Some interesting reading on the subject: ... urope.html
ScottieX wrote:but I don't know anyone who suggests banning guns entirely.
Can the average citizen own guns there in the UK? What are the specific procedures and restrictions?
ScottieX wrote:It is generally just a matter of having a few more tests registration etc.
Why not just make people fill out endless paperwork and submit to intrusive investigations into their private lives every month, week or every day? If it was really about keeping guns out of the hands of anyone who might use it for purposes other than that of strict prescriptive uses then you would have to dig so deep into people's private lives that it would become unacceptably intrusive and counterproductive to absolutely everyone, hence a complete elimination of firearms.
ScottieX wrote:What criteria are you using to define what is "with-in reason"?
The same criteria everybody else uses: subjective judgment.
ScottieX wrote:Home invasion isn't that scary if you know the guy doesn't have a gun.
That statement is laughably absurd. Tell that to the single mother of two small children who has some guy in her home in the middle of the night. Did you think before you said that?
ScottieX wrote:Anyway I had a look at nation master and it indicated the US has a lot more burglaries than almost anyone else too so I can only assume that the statistic on home invasion is probably do do with different national definitions of "home invasion"?
As I've said before, statistics are manipulable ****, and provably so.
ScottieX wrote:Maybe another example.
That "example" is not an analogous to what we're talking about. My point was that violent people are the real cause of violence with guns. This is obvious as guns don't go around shooting people on their own. Taking the guns away only shifts the mode of violence in the individual. Taking things away from someone doesn't change their inherent nature. If someone is violent, then they're violent no matter what they can put in their hands.
I've already made this argument previously. Look back through my previous arguments. I've made all the logical arguments that can be made against gun bans and unnecessary controls.
ScottieX wrote:That is one scary country you live in.
Not at all, but maybe to those who form such judgments by relying on the media scaremongers who only report the negative side of life because that's what people love to watch vicariously. "If it bleeds it leads" is a popular media motto.
Which would you rather watch? Take a look at yourself. TOOL wrote a song titled "Vicarious" that puts such Human nature under the microscope; the type of Human behavior that most people try to deny to themselves.
ScottieX wrote:Also worth noting is that UK assault rates were much higher prior to gun control (as measured in wound or pure assault terms) and dropped dramatically after the UK tightened gun control.
So you're finally admitting that the culture in the UK is just as violent as everybody else. At least that's some progress.
But take a closer look at your statistics. Knife crime went up, home invasions went up, domestic abuse went up, public brawls went up, gang violence went up, etc., etc.
Reference: ... urope.html
Make no mistake, people are the problem, violent people to be precise. Why are people violent? Probably due to either mental illness, emotional oversensitivity, perhaps they weren't treated with due respect, perhaps they weren't allowed a voice to be heard, perhaps they were bullied in school, perhaps they were sexually abused by a mentally ill pedophile, perhaps they were emotionally abused, perhaps they weren't given enough love and attention, perhaps they're being taxed into poverty, perhaps they're having things taken away from them without due cause, perhaps they're being harassed unnecessarily by authorities, etc., etc., etc.
Perhaps if we as a society stop being assholes to each other then the violence might go away or at least be reduced to the point that we can have guns for recreational purposes and not use them as a means to try to demand respect or to force a commanding voice on those who would not listen.