Hi, Mgrinder,
Thank you for your feedback.
Mgrinder wrote:Scott's job for him.
I wouldn't say it's my job. This is mostly because I expect that if I have job, then that job should enable me to feed my children. I'm pretty sure if I put in the all time required to read all the submissions to this website--which I grant is my website--that my children would starve.
Mgrinder wrote:I would be happier if there was no approval disapproval feature.
It used to be like that. Unfortunately, it seems the people who are attracted to a site like this are often a lot more willing to either post without consideration of the rules or to post in knowing violation of the rules. I guess a philosophy and debate forum attracts rebellious types of people... ?
The rule-violating posts actually become much harder to clean up after the fact, and lead to a lot of complaints by people that the moderators and I aren't doing our job. I would agree I have much more of a responsibility regarding what is published on my platform--be it a website or a printed magazine--as opposed to what is not published. Indeed, I recall a member one time told me he reported the website and me personally to the FBI because of something I allowed a different member to post.
(2) It seems to me to be a bit of a freedom of speech issue. It's like censorship.
I have to disagree with this. This is a private platform, and I am not wielding the influence of government police or government lawmakers. Freedom of speech doesn't mean I have to decide who I let into my home at my dinner table and thus doesn't mean I cannot put limitations on what someone at my dinner table can say at my dinner table while they are at my dinner table. Nor would I say it is my
job to open the doorbell when it rings.
(3) Discourages new people to the forum.
It is unfortunate. I would love to do something to make the approval process faster to encourage new members.
On the other hand, I think having posts on the site that are in violation of the forum rules is even more discouraging to new members who are here to have discussions in forum free of ad hominem arguments and derailing off-topics.
Mgrinder, I deeply appreciate your feedback. I wish their was an easy solution because I passionately believe in the value of an open discussion forum that is simultaneously uncensored in one deep sense but strictly moderated to be free of ad hominem arguments and off-topics. I will think about your feedback and hopefully we can move to a better system on all fronts in time.
My entire political philosophy summed up in one tweet.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.