ReasonMadeFlesh wrote:If a cockroach loses it head, then regrows a new one, is it the same cockroach?
Suppose we clone you and kill the original - do "you" still exist?
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ReasonMadeFlesh wrote:If a cockroach loses it head, then regrows a new one, is it the same cockroach?
Suppose we clone you and kill the original - do "you" still exist?
Darshan wrote:Earthellism, a philosophy that solves the problem of evil, teaches us that reincarnation is too simplistic to explain the world around us. In 2001, astrobiology confirmed that Earth will be incinerated along with Mercury and Venus. Mars will be spared and become a frozen planet when our sun dies. Earthellism uses this information to postulate that all planets that have liquid water are also close enough to their respective star that when the star begins to die, it incinerates the closer planets. Thus all life in the universe is recycled. All humans have a soul and many animals who can feel love and display love also have a soul. These souls can reach heaven and be with God or they can return to earth/hell to live again. Therefore all life is recycled and some life may get a second chance at life. Reincarnation suggests all life gets a second chance and earthellism explains that souls can reach heaven and not get a second chance at life.No, that's unbelievably vague. That is 100% incorrect. I feel bad for anyone that wastes their time with ambiguous systems. Heaven and hell are within us - they are not real places; they are psychical sides of humanity.
Subatomic God wrote:Doesn't change the fact that I have just proven reincarnation.ReasonMadeFlesh wrote:If a cockroach loses it head, then regrows a new one, is it the same cockroach?
Suppose we clone you and kill the original - do "you" still exist?
ReasonMadeFlesh wrote:Reincarnation proves itself.
Doesn't change the fact that I have just proven reincarnation.
I like you subatomic god, I see you here often.
What I'm suggesting is that we are like patterns in a stream, eddies, whirlpools. Like Conway's Game of Life, our mathematical pattern can be realised anywhere in spacetime, our memories are always changing.
So wherever consciousness exists, there will always be experience.
It doesn't matter if the identity (personal) is different, so long as consciousness exists after my death (in other people) then there will never be eternal darkness thereafter because everyone is "I", except you can only experience it one body at a time. Consciousness is a moving spotlight - it scans what has gone before it, linking up it's past moments up in a chain, defining a self, and not being "owned" by one. There is only one self - the ground of being, or, existence itself, from which we all come.
There is no life or death as you were taught - there is only a subatomic transfer between the physical and the metaphysical, which is why humans can be awake or fall asleep. The human body is very much like the light bulb; the energies of the Universe enter a host to "animate" its host, but when that host can store energy no longer, the energy will return to the Universe - all memories and experiences will live on through the Universe, but the "person", the experience within the "animation", will cease. Ideas do not have faces, tools of expression, brains or hearts - everything that makes a "person".
Subatomic God wrote:Agreed.ReasonMadeFlesh wrote:Reincarnation proves itself.
Doesn't change the fact that I have just proven reincarnation.
I like you subatomic god, I see you here often.
What I'm suggesting is that we are like patterns in a stream, eddies, whirlpools. Like Conway's Game of Life, our mathematical pattern can be realised anywhere in spacetime, our memories are always changing.
So wherever consciousness exists, there will always be experience.
It doesn't matter if the identity (personal) is different, so long as consciousness exists after my death (in other people) then there will never be eternal darkness thereafter because everyone is "I", except you can only experience it one body at a time. Consciousness is a moving spotlight - it scans what has gone before it, linking up it's past moments up in a chain, defining a self, and not being "owned" by one. There is only one self - the ground of being, or, existence itself, from which we all come.
Or you could keep it simple and call it the self-similarity relation system.
The Universe is subconscious - there's no "place of experience"; experience "is".
Refer to...
There is no life or death as you were taught - there is only a subatomic transfer between the physical and the metaphysical, which is why humans can be awake or fall asleep. The human body is very much like the light bulb; the energies of the Universe enter a host to "animate" its host, but when that host can store energy no longer, the energy will return to the Universe - all memories and experiences will live on through the Universe, but the "person", the experience within the "animation", will cease. Ideas do not have faces, tools of expression, brains or hearts - everything that makes a "person".
ReasonMadeFlesh wrote:And also, the "matrix" is the whole Universe, not just inside this planet, which means that the brain we are using is not limited to this planet - this brain is the Universe. The brain can stimulate itself in relation to everything outside of the planet, with familiarity, I might add.
We "wake up" as it were, as selves, in one body at a time.
"Why am I me and not you?"
This problem is simply solved when you realise that because each brain is disconnected, it doesn't remember the gaps in it's experience, nor does it remember what has gone on elsewhere in the universe.
Felix wrote:You too (Subatomic God and ReasonMadeFlesh) are discussing incarnation, not reincarnation of consciousness - that's a different concept.False. If incarnation is continuous, that means it happens again and again, which is reincarnation, which is what I am expousing.
Darshan wrote:Earthellism replies that atheist do not believe in a human soul or heaven or a hell or a God. Reincarnation without a God or a hell or heaven would mean that human beings do not possess a soul. Denial of the concept of a human soul would make all life just flesh and DNA and a loveless existence. Luckily a human soul does exist created by God along with the gift of love that showers us every second.
ReasonMadeFlesh said: False. If incarnation is continuous, that means it happens again and again, which is reincarnation, which is what I am expousing.I realize what you are expousing but it's not the subject of this thread. The subject of this thread is the conventional conception of reincarnation, which is the same individual soul being born again in a new body (re-incarnating), not the incarnation of consciousness.
Felix wrote:Felix, they are cross-referential, therefore no, you are incorrect. We're discussing the same thing, on a higher; more concise level, that is all. It would be best for others to see it on the level that we do, instead of following the falsifiable, out-dated version that was built on by superstitious men with very little tools to work with.
I realize what you are expousing but it's not the subject of this thread. The subject of this thread is the conventional conception of reincarnation, which is the same individual soul being born again in a new body (re-incarnating), not the incarnation of consciousness.
Felix wrote:As I said, Subatomic God, your conception has nothing to do with reincarnation, in fact all you are really saying is that all life is conscious.
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