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reflected_light wrote:So where do you think the Big Bang happened, if not in the centre?
There is no centre of the universe! According to the standard theories of cosmology, the universe started with a "Big Bang" about 14 thousand million years ago and has been expanding ever since. Yet there is no centre to the expansion; it is the same everywhere. The Big Bang should not be visualised as an ordinary explosion. The universe is not expanding out from a centre into space; rather, the whole universe is expanding and it is doing so equally at all places, as far as we can tell.Where is the centre of the universe?
Mechsmith wrote:Frankly, The Expansion of the Universe is possibly and probably simply an optical illusion.This might be putting the case too strongly but that an observation is entirely a construct of the consciousness of the observer is the mainstream position both of philosophy and every relevant science except physics and this should be telling us something.
reflected_light wrote:This theory then suggests a shared human consciousness. If we are all tricked by the same illusion then perhaps it is our ability to observe that connects us. Could the observation itself be the illusion?This is why I don't like using the word "illusion" and I certainly don't hold with the notion of a shared human consciousness. It's not that we're being tricked into observing something that isn't there but rather that we're interpreting our observation incorrectly. "The problem of the observer" has haunted physics for a century and the most famous analogous example goes back a long way further. We see the sun rise in the east, traverse an arc across the sky, and then set in the west. Therefore the sun orbits the earth. This is a perfectly logical conclusion and yet we know it to be false.
reflected_light wrote:that the results of the same experiment will differ wether they are observed or not.This was once a common misunderstanding of the quantum mechanics theory but it is no longer construed in this way. It makes no difference whether an experiment is observed or not, which will come as a relief to those of us attached to the notion of logic and committed to the Aristotelian doctrine of causation. "Collapsing a wave function" is just a fancy way of saying "taking a look" and the notion of causing an event to occur simply by observing it implies reverse causation. It hardly needs to be said that we can't observe something until after it's happened because the speed of light is finite, which means we can only observe the past and never the present. As Einstein famously said: "The moon is still there whether somebody's watching it or not." This is not a statement of belief but a simple statement of logic. The moon was there before there was any trace of life on earth, let alone any complex life with the sensory apparatus to observe it, and to suggest otherwise is plainly cock-headed. Luckily nobody thinks like this any more but this sort of nonsense has been very damaging for science. Clearly such a dereliction of fundamental logic alienates the common man from the universe he lives in and we now have the the sorry situation of all sciences being tarred with the same brush. Many people regard science generally as a faith-based discipline which we can either choose to believe in or not, depending on our conceptual taste.
reflected_light wrote: Something still happens when we are not looking does it not?You bet it does, but this doesn't necessarily mean that what's happening is what we think is happening. What we think is happening depends entirely on the assumptions we make about the system we're observing.
reflected_light wrote:If the universe is expanding equally everywhere, does it mean there are an infinite amount of centres? Isn't expansion an outward movement relative to a certain point? I am unable to visualize this idea, if it is expanding everywhere equally would not the objects in the universe be moving in different directions, appearing chaotic due to their exposure to the other infinite points of expansion?
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