Quotidian wrote:
So what do you make of Richard Conn Henry's opinion, published in Nature in 2005, called The Mental Universe? Is that close to what you're talking about? (If so, I can stop arguing with you
I hadn't seen the article before but I just read it. It's not a form of language that a systems theorist would use but it's perfectly in tune with what I'm saying. Yes. This is how I see the physical world, but a systems theorist would be able to strip it of its teleological undertone, which is essentially reductionist. We don't perceive a representation of our physical world but we bring it forth into our consciousness as a reconstruction of patterns which have no existence independent of a dynamic conceptual framework.
Quotidian wrote:I think I follow your thought-experiment above. The question I have is that if it is so simple, why hasn't it been validated? I seem to recall that it was Eddington who provided validation of Einstein's equations by making observations of eclipse data which confirmed with Einstein's predictions of the effects of gravitational mass on the speed of light. Your proposed experiment doesn't seem too distant in principle from such validation. So wouldn't it be considered?
It hasn't been validated because nobody has ever asked the right question of the model. Indeed Eddington validated the equations but he didn't validate the explanation, which has still never been validated because it is non-mechanical. i.e. spacetime is an action-at-a-distance model. The light bends towards the massive body because it follows the path of the curvature of space. Space has no physical properties, thus no explanation for such a curvature is possible, even in principle. This has held the entire science up for over a century and the Blue's Brothers are well aware they've got something badly cocked up. Henry appears to be one of them and the numbers are growing daily.
Here is an explanation for gravitational lensing in a spaceless universe. All motion is through time alone and it has been well known since GR that the speed of time is inversely proportional to the strength of the gravitational field. Clocks tick faster on top of the hill than they do at the bottom, etc. Clocks inside black holes might produce one tick per hundred human lifetimes if we could measure such a thing from our own inertial frame but we can't. Inside the black hole the clock ticks at 1 sec/sec because absolutely EVERYTHING slows down, including the speed of light. The speed of light in a spaceless universe is exactly the same thing as the speed of passing time. As the light from a distant quasar travels through time to the observer it is slowed down by the gravitational field of the intervening galaxy. The observer
perceives this as bent light. The observer will always observe the speed of light to be a constant because he can only perform this measurement in his own inertial frame, where time always proceeds at 1sec/sec regardless of gravity. In an absolute sense this is false but the universe has no absolute time because it is relativistic. Galileo knew this hundreds of years ago but like Newton after him he assumed that the speed of light was instantaneous. The penny should have dropped when they noticed that the speed of light was not only finite but
observed to be a constant. In an objectively real relativistic world it simply cannot be possible that the speed of light actually IS a constant. Impossibility doesn't seem to bother physicists but it bothers the **** out of me.
Quotidian wrote:Another question (forgive me): have you, or would you consider, posting your above prediction on Physics Forum? It might be interesting to see what other physics followers had to say about it, don't you think?
It's a very long story,Q, and not a happy one. It is simply forbidden to question the spacetime paradigm in any physics forum. It is regarded as immutable physical law and if one attempts to use logic one is laughed into submission, very often with considerable malice. Only equations will do and no Newtonian mathematical tools can describe this model. No other mathematical system is permitted and this would make no difference anyway because I wouldn't know how to use one. Any reference to any philosophy whatsoever is unmercifully ridiculed, philosophy being for dead Greeks and navel-gazers pissing around with the meanings of words. You honestly wouldn't be able to understand how hard it is to get through to these guys, it is truly heart-breaking and has cost me dearly of my time. However I have managed to post this prediction and supportive argument on another forum before finally being ejected for heresy. I have a sarcastic tongue on me when provoked and little tolerance for fools so it came as no surprise. It's still there and I still correspond in private with a few of the members who could see that I had been harshly dealt with. I have approached physics departments directly at a number of universities and been very kindly and indulgently treated. In their condescending way they've praised the depth of my physics knowledge and then politely pointed out that "that's not the way we do physics". The infuriating thing for me has always been that I'm not contradicting any of their findings. All I'm offering is an explanation for why they see the things they do. I've had to learn an awful lot about it to be able to this coherently, and I know bloody well I haven't been wasting my time because I've got damn near every philosopher in history in my corner, and now the complexity theorists as well. This can't be wrong, mate.
I've gone to the trouble of joining this site just to get this stuff down somewhere else, that's all. I was advised by many not to bother with this place because it's full of crackpot science, religious fanaticism, bogus philosophy and conspiracy theories. By and large I've found this to be true but not universally true. I find it very helpful in formulating my language of expression if I'm posed the right questions and look at them from different angles. A few people have been helpful, including yourself on Buddha and Kant, and I'm sincerely grateful. I've spent forty years on this and don't propose to give up,Q, but I'm a hermit nowadays and getting out of my home is difficult for me. I'll do it when I'm sure I'm ready but I don't expect an easy ride. New ideas have always been very difficult to get across to people who have so much invested in the old ones.
Regards Leo
-- Updated August 14th, 2014, 1:30 pm to add the following --
Quotidian wrote:
Why do you say that? I have never heard of the idea of macro-scopic objects being entangled.
Sorry I missed this question. That's what I meant when I said they've never asked the right question of their model. It took me years to find it myself and I never for one moment intended to say a single word in public without such a question.