Fooloso4 wrote:From my notebook:Quotidian wrote:Without a proper understanding of science we cannot determine whether it has been properly applied or misapplied.
This question is not about science, so much as the application of science to the nature of human identity.
Quotidian wrote:But I don't think the nature of the mind, and the basics of human identity...I must have missed something. We were not talking about the nature of the mind or basic human identity. We were talking about the theory of evolution, whether molecules decide to do what they do, whether doing what they do entails purpose, whether the existence of designs entails a designer. You seem to be attacking the scientific theories of nature because it does not appear to conform to your theories of mind and human identity.
'The task of philosophy differs from that of science, for, unlike science, philosophy examines not our conclusions but the basic conceptual models we employ—the kind of concepts and ordering patterns we use. Philosophy concerns not the explanation of this or that but questions such as "What, really, is an explanation?"
For example, is something explained when it is divided into parts and if we can tell how the parts behave? This is but one type of explanation. It works fairly well for a car (although it does not tell what makes it run), less well for a biological cell (whose "parts" are not alive and do not explain its life), and very poorly for explaining personality (what are the "parts" of a person?). Or, choosing another of the many types, has something been explained when we feel that we "understand" it because we have been shown how it fits into some larger context or broader organization? These questions, philosophic questions, are not designed to determine the explanation of this or that, but to discover what an explanation is.'
So I think the point is, we are talking about 'mind' from the outset of this discussion. We're talking a philosophical stance, not a scientific theory, and there is a difference, in line with the above quote.
The natural assumption for many people - so natural as to be unstated - is that 'mind is the product of evolution'. But time and time again, we are told that 'evolution is mindless', that it is an essentially material process. (Many of Richard Dawkin's books are written on this theme - Unweaving the Rainbow, Climbing Mount Improbable, and others. I add that I haven't read all of them, but I have read a fair amount of Dawkins, and I take him as typifying the viewpoint that is the object of criticism here.) So that embodies an assumption, or an explanatory model, which is the basic assumption of philosophical materialism, namely that mind=brain, and that to understand the brain, is to understand mind. That is why the question needs to be asked at the point of origin, which in this case is the at the point of the origin of life itself. If you cede the point that the very beginning of life is no different in principle from minerals and snowflakes, then that's your model; all you need to do is work out the details.
I am questioning the model itself. 'Mind' can't be fit into that model. I think the model is that the brain develops to enable a capacity for reason, capacity for language, and so on; but reason is not 'the product' of mindlessness.
Fooloso4 wrote:When you claim Darwin was wrong we need to look at the theory and the limits of his claims. He takes life as a given. He explains the origin of species as the cumulative effect of variation as selected by an environment. Cruse seems to have difficulty understanding the use of language and thus rejects Darwin because there is no intelligence selecting, no designer designing. If we can clear this up, and it really is quite easy, then Cruse is wrong when he says that Darwin was wrong.I think in a lot of respects, Darwin was quite right. As I have said before, I grew up on Time Life books as a child, and didn't even know there were religious debates about 'creationism' until well into adulthood. So I don't want to make any such sweeping statements, nor am I defending intelligent design.
I think the claim here is actually very specific. Cruse quotes a particular passage from Origin of Species:
It may be metaphorically said that Natural Selection is daily and hourly scrutinizing, throughout the world, the slightest variations; rejecting those that are bad, and adding up all that are good; silently and insensibly working whenever and wherever opportunity offers, at the improvement of each organic being.”He points out that whilst Darwin says that this is 'a metaphor', it is continually thereafter refered to in his work, and is central to the theory. So what is it that 'scrutinizes', 'rejecs', 'adds up', and 'silently and insensibly works'? In fact, we are told, there is nothing that does this, because we are referring all the while to merely bio-molecular processes. So what it is a metaphor, for? That has to be central.
He notes that this gives rise to 'Designer-less design — a supposedly purposeless process going on constantly in Mindless nature, leading to the creation of purposeless organisms built out of purposeless parts, and all (functioning?) to no purpose...'
So he sees it as a pretty basic error in Darwin's thinking, which has subsequently become vastly amplified in the way the theory has been developed. And I think that is a reasonable point.
When I reproduced the passage that spells out the difference between living and dead creatures, you said that I wasn't 'pointing to anything purposeful'. I also asked, what kind of scientific law describes the process which drives evolution, to which you said there wasn't one. I think you're helping make the point.
