Poster, are you simply saying that humanity will continue to advance technologically? Certainly that's true. But that's not evolution.
You'r right. Evolution is the long-term change in the genome from all of the dynamical processes that affect it over time, one of which is technological advance. Would you deny that agriculture or livestock domestication directly impacted the human genome, for example? If so, you stand against scientific evidence that all three human blood types other than the original (type O) may have been mutations whose survival value was in direct correlation to the introduction of grains and dairy products into the human diet. Would you deny that the immune response in Caucasian populations to infectious disease was forever altered by the building of the first great cities? If so, you can come up with your own explanation of why Native Americans were so easily slaughtered by white men's diseases.
To be honest, I'm a little confused as to what you believe the actual deep down mechanism of evolution to be, if it isn't, broadly, the number of offspring, which is the basis of Darwin's theory.
I've never heard of Natural Selection being defined in so limited a fashion as the mere number of offspring produced. If sheer numbers are the basis for evolution, we must consider single-celled bacteria to be the most evolved life form on the planet, by orders of magnitude! No, Natural Selection implies ALL of the means whereby circumstance eliminates phenotypes from the gene pool and introduces new ones, not just numbers. And when I say all, that includes human will as an expression of Nature: all of the means we have introduced that affect--intentionally or not--our own populations: wars, vaccinations, incest taboos, pogroms, swamp drainage, state eugenics boards, etc., etc.
As I said earlier, our increased brain capacity came about because it aided survival in a time when survival was anything but assured. Those groups of hunter-gatherers which were less intelligent were more likely to die than those groups in which there was more innovation and cooperation. Since families tended to stay together, many genes were shared, and some groups were therefore considerably smarter and more creative and more empathetic and cooperative than others. Those groups cooperated in protecting the group against predators - human and animal. They cooperated in providing more food and better shelters for their group. They had individuals who were willing to sacrifice themselves, if necessary, to protect their families and other people in their community. Those were the groups which tended to live long enough to have more children, and those groups who were less cooperative and less innovative tended to die off, and their children with them. And the genome shifted.
Exactly. However, you stress increasing brain capacity and increasing intelligence as the basis for the shift in the genome. I consider that to be sort of putting the cart before the horse, myself. I agree with the neurophysicists who suggest that the basis for the shift in the genome was the evolutionary pressure to favor symbolic communication. To that end, those who could master the rudiments of language better than others had the survival advantage, and that corresponded to phenotypes with larger brain capacity. Perhaps we're saying the same thing, but I don't agree that increasing brain capacity PER SE was the evolutionary advantage. After all, humans do NOT have the largest brains on the planet, neither by volume nor by number of neurons. Rather, increasing brain capacity was concomitant with the real evolutionary advantage: language.
The increased mental capabilities and social skills were what made survival more likely and sent their genes forward, and those same capabilities and social skills allow us today to do math and design software and build cathedrals and form governments. We are advancing technologically not because we are that much smarter than we were then but because of the cumulative effect of one discovery leading to more discoveries on top of it.
Correct. And what allows the discoveries to be cumulative and synergistic instead of every generation having to reinvent the wheel? Language, or more broadly, information. It has now become the critical means of survival for humans as a species.
Long term survival of our species will not be threatened, and therefore our genome will not change very much, until we humans start dying like flies. When and if that happens, then evolution will kick into high gear once again and select out those individuals best suited for the new environment - and our genotype and phenotype will change much more quickly than it is changing now. And it may not be intelligence or creativity that is selected. It might be, but it might be increased resistance to radiation sickness, or better ability to handle starvation, or disease resistance. If it were disease resistance to a devastating plague, for instance, the intelligence of the next generation would likely not change all that much.
To repeat myself, intelligence is incidental. Adaptability is everything. The extinction of our species is only a matter of time unless humans foster their ever-evolving penchant for information processing and muster it into the means for proactively disseminating our genome either off-planet or into artificial technology that can survive Earth's next extinction-level event (e.g., the next comet strike, or the next eruption of the Yellowstone caldera). The geological record makes it clear that the average life of a species on this planet is only 4 million years. Yes, bacteria, fern, chambered nautilus are exceptions, but if humans are to prove an exception too, it won't be by the means used by those species. It will have to be via the means that defines us as a species so uniquely: information processing.
No wonder the nerd has such an esteemed function in society as Obvious Leo has cleverly pointed out!