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Whitedragon wrote:If all people would 'Live and let live' there would be not need of vengeance.
Thank you for the fun link of Foamy the Squirrel, I am having fun with it!
-- Updated Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:31 am to add the following --
Scott wrote:[The following topic is featured as a leadup to the May philosophy book of the month discussion of Holding Fire.]
If you haven't already, check out this blog post I made: Vengeance, Payback, Revenge
What do you think? How do you dissuade people from vengeance? What arguments do you have against vengeance? What do you see as the flaws in the philosophy of an eye for an eye? How can we convince people not to make policy choices based on vengeance?
Like anybody, I may succumb to emotions in the heat of the moment (which is almost always regrettable), but I generally do not support vengeance and instead choose compassion. But I want to know what arguments you have against vengeance.
Now I do not condone violence, or vengeance, however I know what it did to me when I couldn’t express how I feel. It creates unresolved issues which will in many cases remain forever, no matter what people say or how many times you forgive that person. It is naïve to think one can just consciously sweep such feelings under the rug in all cases. I thinkPlease don't abandon hope, Whitedragon. I know exactly what you are saying about unresolved issues from my own personal experience. Philosophy is potentially therapeutic with regard to feelings of fear and anger etc. By "philosophy" I'm not referring to platitudes I mean proper academic philosophy undertaken with imagination and rigorous scepticism. Truth and goodness are very similar concepts.
Scott on 'Vengeance, Payback, Revenge' wrote:…I do not know how to respond to people who believe they have some so-called “moral right” to vengeance. I do not know how to dissuade people from the “eye for an eye” code of conduct. I do not know how to convince people not to slap the man who has slapped them. I do not know how to convince people not to murder the man who has murdered one of their family members. …Ok, took me a bit of enjoyed patience getting up to date with the whole thread concisely, but quickly highlighting the topic through Leland R Beaumont's words: "The passion for revenge is strong and sometimes almost overwhelming. But our intuitive logic about revenge is often twisted, conflicted, parochial, and dangerous. Revenge is a primitive, destructive, and violent response to anger, injury, or humiliation. It is a misguided attempt to transform shame into pride."
MarkE wrote:…It's like being a moral vigilante to meEthics of vigilantism has components that account for the responsibility of 'good' people to combat the evil elements in their society as akin to Paladins in both historical and mythological role-playing games sense of reason (with most cases justified by their ethics in no limits to brutality against evil –odd uh). In the movie, 'The Boondock Saints', the monsignor concludes the homily by saying, 'Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men.' In other words one has to react to villainy irrespective of the risks associated with it when imbued with good moral grounds of rationality – as is the case of my second eBook on my website on 'Morality pt.2' on page 78 of the Martell Welch case for those who kept up to date with the other morality thread the other day (thanks for reading, some ammo would be nice). 'The fact that such an obvious truth of a civilized society of rights and laws even has to be articulated, however, is troubling.', this as the U.S. does not accept anarchy (although at its best anarchy could be the best government system, 'could'…) and nor is the global empire of a nation in a state of dystopia or ever will be as akin to some Zombie movies of sorts, this where the defenders of justice are vigilantes to justice in all post apocalyptic movies.
Ethics: Is vigilante justice ever justified legally or morally? wrote: In the absence of a legal order, or when legal authorities are blatantly unjust, it can be ethically appropriate to act without authorization of the law. Here are three types:
- There may be self-help cases where a person may enforce their rights, or defend themselves and their property, without legal authority. See Self-help (law).
- Another category that you are probably familiari with: civil disobedience, such as the non-violent justice efforts of Mahatma Gandhi.
- In addition, there are extreme situations (though people face these around the world) where vigilante violence may be justified, morally, such as armed resistance to tyranny or enslavement.
- Might also includes cases of a necessity defense (though I'm not coming up with an example that isn't included above, suggestions?)
AnarchistUnited wrote:…I would truly use vengeance is out on the world's oppressorsThe tendency and ability to take adequate revenge for an insult or injury inflicted in the past have been often glorified as part of a ‘just and honourable’ individual or communal character. However, the central flaw in the idea of revenge is that it is a futile attempt to remedy past suffering. The alternative to revenge, as suggested by me and my vendetta website (I have one for those that seriously did me harm in the past, I do not account medium to petty impediments on my vendetta list, lol) is not the ultimately altruistic motive of 'forgive and forget' in my books but to 'remember and resist', but granting at least a second chance for redemption. It is proved that the rage that feeds vengeance should be restrained and retrained in a positive direction, not because it is a negative emotion—some negative emotions may, depending upon the context, be healthy—but because it is an unjust, sick and self-conflicted emotion.
