- April 22nd, 2015, 2:46 pm
I would like to express my opinions about this topic, even though OP is less likely to talk with me, maybe because of homosexual issue or other bitterness, just like others here.
Okay, I would like to express my some ideas why I consider eye for an eye as wrong. But I would like to ask few questions to OP, if he cares, before I would start expressing my ideas.
I would like to ask OP, if I accuse OP of being protective to criminals and probably want to give more freedom to commit crime to criminals, and is being cold towards innocents. Then how would he explain he is not careless towards victims and only cares for criminals who committed crime against innocent?
Because it seems that OP is against Vengeance, which is actually a criminal activity against criminal, I would like to know why he is against crime against criminals, as a probably retaliation? What he thinks about crime against innocent people, in first place, and not in second place like a vengeance?
I would like to know, why OP is against vengeance and does not seems to be against crime and of one who commits crime in first place? What is his opinion about crime that occurs in first place, and what he does about it? Why he is only seems to be against only those who do crime against criminals i.e. Vengeance?
I would also like to know what is OP’s opinion about getting 10 times of cost if Vandal breaks somebody’s house window?
OP seems to be using too many unrealistic examples to clear his point. For example: OP said he supports defensive use of force (post#7), such as forcibly stopping a rapist. I don’t understand who will stop the rapist. Does he expect women to forcibly stopping a rapist, or he is talking about some other gender? As far as I realistically understand, women are physically much weaker than men to be expected to be able to forcibly stopping a rapist? Or he expects some men will always miraculously come along to save her, or he believe that rapist tries to rape in front of other people and not away from anybody’s eye? This example seems to be very unrealistic to me and completely confusing me.
There are so many things to ask about it, such as:
How OP or other similar people expect that there will certainly be a situation to successfully stop criminal to commit crime forcefully, and there cannot be such a situation where victim cannot do anything and is helpless?
What such people think about the inability of police and court to timely punish the criminals, or simply punish the criminal, and how they see what these impotent people should have to do if luckily they caught the criminal and proves them to be actual criminal. Do these people expect impotent police and court to leave the criminals and do not imprison, despite the fact they probably luckily caught the criminals, or maybe punished wrong person? How do they reconcile between the impotency of court and police, and criminals luckily caught to be punished, to protest for not to imprison those who luckily found to be guilty?
I also don’t understand that how eye for an eye lead to whole world become blind. Of course this is said by bastard Mahatma Gandhi, who monkeys said that don’t see bad, don’t hear bad, and don’t speak bad, but this bastard’s monkeys forgot to say that don’t do bad, for which none of the said acts is necessary. Bad can be done without seeing, hearing or speaking any bad, but this bastard’s monkeys forget to point out that Good cannot be done without seeing, hearing and speaking bad. In other words he only trying to advice everybody to do bad and refrain from doing good, No surprise this Gandhi bastard is part of a political party which come into power when Britishers left India, and no surprise that it is a effect of his non-violence, because with violence against Britishers, this bastard’s allies do not get the ruling position and get kick in their asses. This is why he followed non-violence i.e. for getting ruling position for his people i.e. his caste people. He is a part of most casteist and discriminatory society i.e. Gujarati, which Narendra Modi is also a part of.
I don’t understand how eye for an eye can lead whole world blind. If I take the eye of OP, I would like to know how he will take my eyes?
This will continue tomorrow……….
-- Updated 23 Apr 2015, 16:19 to add the following --
Okay, I think I am quite unstable last night, so I would like to say sorry for whatever bad I probably had talked about before. Okay so continuing...
Actually there are too many things to talk about but I will directly come to my philosophy of Respect-Disrespect. I think generally most of the crime is committed due to some issue about getting respect or being disrespected. I think both who initially commit crime and the one who ask for vengeance ask for respect or not at least disrespect. Respect-disrespect is the root cause of most crime and vengeance.
I think instead of emphasizing on someone's insecurity, weakness, self-value, lack of strength, toughness etc., OP should concentrate on respect and more precisely fear of feeling disrespected/disrespectful, because all the previous ones are in some way related with something to be disrespect or bring disrespect either from others people or by ourself.
For example: A person who will feel that he is weak, will also likely to feel frightened that other will take advantage of his weakness and will disrespected, so instead of looking weak he chose to look strong.
A person with low self-value is not ready to accept the fact because it brings feeling of disrespect for himself.
It is the same with other negative and undesirable traits, such as lack of strength, poverty, lack of toughness, lack of intelligence, lack of power etc. i.e. all of these brings disrespect from others and themselves. And the individuals who don't want to accept these facts, tries to behave in a way opposite to what they actually are, to get respected or at least not disrespected. So issue of disrespect seems central to me in every such distorted behaviour.
I observed that the people who have many such facts around themselves that brings disrespect from society,develops more criminals than others. For example: Poverty. In our country, there is much respect disparity among different societies depending upon different factors, and more criminal mentality is in those people who are disrespected the most.
I believe that any such facts which brings or can bring disrespect and shame, provoke people to develop criminal mentality, and they try to do whatever they can do to feel or maintain their respect. I believe respect is the most essential feeling for people to live. Without respect nobody will like to live. Its very necessary to live, and therefore very valuable.
So I believe all criminal mentality, crime and vengeance is done for being respected or not disrespected, or pay for loss of respect which is very valuable. This is why people ask for vengeance with huge interest to crime done. When something wrong is done towards others, people feel that it is done with the assumption that they are weak. It amounts to disrespect towards them, and for getting the respect back people go for vengeance. Crime done to them maybe not a big one, but loss of respect is huge one. I think people also feel that if they will keep silent, it will bring more such criminal attempt towards them. Secondly people will laugh at you if you do not do anything towards one who did wrong to you, thinking you are weak and coward. Believe me, most people think like this. So vengeance is desired with interests because not only you have to pay back for crime, but also for loss of respect.
So I think OP should try to develop the philosophy about respect-disrespect and crime and vengeance, instead of philosophizing about weakness, lack of strength, power, money, toughness etc. You cannot make any person understand while you are abusing them with such disrespectful ideologies. Of course people are weak, lack strength but this is not necessarily because it is in themselves. Their life situations, desires, and outer factors like courts and police are more responsible for their weaknesses. You cannot disrespect them because of these. It is your disrespect because of which they are provoked to behave differently. So imo you have to develop the respectful ideology of respect-disrespect to make anybody understand about crime, criminal attitude and vengeance.
To be continued........
Get the facts, or the facts will get you. And when you get them, get them right, or they will get you wrong.” ― Thomas Fuller