secondly, i am stating that contrary to what you said the mind and the consciousness are not the same.
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Chaosnature wrote:As babies, the brain is formed, what formed the brain? and at what point was the brain loaded with data?I applaud and clap, for your question, Chaosnature. I don't think I can answer that satisfactorily.
secondly, i am stating that contrary to what you said the mind and the consciousness are not the same.
Chaosnature wrote: As babies, the brain is formed, what formed the brain? and at what point was the brain loaded with data?Obviously this didn't happen. A human being starts out as the fusing of two haploid germ cells containing nothing more than a set of genetic information. After that the human MAKES ITSELF.
Chaosnature wrote:mind and the consciousness are not the sameI won't be arguing over the meaning of words in this thread.
Okisites wrote: I am of the view that mind is in everything that anyone or anything can think or respond to, but consciousness doesn't resides in the thing, but it is like a phenomena, that is like a correspondence between the different things, or minds(basic things).This is also the unanimous view of mainstream science and one with which I completely concur. I suspect by consciousness you mean self-awareness which is regarded as EMERGENT. Self-awareness is not unique to humans and a number of other higher order animals also have it, although to a far lesser extent. Cetaceans, corvids, elephants and some of the higher primates, for example. We just simply have a hell of a lot more of it, but the fact that other advanced species have it to a lesser degree is evidence enough that it is simply an evolved characteristic, not some mysterious supernatural force which requires us to invent a little man in our heads.
Quotidian wrote: Do you understand the problems of reductionism?
Leo wrote:This entire thread is a refutation of reductionism. Perhaps you should read it.I did read it. And whilst you say you are arguing against reductionism, you make a number of statements that are reductionist:
...the mind is a construct of the body and brain
a human brain in particular…has been massively over-engineered for the simple task of ensuring the survival of the fittest.
Consciousness is an emergent consequence of all this electro-chemical activity
senses cannot be divorced from our minds, if the evidence of biology is anything to go by, any more than our minds can be divorced from our senses.
I regard it as illusory to project the Self as somehow external to the vessel which contains it
We can define the Self as the entire universe of our personal existence which is contained within a self-existent universe and we are then reminded of many ancient theologies which speak of Transcendence and Becoming. Nowadays we recognise such words for what they are and substitute them into the evolutionary paradigms where they belong.So whilst you say you're opposed to reductionism, the philosophical position you are advocating still appears to be in line with what is broadly described as the 'evolutionary materialism' of the Western secular mainstream.
Quotidian wrote: If you say that 'this pattern of neural activity represents the image of a fire-truck', what are you actually saying? As soon as you say that it represents something, then you're actually invoking the very thing that you're trying to explain, in order to do the explaining. And that is the precise meaning of 'begging the question'. Your actually using the faculty which you're attempting to give an account of, to account for it. But how could you avoid that in this case? How could you 'explain consciousness' from some point outside of it?
Quotidian wrote: So whilst you say you're opposed to reductionism, the philosophical position you are advocating still appears to be in line with what is broadly described as the 'evolutionary materialism' of the Western secular mainstream.This statement is false and none of the statements you quote are reductionist. They all imply both top-down and bottom-up causation which is the antithesis of reductionism. Reductionism is a method of thinking and thus exists in the mind of the thinker. You are misreading my words, not deliberately, but because you live in a Newtonian world. The modern biologist is not a Darwinian and doesn't live in this world.
Quotidian wrote: How could you 'explain consciousness' from some point outside of it?I'm not going to repeat myself again because I've been over this many times. There is no bloody point outside. I'm saying the exact opposite. The human organism begins from two haploid germ cells and then MAKES ITSELF, for Christ's sake. At what point in this developmental journey does consciousness suddenly appear? Consciousness is EMERGENT. You can no more define consciousness in terms of matter and energy than you can define the wetness of water in terms of the properties of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Does some omnipotent imaginary being make water wet. Can't you see this. It's YOU that is being reductionist.
Leo wrote:This statement is false and none of the statements you quote are reductionist. They all imply both top-down and bottom-up causationSay if 'bottom-up' means 'occuring as a consequence of physical interactions', 'top-down' would be ... ?
Leo wrote:Consciousness is EMERGENT.But what does this add to our understanding? All 'emergence' is, is an explanation of properties and attributes that pertain to something, that can't be seen in their constituent parts, like the wetness of water.