Daniel Owen wrote:…vengeance is pretty healthy and normal. Tit for tat. … Mutual aid and vengeful justice are different sides of the same coin.Again I see someone else commit themselves to the fallacy of restricting oneself to a world of dualities (ethical and sensible from an Occam's Razor point of view). One can also account for the hexagonal partiality of; vengeful justice, mutual aid, due neutral process, ethical integrity, 'authentic' honesty to oneself and to others, and communal obligations as pertained to the same genus of the species or inter-relatedness between living beings (this could have been expanded a lot more).
Scott wrote:…I'm talking about vengeance for its own sake (e.g. going and breaking the window-breaking vandal's window as revenge). Why do you all support it?...Well, I have an interesting story. A fair tad ago I was working as a tiler's assistant and after six months work (I think) he simply decided not to pay me the last two weeks worth of wages of which I worked minimal hours since there was no work at the time, and I planned on resigning since he re-obtained his driver's license and did not need me anymore (I was merely helping him essentially). My much more senior recruitment consultant heard of this as I discussed the nature of my 'clandestine' based work, and you know what this wise individual said..? He told me I should go to his house and slash his tyres – but you had to know the guy, my consultant was a saint and for someone of his stature to say something like that to me made me really think if I was being normal by letting this incident slide by. No matter, I had my fun in gossip on Facebook at his expense.
MarkE wrote:…my personal preference involves 1-upping anyone who wrongs me.I hope you don't mean 'selfish egocentrical upping', lest it be by sheer accidental nature alone deriving from a non-sinister first cause of events that led to an 'effect' like-so. A simple altruistic revenge would involve simple disclosure of the incumbents in question to members of society (could be friends or broader) which would warrant retribution in grand association as, mayhap not humans, perhaps higher life forms overshadowing us from the 'Unseen World' could in turn attribute justice on your own behalf as a law of karma that works both ways, one for a positive effect for the individual and the other as a negative effect for the culprit, which in turn supersedes sole secular thinking on the morality of justice in a double whammy, especially since there is no associative act of misdeed attributed as sin to the disclosure of the culprit's sins to specific bodies provided enough sentient wisdom is inherent on the victim so as to warrant that one's life (the culprit) does not get utterly destroyed and instead they grow in moral character serving a triple/quadruple whammy bonus.
Scott wrote:…Also, peaceful communication between people lets them get out there emotions without vengefully attacking each other. …Yes, but the problem facing MOST politicians throughout the course of history is that a methodical, universalized in maxim, objective conduct of peaceful communication has never manifested itself in history as of yet. Of course, in this case it is entirely dependent on the will of the underclass of any given nation who in turn are generally not educated sufficiently enough. It is only in this new era of the internet (if reached globally one day with full liberty) that mayhap we stand a chance to standardize a moral code for the establishment of definite consensus when the premises of syllogism (as attributed to my favourite philosopher Aristotle), used as a foundation to philosophical and theoretical conduct in the modern world, gets expanded so as to include factors of consideration of every imaginable human cultural sect (inclusive of the micro unbeknown to the upper levels) gets itemized through a code of 'loose' rules (akin to virtues) that we shall have a universal basis for effective disclosure of peaceful communication and agreement.
nameless wrote:…'Vengence' doesn't exist in 'my' worlds as I don't 'believe' in 'free-will' or 'choice' or 'cause and effect', hence there can be no personal 'responsibility' for one's behavior. I am more inclined to determine and offer 'healing' rather than 'retribution/punishment'. The 'win/win' concept is growing and the win/lose is dying. Good riddance. …Pretty bold claims that I guess I believe at face value as one would not state they are capable of providing 'healing' unless granted the wisdomly lore to do so; I guess you must be gifted then, but there is such a thing as 'free-will' by placating boundaries to the very conceptualization of it in relations to one's intellect and that of the probability statistics as imposed objectively so, onto humanity in this case in contrast to the other living beings residing on this Earth. I am not going to argue with 'choice' or 'cause and effect' as we each are granted a freedom of choice and opinion and we can agree to differ in notions of established truths. But in relations to revenge one can learn from the acclaimed best English literal mastermind of the language that at this point in time harbours all civilizations, ie:
mark black wrote:…Tit-for-tat is essentially vengence written small - where one cooperates until the other defects, then defect in revenge, before returining to cooperation. It's an extremely sucessful strategy - related to evolutionary biology.Sorry, but even a Tit-for-Tat computational analysis does seem erroneous as it does lead towards the ill-adjusted atheist mind-frame of Richard Dawkins, whom I make loads of jovial good spirited jokes in my latest small treatise of "What Creates Morals? pt.2". The ideal scenario would involve a process of evolution, not quite genetically but by inherited memes that could be self derived given our own uniqueness to have the capability to construct rational roadways towards original new abstract thought as nature itself necessitates of us in times of urgency. A survival inherent instinct as attributed to the innate nature, that ironically enough, may be present within every human's genetic code makeup (simple pseudo 'common' reasoning would indicate this as mayhap being a factual concept).
