==> Let's grant that scarcity and large populations are part of the initial case of the formation of the state and move on.
==> Scarcity still exists, but there is plenty to meet everyone's needs. (Not everyone's whims.)
Please see: distinguishing needs from strategies,
http://www.mytrueplace.com/2013/05/28/n ... trategies/
Increasingly, material scarcity is perceived and designed scarcity. Improvements in technology will eventually eliminate remaining real material inequality.
==> Anarchism is not opposed to leadership and administration, anarchism rejects the state and all the necessary systems that entails.
==> The 1 state, 2 egoic self, 3 sexual taboo, and 4 "naive realism" together form the integrated statist system. If any one is jeopardized, the structure grows back as each element reenforces and informs the others.
The whole thing evaporates instantly as soon as anyone realizes spiritual love. But a more realistic approach is gradualism approaching the problem of state from all sides. 1 Dissolve the big state institutions: reduce military, lessen nationalism and borders, work against prisons, national school, and state universities, move away from money, coinage and banking, educate against gender, sexism, racism, and classism. 2 Relax psychology: inform people about mind-training, about how thought and emotion work to keep ego locked into a false reality based on reward and punishment rather than compassion, relax the muscles which are widely believed to hold psychic stress with massage and hot tubs. 3 Limit the sexual taboos oppose marriage, homophobia, and taboos against incest, pedophilia, and transgenderism. 4 Teach spiritual enlightenment and philosophical idealism.