ThamiorTheThinker wrote:LuckyR wrote:
(Nested quote removed.)
I was assuming the opposite situation. That's why I wanted to ask.
OK, some punk kid punches your kid in the schoolyard. He goes down in a heap with a bloody nose. No teacher witnesses it. No retaliation, by your determination. What happens next?
My hypothetical child goes to the school's office and requests that an adult handles the situation. I don't want to assume anything about your position in this debate, but the way you worded that last inquiry makes me think that you believe that vengeance is something that must occur because it naturally occurs. Am I correct in assuming this?
I will answer both of your queries. First, the school administration will do nothing. This is a classic case of "he said, she said". One kid's (potentially biased) word against another's. If the parents get involved the bias goes off of the chart. Grade school professionals know this. I specifically chose this topic because you stipulated that that you were addressing situations where there is no system of justice. Well you got your wish, there will be no external/systemic justice. If there is going to be justice, you're going to have to make it happen yourself. Of course, you are free to decide there should be no justice if society can't be the one to provide it, that is perfectly logical, though unpopular.
As to how I would handle the punk kid, if my kid could take out the other kid, I would encourage him to do so, especially in the younger ages. OTOH, if my kid couldn't take out the other kid, this would be a classic case for a motivated older sibling to take that role. If that is not available, then at minimum I would use the situation as a teaching opportunity for my kid to get to the point where the next time this happened my kid would be armed with the knowledge that defending themselves is encouraged by his parents (probably the most valuable), and some practical information on ways of making that happen after the fact.
To answer your second question, I do not believe in a justice-less existence. I am perfectly content to have the societal system provide justice, as the vast majority of folks are. However, most cases of malice do not occur in that arena, they happen in areas without Law. The options in those cases are: 1) do nothing, because justice belongs to society, not individuals, what you proposed, or 2) provide justice yourself, as an individual when there is not a system to provide it for you. I subscribe to the latter belief system.
Therefore I DON'T believe that vengeance "must occur", it doesn't, when the victim believes in #1. Or they believe in #2 but they are too squeamish to perform it or the possible retribution might be too great of a risk to take.
"As usual... it depends."