UniversalAlien wrote:
You see they pay no attention to the video - don't even watch it - facts scare them. And is it the guns they are afraid of? Or is it the fear of freedom - the freedom to protect yourself - the freedom to own your own body - Isn't this what they are really afraid of? The need for the socialist nanny state and it's great advocates like the billionaire mayor of NY Bloomberg who wants to outlaw guns and large size soft drinks - no limit to the nanny state - they'll tell you what's good for you, how to live, stay healthy and die of dementia in a state controlled facility - Unless you are rich of course then the law is yours - you can get the license to own any kind of gun including fully automatic, take the risks you want and die the way you want. And for the rest the nanny state will tell them how to live. No they're not afraid of guns - they're afraid of freedom - equality, and the principles and Constitution of the United States of America - that is their biggest fear that they can not rewrite the US Constitution to suit their political agenda.
Gun control advocates would like to say let the facts speak for themselves, but the facts are against them so they have to resort to raw emotions.
For example, Wilson said, "First of all, anyone who really believes that an armed citizenry is a defense against an oppressive government is crazy or stupid as hell." Well, I guess that makes Thomas Jefferson -- the same guy who wrote a letter the Supreme Court drew upon to impose the separation of church and state -- crazy or stupid as hell because he wrote in a letter to James Madison that reads in part:
I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccessful rebellions, indeed, generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them.
If you think I'm taking it out of context, the complete letter is here:
Wilson also writes, "Statistically, the number of deaths by gunshots by friends or family - accidents, suicides, and altercations - is very high in America, and the number of lives saved because a private citizen had a handgun is very small." But let little Johnny go over to little Billy’s house to swim and he is roughly 100 times more likely to have a fatal accident vs. letting him go over to little Timmy’s house where dad has a gun. And as far as the number of lives of private citizens being saved because they had a gun being "very small," well, clearly, Wilson didn't bother watching the video or bother looking up the facts because it's a damn lie.
In short, gun control advocates don't give a damn about the facts, history or the original intent of the Constitution.
BTW, out of all the movie theaters Aurora, Colorado within 20 minutes of the killer's apartment showing the new Batman movie that night, the one he chose was the only one where guns were banned. Convenient, huh? And there are other, similar cases. There's also Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska and the Trolley Square Mall in Salt Lake City, Utah. In both cases, guns were banned at those particular malls, but not at other similar venues that allowed guns and were spared. The killers might have all been crazy, but they weren't stupid.