I have never seen a three or four dimension image. This is simply due to the difficulties of a flat screen. Since the light that we can see has an emitter and a receiver and since that we can imagine distance and time it isn't too much of a a stretch to imagine what the connection between might be. This is accomplished through wave theories.
It must remain a theory since whatever it is is invisible. Light (or EMR)acts like a wave would, travels like a wave should, is emitted like a wave is, and is received like a wave, then it may be a wave. It can be represented (~~~~~) as a wave, Can be used as a wave. It just can't be seen as a wave.
If you were blindfolded and I was to throw a bucket of water on you you in turn would be able to determine some information from the incident. Temperature, volume, force, distance, taste, composition, location, permeability, viscosity, etc. In the light of your previous experiences you, as a working hypothesis could think, and probably determine,that somebody threw a bucket of water on you.
You could instantly determine the water wasn't sprayed on you, It isn't raining, and with a high degree of probability assume that an elephant didn't do it. Wild elephants are not found in our parts of the world, nor are monkeys. I think it would be possible at that time to determine than most probably some human did it, had water and a bucket available, Pretty soon you would blame me. Perhaps not admissible in court but surely I would come under serious scrutiny.
But it's only a theory. The system makes it possible to improve on it, or discard it as appropriate with new knowledge. Go to it
But the wave theory has been pretty seriously scrutinized.
-- Updated March 24th, 2014, 8:52 pm to add the following --
Xris, I mixed up the replies. The following is in response to your post #15.
I don't know if I can but I'll give it a shot. No I cannot feel a field, only see and feel it's effects. The effect of a gravity field is to convert mass to weight. This seems to act continuously not instantly or discreetly.
The clear image is formed in your brain. