In fact there is such a phenomenon as 'the culture war', within which figures such as Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett play a not inconsiderable part. And in fact, neither of them are scientists, nor do they publish scientific papers nor provide scientific hypotheses. They are popular writers, and Dennett is a professor of philosophy, and from that position, advocates a materialist theory of mind which I think it a perfectly fair target of criticism.
Bearing that that in mind:
If something Dawkins says or Darwin wrote is found to be wrong, then it will be discarded, and much of what they have said and written is incorrect in the details and/or been overtaken by later findings.
Would that this were so! But in fact, there are very many people who insist that what they say is wrong, and many, like myself, who believe their ideas really ought to be discarded,[
correction, I was referring to Dawkins and Dennett, here, not Darwin] but as it happens, they sell very many books, and Richard Dawkins was named in the 2013 Propect Magazine poll, which is apparently quite influential, as 'the world's most influential public intellectual'.
Now as it happens, one of their philosophical adversaries is a British scientist by the name of Rupert Sheldrake, who is, unlike both of then, a published scientist, whose original work was on crop science, but who then went on to publish an influential but much maligned book called 'The Science Delusion' which aims to show that precisely the kind of philosophical materialism espoused by both Dawkins and Dennett is deeply flawed. But that book is not a scientific work, either, but a philosophical one, and Sheldrake is routinely derided for being a pseudo-scientist; not because of any of his scientific work, but because of
the kinds of ideas he has.
So your idealised picture of 'science' as a pure intellectual methodology that advances through destroying its own sacred cows is exactly that - an idealised picture. Mainstream science and scientists do have vested interests and worldviews and beliefs and many of the other things that non-scientists have, which even influence the kinds of directions they take their research in, and the kinds of things that are considered legitimate subjects for science. Furthermore science has immense prestige and influence in many fields other than science, and in many ways beyond what is published via peer-reviewed scientific papers.
neopolitan wrote:Strawson is just appealing to ignorance. I find it interesting that his name, galen, means insane in Swedish. Now you probably had "literally no idea" what the word galen means, but the fact that you didn't know what it means in Swedish doesn't make it impossible that it is actually means something, does it?
I think that you are implying that I am fixed on seeking a naturalistic explanation for consciousness (or perhaps just rejecting any explanation that is not naturalistic). That's not really the case. I'd be happy with any form of explanation for consciousness so long as it is concordant with reality. If reality isn't naturalistic, then I'd be happy if that were made clear.
What I won't accept is the assertion that because we can't currently explain this one thing by means of the process that has comprehensively explained pretty much everything we have put our minds to explaining, that that means we need to throw up our hands, right now, and imagine that we are ghosts in our biological machines.
I do agree, as I have pointed out before, that trying to explain consciousness by reduction isn't likely to work. But I think it is cheating to posit mind-stuff and say that consciousness is due to mind-stuff - because this is just another form of reductionism (and I suspect that Strawson is arguing to open the doors to mind-stuff).
Strawson is not appealing to ignorance, though. It is more a matter that, no matter how much we know about chemistry or physics, or for that matter biochemistry or neurophysiology, nothing within those domains of knowledge accounts for the primary attributes of consciousness in the sense that we won't arrive at an account of 'what it is to be a being' by the addition of more information of that kind; it is mistaken
in principle and not as a matter of degree.
Panpsychism was discussed with many references in the thread
Panpsychism: Credible or Not?. Whilst I don't wish to propose the panpsychist solution I think the point that its advocates make about the 'explanatory gap' regarding nature of mind are valid.
Neopolitan wrote: There is, though, the problem of introducing some other sort of process simply to explain consciousness, given that everything else can be explained by natural and material processes.
The point I am making is that the kinds of things that are explicable in principle by natural and material processes can be analysed in objective terms; they appear as phenomena and are thus amenable to investigation by the natural sciences according to the criteria of objectivity. And the nature of consciousness is different in principle, because it is first-person, it is both the subject and the object of knowledge in this case, which has profound implications.
The reason why physics is paradigmatic for the natural sciences is precisely because it applies to objects which can be described wholly and precisely in quantitative terms. The applicability of the 'laws of motion' (and regardless of the fact that they don't hold in the sub-atomic domain) entails universal effectiveness. This is why, even now, physicalism wishes to consider only those things which are amenable to the kind of quantitative methodology apparently offered by the 'hard sciences', and why those who regard science as the ideal form of knowledge, do so on account of the degree of universal accuracy, success, and predictability that science has achieved with regards to the kinds of things that are amenable to its methods. And it is impossible to deny that many if not all of the most spectacular achievement of modern technology are due in part or whole to the success of physics, and the remainder very largely due to the success of disciplined quantitative analysis.