Quotidian wrote:But what does this add to our understanding? All 'emergence' is, is an explanation of properties and attributes that pertain to something, that can't be seen in their constituent parts, like the wetness of water.Yes and yet the mental/consciousness/the experiential is different because emergence of liquidity from water molecules or other typical emergent systems are all open to a third person perspective. That is not the case with mental phenomena. We can infer mental stuff indirectly from brain scans, behaviour, etc. and match to our own but that's not the same thing.
It is indeed the case that mind cannot emerge from scientifically described extrinsic properties like mass, charge, and spin, but do we know that mind could not emerge from the intrinsic properties that underlie these scientifically observable properties? It might be argued that since we know absolutely nothing about the intrinsic nature of mass, charge, and spin, we simply cannot tell whether they could be something non-mental and still constitute mentality when organised properly. It might well be that mentality is like liquidity: the intrinsic nature of mass, charge and spin might not be mental itself, just like individual H2O-molecules are not liquid themselves, but could nevertheless constitute mentality when organised properly, just like H2O-molecules can constitute liquidity when organised properly (this would be a variation of neutral monism). In short, the problem is that we just do not know enough about the intrinsic nature of the fundamental level of reality that we could say almost anything about it...Thus, even if the intrinsic nature of electrons and other fundamental particles is in fact mental, this does not mean that it should be anything like human mentality—rather, we can only say that the ontological category their intrinsic nature belongs to is the same as the one our phenomenal realm belongs to. This category in the most general sense is perhaps best titled ‘ideal’.What makes sense to me is that there is emergence on 2 levels (extrinsic and intrinsic). But our scientific tools/cognitive structures appear to be barred from having access to the intrinsic stuff except with respect to our own as argued by Lockwood:
Do we therefore have no genuine knowledge of the intrinsic character of the physical world? So it might seem. But, according to the line of thought I am now pursuing, we do, in a very limited way, have access to content in the material world as opposed merely to abstract casual structure, since there is a corner of the physical world that we know, not merely by inference from the deliverances of our five senses, but because we are that corner. It is the bit within our skulls, which we know by introspection. In being aware, for example, of the qualia that seemed so troublesome for the materialist, we glimpse the intrinsic nature of what, concretely, realizes the formal structure that a correct physics would attribute to the matter of our brains. In awareness, we are, so to speak, getting an insider's look at our own brain activity.
Quotidian wrote: Say if 'bottom-up' means 'occuring as a consequence of physical interactions', 'top-down' would be ... ?Exactly the same thing. Occurring as a consequence of physical interactions but working back down the causal chain. An example is the easiest way to illustrate this point. This is a causal chain from your cell biology to your mind, although it can easily be extended all the way down the causal chain to the sub-atomic particles which make up your matter. Our universe is completely deterministic and completely non-reductionist as you will see.
Quotidian wrote:Just because you label it 'emergent', doesn't mean that this view is not reductionist.Yes it does. Emergence doesn't exist in Newton's world and neither does it exist in modern physics, which is purely Newtonian despite their claim to the contrary. They force it into a Newtonian paradigm with the use of mathematical constants and by denying the existence of a physical time. There can be no such thing as a constant in a relativistic universe and this is why their models make no sense.
Quotidian wrote: As for organisms being 'self-creating', I am a little familiar with Maturana and Varela's writings on that matter, and also Kaufmann's. I can see how, in the context of the discipline of biology, those ideas are productive and fruitful, but this is a philosophy forum, and I'm not sure how much bearing it has on the philosophical question of the nature of mind and its relationship to the brain. Besides, why is the Universe just such a way, that self-organizing systems - organisms - can arise within it?To get this you really need the Mandelbrot set and a bit of fractal geometry. I don't regard body, brain and mind as different things but rather as a single autopoietic network in a constant dynamic flux. This can then be enfolded within other networks like family, community, nation, species, biosphere etc. These groupings are entirely arbitrary and nothing more than modelling tools, but there's more than enough philosophy in it to last our species forever. The only way to get a true grasp on the nature of physical reality is through biology, the science of life, because it is only in this framework that the true absurdity of reductionism is apparent. Autopoiesis defines the human mind as itself becoming It defines a human life as a journey through time in which the self evolves towards informational complexity. It defines our biosphere in the same way and in my philosophy I extend this concept to the universe itself. This is as non reductionist as one could possibly wish for because I define the universe also as itself becoming, just as Spinoza did and Einstein wanted to do, and many other philosophers have hinted at for millennia. In the eastern philosophies this has always been a recurring theme. The circular causality which underpins all of non-linear dynamics finally unites the uber-Mandelbrot set with the Universal Turing Machine that is our universe in the ultimate expression of birth and renewal. If this is not philosophical enough for you then you're a hard man to please.