Dreamshift wrote:…Better to substitute Vengeance with Justice. …If it only were that easy at times, lest we take it at face value and assume Justice as an element pertaining to a world of dualities which is not quite the case. Once justice is delegate authority over the appeasement of human sentimentality and a comforter of emotions we may, by fundamental nature, be destroying a fragment of what constitutes the very inherent nature of humans to experience emotions – well, nothing that extreme but nevertheless we would be confining our intellectual capacity to consideration of no higher truths as encompassed by the realm of vengeance whose hierarchy, skipped a few steps above its branch, 'could' ultimately lead to an evolving branch where morality and ethics holds valid, and like a genealogy tree, a given branch prolific of leaves or fruits of abundance may not be reachable ought we have taken the easier road of postulating ahead given the mere sakes of sequential conventionality as opposed to foreboded predictive postulation given a manifestation of predictive reasoning through notions of envisaging possibilities instead of readily choosing one path of evolution in contrast to taking into account plausible 'possibilities' – as in a probabilities chaos-theorem-like scenario that can be put to good use as a pre-emptive measure by just thinking ahead!
…Given that some could qualify that their right for revenge is Biblically based, they could justifiably make the revenge a sole purpose in life.
This being said, on the flip side of this, one could also become obsessed by their revenge and fail to adhere to another quote from the Bible:
Thou shall not covet. (Exodus 20:17)
Loosely translated, one who covets (yearning to possess) revenge fails to adhere to the same standard which allows them the right of revenge (Biblically). Ref.2
Sunshine wrote:…But sometimes its a bigger hurt, a more soul-hurt, and it cannot be accidental or brushed off as the result of a bad day. For me, it's really about self esteem, and standing up for yourself. …Wow, totally impressive… 'Standing up for oneself', a noble and virtuous trait epitomic and symbolic of the very inherent nature of humanity as a species. Validated by both ancient Eastern and Western lore of the Ancients, and let us not forget the middle Orient in this big picture too whose causes, like the West's association with martyrdom as being the ultimate ideal for establishment of 'order' in the Utilitarian sense (and to a great degree Deontological & Virtue Ethics sense too) and the very divine right for personal liberty as warranted by both secular and religious ethical protocols unmentioned. The building of self-esteem is also pivotal as to the establishment of eudaimonia and hence attributive to LOVE, associated where wisdom ends meet; one can only hope to make the best out of a bad situation and magnify the blessing of the experience many times over the culprit through personal success that also changes the inherent evil nature of the perpetrator of injustice by utilizing one's natural God given wisdom to the extent as situational opportunities arise that once sighted must be seized for such is the way of disciplining of a plausible theoretical (to say the least) provincial higher life form (aka. God/Allah) so as to grant justice to those who are brave enough to cross and surpass newly presented ethical frontiers by sheer volition of free will so as to remain true to one's best traits associative with the 'good' as manifested.
Okisites wrote:…How OP or other similar people expect that there will certainly be a situation to successfully stop criminal to commit crime forcefully, and there cannot be such a situation where victim cannot do anything and is helpless?I do not know why but 'Judge Dredd' came to mind as a morally binding adhesive glue that mends together the fallacies presented by your point of view, of course, the imposition of such a law abiding task force is just so wrong in so many levels, and I find it disturbing that indeed you may be quite right, so therefore I should use Occam's cutthroat blade instead of razor for this scenario… Whatever that may be, so I will just type and see if nature grants me yet another miracle in definition at conclusion's end as is often the case.
What such people think about the inability of police and court to timely punish the criminals, or simply punish the criminal, and how they see what these impotent people should have to do if luckily they caught the criminal and proves them to be actual criminal. … So imo you have to develop the respectful ideology of respect-disrespect to make anybody understand about crime, criminal attitude and vengeance.
