UniveralAlien: a couple of points that spring to mind immediately:
When they almost got the congress to go for a background check at gun shows bill, Diane Feinstein appeared on television showing all the different type of guns {was it 200?} that she wanted to outlaw - of course no one doubts that all guns outlawed {except for the police and military } is their ultimate agenda - so no bill was passed.
I don't know the details here, so am happy to be corrected, but I don't understand the logic of NRA thinking on this. How does a suspicion about ultimate motives prevent a piece of legislation from being passed? If you believed that there existed some people who wanted to ban
all guns, why would that stop you from passing legislation to impose some much less draconian limits on their use?
By analogy: I'm sure there are still some people who would like to ban all alcohol, but it doesn't follow from that that
all restrictions on alcohol sales should be resisted just in case they lead to a reinstatement of prohibition.
It's time to speak loud before they try to silence and disarm us. You're not imagining it, history shows that governments always manipulate tragedies to attempt to disarm the people"
I find the idea that the current US government is seriously motivated by a desire to disarm the population in order to wield despotic, dictatorial power over them far-fetched, to say the least. It looks to me like just more paranoia about everybody who isn't an anarchist zero-government advocate being a Stalinist/Communist.
Citing evidence in the form of the actions of a series of dictatorships is mistaking effect for cause. If I want to kill you, then I will first, among other things, confiscate your gun. If a dictator wants to kill you, he will first, among other things, confiscate your weapons. It doesn't follow that all people who want to limit ownership of weapons do so because they want to kill you.
One more incidental point:
This claim appears to be factually incorrect, despite being made in capital letters. (I think you've made the claim before. And It appears to have been incorrect there too.) Switzerland seems to be about halfway up the chart. If you want to be free of gun violence, Japan's your man.