Quotidian wrote: why is the Universe just such a way, that self-organizing systems - organisms - can arise within it?Because it cannot be otherwise. The universe didn't have to organise itself in the way it did but it had to become more complex. This is a fundamental law of complexity because this is simple cause and effect. Simple systems become more complex and this process cannot stop until the whole process starts all over again. Life on earth didn't have to bring forth homo sapiens but if the right conditions obtain it must become more complex until a single species emerges at the top and becomes the uber-predator. This is absolutely mandated by the complexity paradigm and then the evolution must stop. It stops because the the uber-predator has seized control of the whole network and the future can no longer be self-organising. The future becomes designed.
Quotidian wrote: When we ask the question, what is mind? What is a brain? or any such question, ultimately we are seeking to explain or define one thing in terms of another. My argument about this is that all such explanations depend on our ability to represent, infer, and so on. WIth your appreciation of Kant, I'm sure you get that. But one of the implications of this is that, all manner of explanations depend on the categories of understanding, and the like, which are in a vital sense prior to empirical judgements about the question we are investigating. So whatever we say about the manner in which the 'electro-chemical processes of the brain gives rise to mind', is dependent on our interpretation of the meaning of those phenomena. And that 'act of interpretation' is not given anywhere in the data about 'what the brain does'. The process of rational inference is not an electro-chemical phenomenon, even though it can be embodied in electro-chemical phenomena. And I say that is because rational inference is ontologically distinct from such phenomena; it is a different kind of thing altogether.I can argue against this until the cows come home but never briefly. You open up a whole new Pandora's box of worms, red herrings and mixed metaphors which must await another time. I have a wife with similar inclinations to yours. However I strongly suggest you read as much as you can on systems theory. This is an entirely new way of thinking the world and it's taking the world of science by storm. I know whereof I speak because I've been working with it all my life and I not exaggerate when I say that this is the biggest philosophical breakthrough in the history of our species.
Obvious Leo wrote:However I strongly suggest you read as much as you can on systems theory. This is an entirely new way of thinking the world and it's taking the world of science by storm. I know whereof I speak because I've been working with it all my life and I not exaggerate when I say that this is the biggest philosophical breakthrough in the history of our species.Nobody is denying that macro-micro, synergistic/systems theory/self-organization stuff is not important. And I'm also sympathetic to emergence but what is being questioned is whether this is enough to "spit" out the mental/experiential. Let me ask you this. How do the causal and structural relations between the chemical/physical/neuronal stuff magically give rise to full-blown consciousness/qualia/the experiential, when the former stuff itself appears impotent to do so? And the liquidity from water molecules analogy is not a good analogue for the emergence of consciousness experience/subjectivity for reasons mentioned previously as noted by Chalmers:
A low-level microphysical description can entail all sorts of surprising and interesting macroscopic properties, as with the emergence of chemistry from physics, of biology from chemistry, or more generally of complex emergent behaviors in complex systems theory. But in all these cases, the complex properties that are entailed are nevertheless structural and dynamic: they describe complex spatiotemporal structures and complex dynamic patterns of behavior over those structures. So these cases support the general principle that from structure and dynamics, one can infer only structure and dynamics.Consciousness and its Place in Nature
Felix wrote:Obvious Leo said: "The universe didn't have to organise itself in the way it did but it had to become more complex."No, Felix, this is not an article of faith despite the fact that I express it in such an emphatic way. There are no articles of faith in my entire philosophy. It contains nothing that needs to be believed because all of its principles can be derived from only two basic axioms. I don't regard these as articles of faith but simply as self-defining statements which cannot be refuted with the tools of human reason.
I'm afraid I still don't see your "it had to become more complex" conclusion. It seems to be an article of faith... "this is necessary," seems awfully anthropomorphic.
