Bohm2 wrote:Quotidian wrote:I have an argument as to why 'mind' can't be understood in principle, in the same way, and by the same means, as the objects of the natural sciences. I am perfectly happy with the idea that when it comes to the analysis of the Universe and everything in it, science is the method. But 'mind' itself, is never the object of analysis, because it is always that which is doing the analysing.
I agree with you, at least with the stuff like qualia/the experiential/consciousness. Molecular biology/neuroscience hasn't made any headway in this area. Even neural network/connectionism models have produced zilch understanding on the "hard" problem. And you might be right, as others have argued, that the problem lies at the gate; that is, the problem has its source as some special feature of consciousness, itself; that is, by having this special access (inner experience) to it that we have to nothing else (and nothing else to us), this may not allow us to see the connection. Personally, I doubt the answer lies in more neuroscience. I spent 4 years getting a degree in it and I didn't find anything remotely enlightning with respect to the "hard" problem.
I agree completely, and I'm glad of your neuroscience background, which will be far superior to mine. The "hard problem" is simply looking for something that can't be found because consciousness is emergent, just as the wetness of water can't be found or the "dogginess" of dogs can't be found. Why should we expect that the humanity of humans should be reducible in such a ridiculous way. This is why I call the "hard problem" the "non-problem" because we're simply asking a stupid question founded on the flawed reductionist thinking which we've all grown up with.
Consciousness just iS and it cannot be the same thing for any two sentient organisms on the entire planet. We would have no more chance of unravelling the consciousness of an earthworm than we'd have of flying to the moon. By what convoluted artifice of reasoning should we expect to be able to do it for humans?
Regards Leo
-- Updated August 9th, 2014, 1:48 pm to add the following --
I'm going to veer off course onto my own self-selected path, which is a curious blend of science, philosophy, history and farce. This was always to be the chosen style for my narrative, because I honour my own culture, my own vernacular, and thereby my own readership.
It wouldn't much matter where I start, because my philosophy has no particular beginning or end. It's just an eclectic compendium of stories centred around a small handful of themes. It won't appeal to everybody but this is my schtick and my own crack at originality. It was Quotidian who prompted me to start here, because I feel bad about how it all went pear-shaped with Q. It couldn't be helped, mate, this is a serious business, but I'm grateful to you for bringing this up elsewhere.
Collapsing a wave function.
Amongst a strong field of ambitious contenders, one of the oddest concepts in physics is the notion of “collapsing a wave function”, which is just a fancy term for saying “taking a look”. The paradigm of spacetime implies that an event cannot be said to have occurred until an observer looks at it. This is an absolutely logical and completely uncontroversial conclusion from the model which cannot be interpreted in any other way. If we accept that spacetime is physically real then an unobserved event cannot occur. You can well imagine that this threw the world of physics into a maelstrom of confusion when this was first noticed, but an even worse consequence was that the entire 99% of humanity who comprise the world of non-physicists just shook their heads and turned sadly away, thinking these poor buggers have lost it. These spacetime deniers were the clever ones, as I propose to demonstrate, and we can form our own conclusions about the cognitive dissonance of physicists. For a couple of decades the priesthood of physics clung to this notion with a grim certainty which was somewhat embarrassing for them. Nowadays they show a bit more modesty and just turn sheepishly away and mumble: “we’re still working on that one”, and try to change the subject.. At the time they had major arguments on how they were to justify this nonsense to those outside the priesthood but unsurprisingly no consensus was ever reached. You can't put lipstick on a pig and turn it into Marilyn Monroe. Essentially individual physicists were left to their own devices to explain what they meant as best they could, and most of them took the easy way out. Although they couched their words in a diplomatic language they effectively said that the universe was simply too complex an entity for dumb schmucks like us to understand.