For the Greeks, revenge was a constant in the moral universe, but there were powerful social controls placed upon the exaction of revenge. Human beings were relatively helpless in relationship to the forces of the gods and nature. Blood cried out for blood and the gods were vengeful gods. Revenge was justice, but revenge had to honor certain social principles of constraint. Ref.3Sandra also highlights a certain extent in which the ideology of respect-disrespect becomes an imperative tool to examine as a study looking at infidelity and revenge motives demonstrated that people feel less guilty about intentionally hurting others through actions motivated by what they consider to be justified revenge, than they feel when they hurt others unintentionally. When people become convinced that they have a right to seek revenge, the normal prosocial effects of guilt cease to operate, making it less likely that they will seek forgiveness, grant forgiveness, or reconcile. Ahem, a preoccupation with seeking vengeance is not a sign of good mental health, but to some entities it may manifest as a purpose to the very establishment of divine order for an Utilitarian ideal if granted the correct leeway in perspective, mayhap not an attribute that humans possess given our limited capacity for sheer intellect unless divinely bestowed as a manifestation of a paranormal gracious miracle of an extraordinary event – whatever that may be.
Atreyu, post #56 wrote:…One need not feel any hatred, anger, or "vengeance" when divorcing a wayward spouse, or not tipping a crappy waiter.I completely agree with Atreyu, this as some actions are validated with equitable reason due to daily indoctrinated formalities of social etiquette.
Keiran wrote:…Though if somehow killed my whole family, I'd not have any doubt about the need to seek vengeance. I'd kill the killer myself. There's nothing wrong with immorality, after all.You got me there Keiran. If someone murdered my mother or did seriously ghastly things to both family or friends alike (in contrast to the passiveness I would attribute to the culprit if the victim was myself) I very much would like to unethically deviate from the confinements of the bounded sense of being I am encapsulated by as imposed by ethics – this so as to mayhap even be granted the chance to brutally stab the culprit with a nice sharp stiletto knife for I hate evil at its core, especially when imposed on the kin-folk that makes my life worth living for. The only thing that is the problem is that I would lack the courage at this point in time and I would also have to justify the means as an ethical viable alternative within the local/pertinent judicial system whose locale I would have to abide to – as Jesus indirectly said, 'follow the laws of the land'. Give me courage Jesus! In fact, save all of us from such direful calamities from ever manifesting themselves on the first place!
Teralek wrote:…You see, killing others because they think different from you is wrong and ideas spread with the power of the word should be allowed to. Ideas spread by violence should be held of by the hand of justice. …I agree with you fully… I was going to devote a non-fictional satirical poem about the hand of justice to your blog excerpt but I am tired and its late, so my apologies.
Okisites wrote:…he will be more correct than Europeans back then. The reason is, he will be taking vengeance, quite frankly.It does not have to be perceived as vengeance but merely as a moral conduct to set an example that intimidates away criminal activity from manifesting into society through aspectual notions as derived from fear of the final effect as attributive to any potential causality of criminal immorality that may have first been born as a plausible eventuality considering the nature of certain individuals in society.
From my perspective, there are two initial or basic division of crime, one which is done without any reason, and the other as crime against the criminal, where the later is vengeance, but seems more moral and reasonable than the former. What do you think?
See, I am asking quite a difficult question, which I believe that no intellectual can ever answer without agreeing to my ideology, seriously. If you can answer it against my views, then I will applaud for you. …
Whitedragon wrote:Well, let me just say this. I am not for mortal retribution, but I understand the danger of oppressing and dismissing anger for individuals as well as nations. …As marginalised people, we only have to look at our own histories to see the truth in that. We are absent from the historical narrative to a very large extent; sometimes there are obscure glimmers of proof of our previous existence, but most often even those of us who achieved a place in the historical hall of fame have been bleached with the ideals of the dominant groups that did the writing. It is in the scope of micro-communities that the oppressed dwell for the sanctity of their own sanity and perhaps the detriment to those around them and that of his/her inner nature. Life at times does not seem fair to some and that is why we ought to indeed pray (for the disbelievers) that indeed God does exist, even if so as just a sign of desperation that something out there, a force, a field, a being, a manifestation of living energy does indeed exist and may be of capable sentience to understand our language as expressed in every manner and way of living. It is not a futile exercise to pray as an atheist for however improbable it may seem the odds that there may be such a deity/entity there nevertheless remains a chance, however trivial it may sound, and as akin to gambling this process only costs a few moments of reverence that in actual fact serves as a bonus process of mental conditioning to warrant one's sanity for the hardships of the current state of life or what may potentially lay ahead. Oppressing and dismissing anger is dangerous but one can free oneself from the chastises of anger by simply conversing with this seemingly imaginary being (atheist perspective) who in turn at least manifests itself as a REAL entity within your very own subconscious as a process of communication to one's own intrinsic listening mind to say the least that through a natural process of mental reasoning paves credence the notion that by praying you are in a way becoming more self aware of your own being, psychologically to say the least, as things said emanate from the heart whose inner nature is usually hidden from thine own self unless projected outwards in the form of communication by which your very own brain can then interpret, analyse, and come across a suitable elemental aspect of justice and code of action to partake in through reason by self volition. Believe!
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