Bohm2 wrote:Well, interesting, and I think I have encountered that Lockwood essay on the other philosophy forum. But I want to bring out a very difficult but important point in regards to your post and this quote in particular.Lockwood wrote:It is the bit within our skulls, which we know by introspection…In awareness, we are, so to speak, getting an insider's look at our own brain activity.
Leo wrote:[Autopoesis] defines a human life as a journey through time in which the self evolves towards informational complexity.There are many fine sentiments in your posts, generally, and when I voice criticisms, it is not because I want to simply shoot them down. I like your 'forum persona' a great deal. But I think your general orientation is more towards biological sciences than what I regard as philosophy as such (which in my case is generally pre-modern, Eastern, and traditional philosophy . I have little interest in the Anglo-American analytic philosophers and not much more in current Continental philosophers, or in philosophy as it is now taught at University.
Leo wrote:The universe didn't have to organise itself in the way it did but it had to become more complex.The universe didn't have to exist! Of course, being a 'natural philosopher', you assume its existence, and that is quite a safe assumption. But notice that this is what it is.
You open up a whole new Pandora's box of worms, red herrings and mixed metaphors which must await another time.What I have opened up there, is a discussion of the nature of meaning, representation, and syntax, and the like, and how that could be 'explained' with reference to 'electrochemical processes' in the brain. It is actually a very direct way of short-circuiting thousands of words of tortuous neuro-babble. I say it again: consider the relation between such things as syntax, rational inference, grammar, and representation, and the 'hardware' of the brain. If you think you can account for those things, on the basis of neural chemistry, then you have far too much work to do, to be engaging in idle chatter.
Horatio wrote:The Universe is all that exists
Hamlet wrote: There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
At present, however, it is pretty obvious to me that we are not close to understanding how the brain/neurons/physics can "spit" out mental stuff like consciousness/qualiaI think we are ignorantly reluctant to learn, what we should observe within our environment is the brain capacities of other living creatures and how much of it is actually utilized if we cannot observe the same within ourselves.
Leo says; that simple systems become more complex is a simple consequence of my second axiom, namely that all effects are preceded by causesEffect and causes, causes forms our experiences, the similar line of question still remains, what and why the effect?
Quotidian wrote:When we talk of something like 'the bit within our skulls', we are clearly engaged in the process of objectification. That is, we are placing ourselves in the role of being 'the observer', who is analysing or looking at 'the thing which does the thinking' - the brain, as object of knowledge. That seems natural - for the naturalist. 'Hey, what's in there? What is doing that?' OK, I am being a bit facetious there. But it seems to me that this whole approach is wrong-headed from the start. And 'the start' in this case, goes back several hundred years, to Comte, and Positivism, and the general impulse to subject philosophical questions to scientific scrutiny.Perfect agreement. Although the natural philosopher unifies science and philosophy as the same discipline, he still needs different tools for the object under study. For example, we can learn much about the way that the human eye detects light by studying the physical structures of the eyeball. This will tell us nothing about human perception because we don't see with our eyes, we see with our minds. I don't regard reductionism as useless by any means, I simply mean that by its very nature it is non-explanatory.
Quotidian wrote:Stand back a bit more from the whole panorama of brain science, physics and the rest. What is the nature of thinking? Who is it that thinks? Actually all of what we need to inquire directly into such questions is available right before us, in our own minds and bodies. No equipment, no apparatus, is necessary for that. What is necessary is the ability to pay very close attention to the reality of our existence. I think that, along with a few other things, is what 'philosophy' really ought to mean, but I think it is generally lost sight of, in our fascination with science and technology.Once again complete agreement. Standing outside and looking in is a very natural thing to do, and this is the "observer problem" in physics. The universe has no outside so the observer observes the world from inside out, in other words from the present into the past. I've spoken of this before, and gave a silly contrived example, but this is physical law and a straightforward conclusion from a finite speed of light. When the mind constructs a Cartesian space this is what it's doing, looking into the past of its external environment. In the case of cognition a similar thing occurs except that we're looking into our internal environment. We can't be aware of a thought before we've thought it. Although we intuitively conflate awareness and cognition together they are two entirely separate things and they are separated by time, as the Libet experiments have shown, usually about 200 milliseconds for simple cognition. We decide to get up for a glass of water before we become aware of having made this decision. So what!! The "hard problem" and the homunculus and the soul and Descartes' facetious dualism are just bogus Newtonian thinking. Events occur in time, not in space, which means they occur sequentially. Simple cause and effect means that effects are preceeded by causes and can't be contemporaneous with them. Awareness is just an effect because it is the perception of its own cause. With bi-directional causation the confusion evaporates. Non-linearity simply means that the thought causes its own awareness and the awareness causes the next thought. The causal chain, both up and down, is staggeringly complex but not mysterious.