Albert Einstein was not one of them, and this made him unpopular with his mates, because Albert simply said: “********, the moon is still there whether somebody’s looking at it or not” , to which the priesthood would reply: “Ssshh, Albert, you’re making the rest of us look silly”, to which Albert would reply: “ You don’t need my help”, and so on. The war was on, and this to-ing and fro-ing went on for quite some time with all manner of stupid statements being made, so the big shots got together and said: “Enough of this crap, let’s get together for a few beers and get this **** sorted out once and for all”. The leading uber-geniuses met at a place called the Solvay Institute in Brussels, and by all accounts a wonderful time was had by all. Either they simply drank too much, or maybe they just chucked the whole mess into the too hard basket, because nothing came out of it except more confusion. The Solvay conference delegated to Niels Bohr, an inspired genius of lofty calibre, the task of making the announcement to the world, and this became known as the Copenhagen Interpretation. No doubt Niels reckoned that because his mates had landed him in it the least he could do was name the verdict after his home town. Even though nobody realised it at the time, including Bohr himself, Niels emerged with a statement of such a profound and simple truth that it will mark him as one of the greatest accidental geniuses in history. So profound and simple was it that nobody understood what it meant.
This is what he said. “ It is not the role of the physicist to tell us what the universe is, but merely to determine what we can meaningfully say about its behaviour.” This is a tribute to Immanuel Kant of such elegance that nobody noticed it. Nobody noticed it because the philosophers were ****-scared of the physicists' extravagant mathematical virtuosity and were worried about making dickheads of themselves. They needn’t have worried because this was the prevailing public opinion anyway and it didn’t seem to bother the physicists. Nevertheless they felt it might be safer to just stick with arguing about the meanings of words and pretend they hadn’t noticed. Of course the physicists never noticed it at all because they were far too clever to read philosophy books. None of this was helped by the fact that Kant observed the honourable German tradition of ensuring that his philosophy was unreadable, but in his “Critique of Pure Reason” he made exactly this point. Kant’s point is scattered throughout his “Critique” in such a way as to make it very difficult for the reader to find it, as was fashionable in his time, and yet it was this very point which was his reason for writing it. He stole his idea from Plato and Omar, but he refined it in such a way that he could pass it off as an original idea of his own. I’m not going to critique the “Critique” but I’ll simply leap to Kant’s conclusion, which was simply this. We have to be very bloody careful about what assumptions we make about what we observe, because these assumptions are made in the mind of the observer. This problem comes under many guises in Kant’s masterpiece, but the layman might think of it as the age-old subjective/objective dichotomy. Those with a taste for the formal language of the philosopher might prefer to call this the ontology vs. epistemology debate. In physics they simply call it the “observer problem” or the “measurement problem”, without having the slightest idea of the true nature of this problem, and without realising that many philosophers had identified it before them. This is only one of an entire herd of elephants which dwell in the room of physics, waiting patiently to be acknowledged.
Physicists are not stony-faced and timorous logicians but decisive men of action, and thus were never going to allow such a trivial thing as impossibility to stand in their way. They simply decided to do what Ptolemy did and press on regardless. All wordsmiths are vain and love making up their own words, so I’ve decided to coin a new word to describe such behaviour. It’s not actually a new word but an old word simply changed from a noun into a verb, in deference to the modern fashion, and given a different meaning.
From the lexicon of the bloody obvious, and in homage to the great man, Ptolemy:
Epicycle (to).
v.t. To prop up an absurd hypothesis with one or more supplementary hypotheses of escalating absurdity.
The physicists simply decided to epicycle their way around their problem and they’ve been pedalling furiously ever since.
Regards Leo
P.S. I’ve decided to proceed with this story in instalments because I’m trying to just pick the main ideas out of a large number of far more detailed essays. This is basically a re-write (which does me good) , but it means I need to make sure I put stuff down in the right order. Hopefully, for those that are interested, this means it should come out in manageable chunks, as well as allowing me to do all the other things I’m supposed to be doing. Like my chores.