Bohm2. I'm just as puzzled as you are as to how some people can regard this as an important question while so many do not. When I see the colour red am I seeing the same colour as you are when you see the colour red? How can this question possibly be answered? What does it matter? We don't see with our eyes, we see with our minds, and no two minds are the same. On the basis of the latter point I guess I'd have to say no, we don't see the same colour. As long as we call it the same colour it doesn't matter. My brother and I have always argued over blue and green since childhood because there is no defined boundary. I read recently that the human mind is able to distinguish over a million distinctly different colours, all on the basis of information received from only 3 primary colour receptors in the retina. The retina is an interesting piece of kit, as you know. It receives extremely fragmentary light information in only three primary colours and only two dimensions. It then presents this absurdly grainy 2D image to the brain upside down with a bloody great hole in it. From two such presentations we are then able to construct an image of our visual field in exquisitely precise detail, in 3 dimensions, the right way up, and in glorious technicolour. Do I find this awe-inspiring and remarkable? Yes. Do I find it miraculous? No
For centuries it was believed that human infants, and in fact all mammalian infants, were born blind. This has now been shown to be false. They are not born blind but they are born without the ability to see. Seeing must be learned.
You seem to have dealt with Felix's and Logic's questions much as I would have.
Logic_ill wrote:
Another important field is evolutionary biology, especially when it pertains to humans. I also speculate, whether any of our primate ancestors actually had mind (in the form we have it today) or whether it was a slow gradual process? I´m not sure even those we consider homo sapiens sapiens had the same kind of mind we have today. All I could do is speculate...
I hope you'll understand that in biology the notion of "the same mind as" is an oxymoron, whether we are talking about two organisms of the same species or two of different species. It is fair to say that two organisms of the same species have the same kind of brain structure, but they can't possibly construct the same kind of mind out of it. I brief tour around this forum should suffice as proof.
Quotidian wrote:
Well, that's basically a prejudice on your part. Furthermore, it's an artificial boundary. But this is why, when you ask me if I accept 'the universe is all there is', you're really asking 'do you reject anything "supernatural". Well, I don't. We do not know enough about nature to know what is 'super' to it. Besides, the definition - or notion - of 'the supernatural' is based on the 19th and 20th Century conception of conflict between science and religion, which I regard as largely historical.
It is not a prejudice,Q. It is an important thing for me to know so that I can understand you. The supernatural is not accessible to the tools I use, which are those of science and philosophy, which means that I need to give due weight to your overall world-view when considering both your opinions and your arguments. My own world-view is something I've made no secret of but I'm not judging you and I deny my authority to so so.
Quotidian wrote:
Your theory that complexity must always emerge is, as you say it is, a statement of the bleeding obvious
In the light of this perhaps you'd do me the courtesy of not calling it "my" theory. It is the position of orthodox, mainstream science with which I concur. Naturally you are free to question any conclusions which I draw from it, which I will weigh in accordance with the considerations given above.
I have no interest in discussing Nagel's philosophy, as I feel sure I've made abundantly clear. He and I think in different magisteria, as you very well know.
Quotidian wrote:
Besides, it is not a matter of 'instructing' anyone. This is a debate.
Let's keep it that way, then. You don't tell me how to do philosophy and I won't tell you that leprechauns are a myth.
Belinda wrote:I don't know whether Leo 's comment was because he thinks it ought to be obvious or because he has not until now thought of the alternative.
A disingenuous comment I think, Belinda, but I think I see your tongue bulging in your cheek.
Regards Leo