Quotidian wrote: I have little interest in the Anglo-American analytic philosophers and not much more in current Continental philosophers, or in philosophy as it is now taught at University.Although I've read them all I concur completely. Western philosophy has advanced little since Plato, although Leibniz, Kant and Spinoza all made useful contributions to drawing Plato out a little more clearly. I also have quite a regard for Russell, who understood the philosophical flaws in classical mathematics very well, although he was born too early to be able to resolve them. If I were to pick a major source of influence from philosophy I'd probably go for the Persians, my beloved autodidacts and polymaths. I also have an enormous regard for Albert Einstein, the most intuitive natural philosopher of them all. His genius lay in his instincts and his epitaph will be one of his own famous quotes " It is a miracle that human creativity can survive formal education." It didn't. The miracle didn't happen for Albert, but he nevertheless bequeathed humanity its two greatest gifts in the history of science, one in each of his models. SR gave us the equivalence of matter and energy while GR gave us the equivalence of time and gravity. The confected Minkowski spacetime disallowed him from seeing that all four of these could also be unified and quantised equivalently. The story of Albert Einstein is both farce and tragedy and I can't help regretting that Voltaire is no longer around to write it. The unification of Albert's two great unifications is what my philosophy does, and I can prove it quite unambiguously and exquisitely simply. It is this proof which has been holding be up for some years because I fully understand my obligations if I am to expect my model to be regarded as a legitimate scientific hypothesis.
Quotidian wrote:Now I know you're not necessarily going to get that idea. But I think you ought to look more into the Buddhist side of Maturana and Varela. You know Varela was one of the founding members of the Mind~Life Institute, which is chaired by the Dalai Lama. That is why I pointed you to that page of William Irwin Thomson. Here is an image of Varela discussing some aspect of brain science with the Dalai Lama:I studied Buddhism quite extensively as a young man, in no small part because it was fashionable to do so, and I followed where it led into many other eastern philosophies. Without question such modes of thinking changed me and informed the way I subsequently read the western philosophies. That it didn't happen the other way around was entirely a matter of circumstance, but one I've always been grateful for. The fog of classicist thinking lifted only slowly but it lifted inexorably. However,Q, there can be no question that Buddhism is teleological, and therefore reductionist by definition. Life can have no purpose any more than the universe can have a purpose. Purpose is a construction of the human mind and thus only minds can have purpose. Many allow others to define their purpose for them, but to the natural philosopher once again this is reductionist. To this inveterate contrarian the mind must define its own purpose and anything less is a cop-out.
Quotidian wrote:The universe didn't have to exist! Of course, being a 'natural philosopher', you assume its existence, and that is quite a safe assumption. But notice that this is what it is.I hope I've managed to answer most of this above. I have plenty of work to do, Q, a fact I am keenly aware of, but I don't regard this as idle chatter. Ideas do not evolve in a vacuum and the currency of ideas is words. I join forums such as this to get feedback, which we biologists call selection factors, because feedback not only refines one's ideas but it also forces one to learn how to express them. Plato had most of philosophy sorted out millennia ago but he also gave us the greatest tool for our craft. The Dialogue.
"It is what it is" is one of those fashionable slogans which should be tattooed on everyone's forehead. I am not a contrived simulation which exists in the mind of an omnipotent "other". If I were unable to accept that I live in the world of reality then I would have put an end to the charade long ago.
Quotidian wrote:What I have opened up there, is a discussion of the nature of meaning, representation, and syntax, and the like, and how that could be 'explained' with reference to 'electrochemical processes' in the brain. It is actually a very direct way of short-circuiting thousands of words of tortuous neuro-babble. I say it again: consider the relation between such things as syntax, rational inference, grammar, and representation, and the 'hardware' of the brain. If you think you can account for those things, on the basis of neural chemistry, then you have far too much work to do, to be engaging in idle chatter
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