Here's an anecdote. I was walking my (live) dog around the oval the other day, and the local afternoon radio host was having a discussion with some visiting scientist - I can't remember about what exactly, but the question of traits came up. The radio host said something along the lines, 'and people have those traits, some will say God-given, others will say because of Darwin...'. It was quite a casual mention, but I noticed it because I am discussing these questions. So in this sense, evolution has to all intents occupied the place formerly occupied by religion. It is embedded in the social fabric. And I think Cruse is basically correct about how that occured. That's why, on the one hand, I think it is perfectly possible to study Darwinian biology as an account of the origin of the human species, whilst at the same time remaining circumspect about what that means in an existential sense.
Fooloso4 wrote:While it is true that we do not have a satisfactory natural explanation of mind and human identity it does not follow that in principle we cannot have a natural explanation of these things. Prior to every advance in science there have been those who have claimed it could not be done and spend a good deal of time and energy explaining why it could not be done.But the question of the human mind - I am actually tempted to use the word 'soul' here - is categorically different to the questions that the objective sciences study. We are not dealing with objects, in this case, but with subjects, and what is of value to them, and what things mean.
Science makes a very big deal out of the fact that 'the Universe is without meaning'. The whole point of Darwin's Dangerous Idea was to show that darwinian theory dissolves all traditional sources of value and meaning in the 'acid' of philosophical materialism (as if this is a good thing.) I am saying: watch out! there's a clear and present danger in these philosophies (so called). They are de-humanizing. They are the philosophical counterpart to economic globalisation and the homogenization of world-culture, which proceeds by dissolving human identity and individual cultures. Dennett says we shouldn't object to being called 'robots'.
Fooloso4 wrote:You seem to slide unnoticed between attempts to explain the natural world in natural terms, problems of materialism, and claims made by Dennett, Dawkins, and others. Or perhaps it only seems this way to me because I have misunderstood you. So, let me ask you to clarify your position. Are you claiming that natural explanations are not possible or are you simply taking issue with the theories of philosophers of science?It is all part of a picture. A good deal of what I have written above would be quite in keeping with some of the continental philosophers' critiques.
-- Updated September 30th, 2014, 11:06 am to add the following --
Jklint wrote: Here, I'll quote it for you in toto:OK, fair enough, I did truncate your passage. Apologies for that.A supernatural event can be a very natural occurrence which seems thoroughly excluded from our logic and our sense of what's possible and reasonable.Here's the next sentence completing a very short paragraph.In consequence it gets deported into the realms of the incomprehensible which only refers to the distance between us and IT.So tell me again where is the contradiction in this definition of "supernatural"!
So is what you're saying that what is 'supernatural' is really something that we don't yet have the natural explanation for? If so, it's not really a contradictory definition, but I don't think it comes to terms with what 'supernatural' means.
I take the term to mean 'of a different order to natural phenomena'. The web definition that I find is:
(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature. "a supernatural being" synonyms: paranormal, psychic, magic, magical, occult, mystic, mystical, miraculous, superhuman, supernormal, hypernormal, extramundane; unnaturally or extraordinarily great. "a woman of supernatural beauty"So I think the idea is that what is supernatural is not amenable to a naturalistic explanation as a matter of principle.
noun: supernatural; plural noun: supernaturals 1. manifestations or events considered to be of supernatural origin, such as ghosts. "a frightening manifestation of the supernatural"
But in the context of this particular debate, I think caution is warranted; you can dispute the materialist notion of mind, without asserting something supernatural; simply by arguing that 'mind' is in some real sense, irreducibly first-person, and that the first-person point of view is not itself amongst phenomena. That is the basis of many philosophical critiques of materialism (Chalmers, Husserl, Dreyfuss and others.)
-- Updated September 30th, 2014, 11:12 am to add the following --
Radar wrote:The idea that the various attributes of a human being -- will, intelligence, sight, emotions, reason, etc. -- can be separated from the totality of the person, and that person separated from the whole of nature, is fallout from Newtonian/Carteasian dualism: it mistakes logical distinctions, which are pure abstractions, for reality itself. The various attributes of a person are not independent 'powers,' but only names for the different forms of one person's actions, actions that are inseparable from the whole of reality. Biological materialism, therefore, is but the phenomenal product of a dynamism beneath it, and when that is viewed as comprised separate factors we involve ourselves with absurdities and contradictions that give rise to debates such as this.Well stated. That is very closely related to my line of argument in this thread. (I like Bowne a lot, he is on my to-read list)