A Poster He or I wrote:
Your conception of a 2-dimensional time/gravity universe
I don't mind having my grav/time continuum described as 2 dimensional as long as we maintain the important qualifier. These are not Cartesian dimensions because time moves only forwards. In my own mind I think of the universe as one-dimensional with a speed regulator. I hope that makes sense but since you clearly know a fair bit of physics I'll dare to try my hand at describing this mathematically, which is not my long suit.
I regard the universe as itself becoming, a notion lifted directly from Plato. This defines reality as a
process and therefore the mathematical tools I need to model it are the tools of non-linear dynamics, sometimes known as complexity theory. I'm not particularly fluent in the language of mathematics but I'm thoroughly conversant with its philosophy so I'm going to have to try this verbally rather than with equations. I imagine the universe as an entity continuously
coming into existence and this is the central thrust of my entire philosophy. We can think of the emerging universe as a wave, somewhat analogous to the electro-magnetic wave which then becomes an emergent consequence of it. This wave emerges at the speed of light/time and is comprised of a vast number of mathematical points which I define as the quantum moments Now. These are not precisely the same thing as Planck intervals but they emerge at a similar speed, in the order of 5.4 x 10
44 Moments/sec. (AS MEASURED
LOCALLY). The quantum moment Now has only two physical properties, these being its information/energy content and the duration of its existence, as determined by gravity. Effectively what happens is that the quantum moment Now
becomes its own next quantum moment Now with a different information content determined by the behaviour of the other quantum moments Now on the emerging grav/time wave. Therefore the quantum moment Now acts as a binary logic gate and thus conforms strictly to Boolean law. This is reality in the making at the fundamental level and all the particles, forces and fields we observe are nothing more than mathematical descriptions of this
process. They are our own conceptual creations and cannot be said to exist in the sense that we imagine them.
This introduces the principle of
emergence and the vast bulk of my philosophy deals with how complex structures emerge in nested hierarchies of informational complexity, for which I use the imagery of the Russian matryoshka dolls. It's not easy to sum up my life's work in a few paragraphs but the best way to think this through is in the mathematical language of computation. We say that the quantum moments Now
encode for the sub-atomic particles which encode for atoms which encode for molecules which ultimately encode for life and mind. At the more fundamental levels of complexity, the sub-atomic particles, atoms and molecules, the hierarchical levels are very clearly defined but as we consider more complex emergent structures they become rather more arbitrary. This an entirely self-causal process with no teleological implications and it ultimately explains the very existence of the universe itself. It defines the universe as self-causal, which is entirely analogous to the cyclical bang/crunch cosmology which rapidly gaining favour in the world of physics. My universe is a Universal Turing Machine, the Universal Reality Maker which programmes its own input, but I use the word "programme" very loosely here. The universe is not programmed but rather it programmes itself, as all complex non-linear entities do. John Conway's Game of Life is easily the simplest mathematical paradigm to model this.
I hope that this goes some way to answering your perceptive questions but I can't really answer them in the language in which you've framed them. Sub-atomic particles are not quantum entities and you frame your questions in the language of quantum mechanics which is a wholly epistemic paradigm. What I'm trying to get at here is the ontology that underpins it.
A Poster He or I wrote: But it does generate questions, of course.
I would expect nothing less.
quote="A Poster He or I"] quantum correlation is not seen in random sampling,[/quote]
Randomness does not exist in this paradigm but causation is a rather slippery beast to grab hold of in non-linear systems because it operates both top-down and bottom-up.
A Poster He or I wrote: But in your scenario, EVERY quantum is being newly created with each passing moment (granted at different speeds due to gravity differentials), and would be correlated by default with every other quantum created in that moment (unless I've completely misunderstod you).
You're nearly there but you must regard the quantum moments Now as discrete mathematical points with their own temporal referential frame. There is no co-ordinate time or universe time. The observer problem was created by Minkowski, who wanted to observe the universe from the outside looking in. The universe has no outside so we must observe it from the inside looking BACK in time. The observer is contained within his observation, which leads to paradoxes aplenty in the spacetime perspective.
A Poster He or I wrote: I cannot understand what actually becomes of the concept of direction in your scenario.
Neither can I. The concept of direction disappears in the absence of a Cartesian co-ordinate system and our minds are simply not equipped to cope with it. This aspect of my model is still a work in progress but a visual conception of it is impossible by definition. I have no doubt that it can be expressed mathematically but I freely declare myself unqualified for the task. Constructs such as "direction", "space" and "distance" are hard-wired into us and I very much doubt that it would ever be possible to achieve a mental map of the universe without them. Which brings us back here.
reflected_light wrote:So is there a method exempt from the limitations of human perspective?
A Poster He or I wrote:Is everything--even the results of our measurements--so thoroughly "coloured" simply by how we set up and interpret our experiments?
Yes, this is unavoidable. However if we're working from a non-linear paradigm most such variables are controllable.
I very much doubt that I've answered all your questions but I stand willing to have a crack at anything you choose to throw at me. I've been working on this for forty years and I doubt that you could catch me off guard, but that's exactly what I want people to try and do. I harbour not the slightest nuance of doubt about my model but I'm continually looking for new ways to explain it. This cannot occur without the minds of others because that's the essence of non-linearity.
Regards Leo
-- Updated July 23rd, 2014, 11:47 am to add the following --
Although this model of quantum gravity is free of paradoxes it's not free of head-spinning conclusions. Here's a neuron-frazzler. You are gravitationally bound to the surface of the earth because your feet lie in the past of your head.
Sleep well.
Regards Leo