Let me try to explain the "red shift". (Hubbles Constant) and "Doppler Effect) This is important because it is used as evidence that the Universe is expanding. It's also important because a variation on the theme is used by our local law enforcement personnell with their "Doppler Guns". It's also used by sailers and navigators in the southern seas. It's also important in relativity theories. Bicyclers also notice a similar effect while riding in mountainous country.
It is such a reliable effect that we even have automatic observatories that are busy cataloging the red shift of most of the visible stars. (google "red shift observatories")
The red shift uses wave theory to describe color. (Let's not get into that. It works with light, sound, and water) With light and sound wave length and frequency bear a close relationship.
A hot object emits light. Think candles, campfires, and comets. The temperature of the emitter CAN be determined by the color which is solely determined by wavelength. (Think spectrograph)
The temperature of the emitter IS determined by whatever is radiating. It can, for our purposes be Carbon, Hydrogen, Iron, or actually most elements and alloys have specific wave lengths (colors)that they radiate. (Think welding) If you run star light through a prism (Think rainbows and suncatchers) it will be broken into a spectrum. There will be several black lines in this spectrum. They are called Fraunhofer lines and they occur at specific wavelengths. The position of these lines when compared to a true spectrum will tell us how much our sample is shifted from a true white light spectrum.
Hubble noticed that light from distance objects is much redder than it was when emitted. He translated this into motion (Doppler Effect) and came up with the Hubble Constant. The further away something is the faster it is receeding. This number came to be known as "z".
However there is another effect called the gravitational effect. (Think uphill and down hill). This is predicted in relativity and was (unsatisfactorily) shown by Eddington in his South African Eclipse experiments. It has since been improved upon since 1024.
Now lets look at starlight from a distance. When it was emitted it has a specific wavelength. As we see it it is redshifted as it loses energy going "uphill". But it's light and can't slow down. So consequently the wavelength gets longer (redder). As it travels (different arguement) through the universe it encounters different gravity fields. As this goes downhill (towards a massive object) it gains energies again (blue shifted, Think bicycling downhill) Since light can't speed up the waves must get closer together. When it comes out(away from the mass) it must again be redshifted. You notice that this is the point where time and gravity become inextricably linked. We cannot change the speed of light so we must change the speed of time.
Since from the point of view of the photon (Don't go there
) it spends much more time and effort going uphill than down hill the total effect is to redshift more the further it travels. Hey, that's what we see
Unless we correct for the "gravitational effect" we cannot say that the Universe is expanding.
Actually there are several purely mechanical reasons that light is red shifted. The effect of the mass of the emitter. (Climbing mountains-The bigger and steeper the mountain the harder the climb)
Space dust- (Think red skies at night sailers delight) Loss of energies due to dust and intersteller hydrogen. Simple collisions.
The relative speeds of time due the the differences in mass between the emitter and the observer. Gravity linked to time. The slower the time the bluer the light.
AND to blue shift light it must fall into a gravity well. (Thats us, our sun, planet, and Milky Way) I know of no other natural way to blue shift. If I did we'd have us a perpetual motion machine.
Happy thoughts, M.