using call waiting.
6. Slang To think of or remember something suddenly: flashed on that time we got caught in the storm.
7. Slang To expose oneself in an indecent manner.
, transitive
1. a. To cause (light) to appear suddenly or in intermittent bursts.
b. To cause to burst into flame.
c. To reflect (light).
d. To cause to reflect light from (a surface).
2. To make known or signal by flashing lights.
3. To communicate or display at great speed: flashed the news to the world capitals.
4. To exhibit briefly.
5. To hang up (a phone line) momentarily, as when using call waiting.
6. To display ostentatiously; flaunt.
7. To fill suddenly with water.
8. To cover with a thin protective layer.
1. A sudden, brief, intense display of light.
2. A sudden perception: a flash of insight.
3. A split second; an instant: I'll be on my way in a flash.
4. A brief news dispatch or transmission.
5. Slang Gaudy or ostentatious display: “The antique flash and trash of an older southern California have given way to a sleeker age of cultural hip” (Newsweek).
6. A flashlight.
7. a. Instantaneous illumination for photography: photograph by flash.
b. A device, such as a flashbulb, flashgun, or flash lamp, used to produce such illumination.
8. Slang The pleasurable sensation that accompanies the use of a drug; a rush.
9. Archaic The language or cant of thieves, tramps, or underworld figures.
1. Happening suddenly or very quickly: flash freezing.
2. Slang Ostentatious; showy: a flash car.
3. Of or relating to figures of quarterly economic growth released by the government and subject to later revision.
4. Of or relating to photography using instantaneous illumination.
5. Computers Of or relating to flash memory.
6. Archaic Of or relating to thieves, swindlers, and underworld figures.
Origin of flash
Middle English flashen, to splash, variant of flasken, of imitative origin.
to send out or reflect a sudden, brief blaze or light, esp. at intervals
1. to sparkle or gleam: eyes flashing with anger
2. to speak abruptly, esp. in anger: usually with out
3. to come, move, or pass swiftly and suddenly; be seen or realized for an instant like a flash of light: an idea flashed through his mind
4. Informal to expose one's genitals, breasts, etc. briefly and deliberately in public
5. Informal to have a sudden idea, thought, insight, or recollection: usually with on
Origin of flash
Middle English flashen, to splash, sprinkle; of echoic origin, originally
1. to send out (light, etc.) in sudden, brief spurts
2. to cause to flash
3. to signal with light or reflected light
4. to send (news, messages, etc.) swiftly or suddenly, as by radio
5. to put flashing on so as to make weatherproof
6. in glassmaking,
1. to put (a colored film of glass) on other glass
2. to coat with a colored film of glass
7. Informal to show briefly or ostentatiously: to flash a roll of money
8. Informal to expose (one's genitals, breasts, etc.) briefly and deliberately to (someone)
9. Archaic to splash or dash (water)
1. a sudden, brief light
2. a sudden burst of flame or heat
2. a brief time; moment
3. a sudden, brief display of thought, understanding, feeling, etc.: a flash of wit
4. ⌂ a brief news report of something that has just happened
5. a gaudy display; showiness
6. a preparation containing burnt sugar, used for coloring liquors
7. a device that produces a brief, illuminating light, used when taking photographs in dim lighting conditions
8. Informal
1. a flashlight
2. a person very quick or adept at something
1. Chiefly Brit., Informal flashy; showy; sporty
2. Informal of thieves or other social outcasts
2. that flashes; happening swiftly or suddenly: a flash warning
3. working with a coordinated flash of light: a flash camera
4. Compute. designating or of an erasable memory device that retains stored data when power is turned off
quickly, esp. by means of an intense application of some process, as heating or cooling: flash-frozen vegetables
1. to send out or reflect a sudden, brief blaze or light, esp. at intervals
2. to sparkle or gleam: eyes flashing with anger
3. to speak abruptly, esp. in anger: usually with out
4. to come, move, or pass swiftly and suddenly; be seen or realized for an instant like a flash of light: an idea flashed through his mind
5. Informal to expose one's genitals, breasts, etc. briefly and deliberately in public
6. Informal to have a sudden idea, thought, insight, or recollection: usually with on
Middle English flashen, to splash, sprinkle; of echoic origin, originally
1. to send out (light, etc.) in sudden, brief spurts
2. to cause to flash
3. to signal with light or reflected light
4. to send (news, messages, etc.) swiftly or suddenly, as by radio
5. to put flashing on so as to make weatherproof
6. in glassmaking,
1. to put (a colored film of glass) on other glass
2. to coat with a colored film of glass
7. Informal to show briefly or ostentatiously: to flash a roll of money
8. Informal to expose (one's genitals, breasts, etc.) briefly and deliberately to (someone)
9. Archaic to splash or dash (water)
1. a sudden, brief light
2. a sudden burst of flame or heat
2. a brief time; moment
3. a sudden, brief display of thought, understanding, feeling, etc.: a flash of wit
4. ⌂ a brief news report of something that has just happened
5. a gaudy display; showiness
6. a preparation containing burnt sugar, used for coloring liquors
7. a device that produces a brief, illuminating light, used when taking photographs in dim lighting conditions
8. Informal
1. a flashlight
2. a person very quick or adept at something
1. Chiefly Brit., Informal flashy; showy; sporty
2. Informal of thieves or other social outcasts
2. that flashes; happening swiftly or suddenly: a flash warning
3. working with a coordinated flash of light: a flash camera
4. Compute. designating or of an erasable memory device that retains stored data when power is turned off
quickly, esp. by means of an intense application of some process, as heating or cooling: flash-frozen vegetables