But when you appeal to the 'success of the natural sciences', whilst they are indubitably impressive in their domain of application, to say that they ought to applicable to any kind of question whatever - such as the one we're considering here regarding the nature of consciousness - is analogous to saying that 'metal detectors have had far greater success in finding coins and other metallic objects in more places than any other method has. Therefore as the kind of things that you're seeking can't be detected by metal detectors, we have no reason to believe that there is anything of significance to be found';
or that, 'when whatever you're referring to is found, it will of course be some form of metal.'
But, note that science as a methodology, proceeds by excluding the kinds of things which are not amenable to quantitative analysis. Such things include, for example, consideration of value, purpose, aesthetics, and meaning - which are of fundamental interest to humans. The more cavalier materialists will generally insist that all such things are inessential, epiphenomenal, 'emergent', even; while what is
real are precisely those things which 'the natural sciences' insist can be measured with great accuracy, as has been demonstrated by physics in particular, and the scientific method, in general.
So I am far from claiming that 'modern science has it all wrong'. All I am saying is that not everything is within its scope, and some of the things that are not, are of fundamental significance. The 'naturalist project' which is championed by the likes of Dawkins, Dennett, Steve Pinker, et al, doesn't or can't recognize the limits to science, in that sense; as far as they are concerned, philosophy, religion, psychology, and so on, are all essentially subsumed under the heading of science; as Pinker says ' the worldview that guides the moral and spiritual values of an educated person today is the worldview given to us by science'. I disagree: I think insofar as science
is 'a worldview', then it is no longer science, but a substitute for religion and philosophy. Our views can and must be
informed by science, but they are not
given by it.
Erwin Schrodinger wrote:I am very astonished that the scientific picture of the real world around me is deficient. It gives a lot of factual information, puts all our experience in a magnificently consistent order, but it is ghastly silent about all and sundry that is really near to our heart, that really matters to us. It cannot tell us a word about red and blue, bitter and sweet, physical pain and physical delight; it knows nothing of beautiful and ugly, good or bad, God and eternity. Science sometimes pretends to answer questions in these domains, but the answers are very often so silly that we are not inclined to take them seriously.
-- Updated October 4th, 2014, 3:51 pm to add the following --
Neznac wrote:The notion examined earlier with some extremely wonderful thoughts from all posters was concerned with whether we could somehow erase/reject the influence of culture on our conceptions and experience the stark purity of nature itself…
Bear in mind the importance of 'renunciation' in Buddhist philosophy; Buddhism is originally a renunciate philosophy, that is, espouses and is practiced by monks who have by definition rejected social life and live in seclusion. Obviously as time has passed, that original ideal has been adapted to social realities and indeed in Japan and elsewhere there are married monks and hereditary priests. But the original point remains; in Indian culture, generally, there is the idea of 'going forth', of living in the wilderness and beyond the confines of cultural and social mores. So the original form of Buddhist philosophical psychology, the
abhidharma, is quite adept at identifying mental structures and the like, and at understanding how social conditioning influences mental processes (even if they didn't use that terminology.)
Neznac wrote:Is there anything Platonic in the theory of evolution?
That depends a lot on what you mean by 'Platonic'. In the early modern conception of biology, I think you would find that there was some influence of Platonism on the whole notion of 'taxonomy' and sorting animals and plants into classifications; I would have to research it to be certain, but I'm pretty sure you could argue for some Platonist elements in the work of Carl Linneaus. There's also a modern biologist called Michael Denton who argues for some type of Platonic archetypes in relation to the forms that animals take due to evolution, but you I think he has become generally associated with 'intelligent design' nowadays (as anyone who dares question the orthodoxy generally is.)
Fooloso4 wrote:How any of this gives rise to consciousness remains an unknown, but the only reason to assume that only consciousness can give rise to consciousness is because you have already made the division, because you have already decided there must be a prior existing consciousness.
And I say it is a legitimate distinction to make. You will notice how controversial the idea is, that 'mind' is *not* something that can be explained in Darwinian terms as an epiphenomenon of the material brain; it upsets the conventional world-picture, which is why Thomas Nagel's book on the subject generated such hostility.
Secondly, regardless of the fact that physical laws are descriptive, not proscriptive, my point is that the nature of the existence of laws, is of a different order to the nature of the existence of things that are subject to laws; but that when the law of the acceleration of matter was discovered, it was a discovery about something that was real. So my argument is that there is 'a domain of law' which is ontologically distinct from 'the domain of phenomena'. I will pursue that elsewhere.