enegue wrote:However, it's not unreasonable to suggest that the gravitational influence on the OPERATION of an atomic clock is the reason they get out of sync, not that TIME is being affected in any way. As, I said, TIME is simply a reference scale on which gravity can have no influence.This is false and I'll explain why. Gravity affects time in a very precise way by physically speeding it up or slowing it down and this is quite literally the case. The caesium clock is an excellent example because caesium clocks are used to define the unit of time we call the second. The second is defined as the length of time it takes a group of caesium atoms in a caesium clock to swing between states 9,192,631,770 times. It doesn't matter where in the universe you put this clock. The caesium atoms within it will still swing between states the same number of times per second AS MEASURED LOCALLY. Therefore whether you put your clock on the moon, in intergalactic "space", on a neutron star or deep in the bowels of a black hole the caesium atoms will be doing the same thing, AS MEASURED LOCALLY. However a second inside a massive black hole might take a million years of earth time to pass so if we were to observe the caesium atoms in the black hole's clock from earth we might have to wait months to see one of them move once. Gravity slows all of reality down and time quite literally and physically passes at a non-constant speed according to it.
This is even true on earth. If you live on top of the hill you will literally age more quickly than you would if you lived at the bottom. You would literally be living your life faster.
Regards Leo