"A deafening silence enveloped the theatre and the red glow faded turning deep purple, as if sucking the colour straight from the plush couches. The succuba suddenly dropped low, her fingertips pressing into pearlite, sinister tail sliding back. Her fierce, fiery eyes fixating front-and-centre - Her teeth parted slightly, and an ominous, drawn-out hiss issued from her throat. Many spectators gasped, sinking into their seats, holding their partners close. Thophalia and the goddess were no different, each within the others arms; Pearls touching toga, the goddess's lips touching his slight shoulder. This would have been the most sexually exciting moment of Tho's life, if it wasn't for the fetish lilitu crouching like a tigress on the stage before them." -Succuba Acidium, Third chapter, Steel eye staring
I've been chewing on this post for some time as I wanted to word it just right, as to titillate, as well as gesticulate in-form-and-descriptor. And so I opened with this titbit from my own writings, to hopefully give some weight to my reasoning to follow... I see the pornography of today, in all it's 3 minute clips and categorized kink, as a perfunctory release. As that is what pronograghy is for, isn't it? It is functional, and it feels good, and that is pretty much it. I stress it feels good - not great. For me, the word 'great' is reserved for erotica, in all it's forms and functions. And by 'erotica', I mean this: Does the sexuality being presented make me use my imagination? If so, it's erotica to me, if not it's porn. Porn is a functional stimulation of my lustful mind, reactionary to hormones that will build-up over time and when I am feeling most healthy, it (pornography) becomes a means to a happy end, as it is made for this. Que applause, move on.
Erotica challenges my mind, and it's intellectually engaging when it's done right. It's a ground-breaking film like Preaching to the Perverted or even a funny-as-hell one like Orgasmo. It's timeless sex, frozen in time, like the celluloids of Betty Page or the extreme mind of the artist that was The Legend of Leigh Bowery. It's creative in it's bent, it's deep in the Story of O (Thank you author Anne Desclos under the pen name Pauline Réag). Erotica is heated thinking, imagining and being creative in my mischievous mind, it's adding the immense girth of art and art-form to the functionality of porn. It's a serge from directions other then that functional, 3 minute clip.
Now if it sounds like I am bashing porn, I mush agree with both sides of the coin when it comes to the pros-and-cons of it. When done right, with safe-words in place, porn is great stuff. When done wrong, porn destroys lives. .. And thinking on this; I think honest, no-nonsense education from an early age is the key to the problems created by porn in our far-too-modern world.
I want to end this with my feet firmly planted in the camp of promoting quality erotica. For me, it wins my interest by default... I feel the need to clarify that erotica is not the same-as, equal-to, or greater-than porn for my reasons given above in also necessity. Does Pornography qualify as art? No, but* erotica for me is an ultimate form of art.
*see all the above.
Oh, and for those all those potential erotic creators out there: If what your are creating gets your pulse racing, you are doing it right.
Humanity has been galvanized by the internet. Its' a virtual, neural web of collective consciousness. And in this social-electric state, we all have a say; From the darkest corners of thought to the most enlightened. It's a mirror of all our minds.