Greta wrote:Wayne, if you don't mind me asking, where do you get your information? Or is it intuition?It came to him in a dream but unlike most people, who forget their dreams, he, unfortunately, remembered it.
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Greta wrote:Wayne, if you don't mind me asking, where do you get your information? Or is it intuition?It came to him in a dream but unlike most people, who forget their dreams, he, unfortunately, remembered it.
Wayne92587 wrote:I think what you do if referred to as day dreaming.
Alec Smart; it is refered to as lucid or Conscious Dreaming.
Greta wrote; # 312Wayne wrote;
I have a problem with the "singularity" model, in that it makes no sense; an infinitely dense zone of zero volume with zero entropy and total stability as it sits in a void explodes. Not really much better than "God dunnit". The singularity would not, and could not, have been a stable condition but is clearly a transitional state between other states (in m-theory, the singularity would be the first point of contact between colliding branes).
Wayne wrote;
Vijaydevani wrote:
I think the term, universe is misleading here. This form of existence which we call the universe has existed for 13.7 billion years or so and that seems to be more or less established. What I think that means is that, existence changed its state 13.7 billion years ago. As far as we are concerned, there is no "before" because time did not exist. Whatever existed, existed in a state which we would not have the ability to intuit, and that state would probably have no consequential bearing on this state of existence.
Philosophy Explorer wrote:The popular Big Bang theory which explains much, doesn't explain things like what set off the posited singularity let alone how it could expand to the dimensions of our space and we lack direct evidence for the theoretical dark matter and dark energy.Does it have to start to start?
Decided to check the internet for updates and I've found a link giving three theories (I don't know if I'd buy Barbour's timelessly universe, the first two theories have more meat to them).
So the question is which of the three theories appeal to you? Which do you see have the strongest arguments going for it?
The link: ... vHsYZFOlzQ
Present awareness; #325 wroteWayne wrote; True, except for the Universe not having a beginning. Change, displacement, the differentiation of Time, Space and Motion signifying, being indicative of the Beginning. The Form of existence prior to the Beginning was such that the Reality of Everything existed as a substance that had no Mass that existed in the form of Pure unadulterated Energy, Pure Passion. A Singularity of having no relative, value, having a numerical value of Zero-0, by its allusive nature as a Random Singularity, the God Particle, being converted, morphing into the a Singularity having relative, a numerical value of One-1.
Time does not have a beginning, since no matter how far back in time one goes, you may always go back one year further. The universe doesn't have a beginning either, although it did make a remarkable change about 13.7 billion years ago. All that there ever was and all that there ever will be, is right here and right now. All that ever happens is that things are constantly changing forms.
Mechsmith #324 wrote; The universe may never have begun. Trying to make it conform to human experience may be a waste.
Simply because all human experiences begin does not mean that everything needs a beginning. [/ quote]
Wayne wrote;
All series of events, processes, continuums have a beginning, to include the System of Chaos that made manifest the Heavens and the Earth, the Universe, the Reality of Everything.
The Universe, as in the Butterfly Effect was born of a System of Chaos; Chaos being born of Randomness; Randomness being a State or Condition in which the First Singularity that is presented begins the existence of a Singularity having relative a numerical value of One-1, which by nature exists in part as part of a greater whole, existing as the First in a series, as the beginning of a process such as the Evolutionary Process, as the beginning of a continuum such as Space-Time.
The Nature of a Singularity having a dual quality, 0/1; by it very Nature being Transcendent, being able to transcend the Great Void that exists in between Nothing and Something, which took place in the Twinkling of an eye.
The First Random Singularity to become Relative, given the numerical value of One-1 as in the Reality of First Cause, being the First Singularity to have relative, a numerical value of One-1, is indicative of the First in a series, the beginning of a process such as the Evolutionary Process, the beginning of a continuum such as Space-Time.
The displacement of a Random Singularity having no relative, numerical value, having a numerical value of Zero-0 having been displaced, being instantaneously reborn, transfigured, converted, morphing into the First Singularity to have relative, a numerical value of One-1; First Motion being indicative of a Singularity of One-1 having been displaced, being in Motion, having angular momentum, velocity of speed and direction.
The First Singularity having relative, a numerical value of One-1 being the first in a series, being an Affect, began the Law of Cause and Effect, became First Cause, which as in the Butterfly Effect, being the Cause of the System of Chaos that has made manifest the Heavens and the Earth, the Universe, the Reality of Everything.
In the Beginning, Time, Space and Motion being undifferentiated, there was only Darkness upon the Deep, the Reality of Everything exiting as a Big Black Whole.
Keeper of the Holy Grail,
The Lord of King Solomon’s Ring-->0, the Transcendental Singularity, the God Particle.
The Creator of "The Theory of Everything" : 0/1--->
Mechsmith wrote:The universe may never have begun. Trying to make it conform to human experience may be a waste.Exactly. I agree with this completely. We know that our cognition of time is completely subjective, therefore we have two options when considering any beginning to the Universe.
Simply because all human experiences begin does not mean that everything needs a beginning.
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