Time has always existed and the present has to have a past and future component on either side.
I propose that the present is moving through time relative to the past and future and this dictates the existence of atomic partials and the forces that exist between them.
The concept that is proposed is based on certain observable facts and conclusions derived from them as follows:
There are three states of time they are past, present and future. Neither the past nor the future actually exist for the matter from which everything is made, the only existence for this is in the present and records that exist of a past are those of a past presence, and are no more in existence than anything in the future. Therefore the present time separates past and future and acts as a strict division between the future and past. Either side of the present there is a chaotic unvisitable past and future time. The present time therefore moves through time at the point where past and present meet. One conclusion might be that time is unable to pass around the present but must pass through it. If time could pass around the present time then what we observe as the now point in time would be scattered, fragmented and unpredictable.
If time cannot pass around the present time then one conclusion might be that it passes through it, this may account for the existence of all the atomic particles that make up the observable universe. Each fundamental particle may exist, as a weakness in the present time through which time is able to pass. Current theory and experimental physics suggest that no atomic particle can exceed the speed of light because its mass will, increase exponentially towards infinity as it approaches light speed. One possibility is that the weakness in the presence through which time is passing is stable with the movement of time through it as a speed equivalent to the speed of light, if the particle moves within the present then it absorbs more time from the direction moved in than that moved from, eventually as the speed approaches that of light the absorption of time from the direction moved in will move towards a point where the particle is unstable and its mass due to time absorption from the direction moved in increase, momentum and kinetic energy that a moving object acquires may be thought of as existing based on the same principle.
Electromagnetic waves exist only in the present time therefore they must exist between the past and the future. An electromagnetic wave therefore may potentially exist by moving the presence through which it passes slightly to the past and then to the future causing vibrations to the atomic particles it interacts with as the result of the displacement to the absorption of time by the particle. A particle that vibrates may conversely set up a displacement in the present time to and from the past and future and so create an electromagnetic wave.
If space can be established as being the now point in time between the past and future it is then possible to speculate about the existence of gravity, black holes, the apparent shortage of mass in the universe and the way in which stars orbiting the centre of galaxies do not obey the currently defined laws of physics.