Sorry, I missed the quotation marks in my post. What I was doing was refuting the assumption "the Universe is young".
The Hubble "Deep Field" Observations are calling for 15 billion years of age. There we are, At 15 billion years and they still show mature galaxies. According to the BBT wo shouldn't see any thing other than a bright spot there, or maybe a black spot. Or maybe nothing at all.
Olbers Paradox describes what an Infinite universe must look like. Ours does look just like that when the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and the "red shift" are accounted for. His paradox has been used as a proof of a finite universe but in the last couple of hundred years our observations show that what are necessary observations in an infinite universe are exactly what we observe. His tools just wern't quite good enough.
Frankly IMHO the Deep Field observations should have killed the BBT deader than philogiston but it didn't. Pretty soon the Big Bangers are going to have to come up with another version of "The Immaculate Conception of the Universe".
A BBT could work. However it doesn't look like it ever happened. This is also a good time for Occams Razor. If we could focus on the CMBR I'll bet we find some more stars out there. What else Forever----- HT, M.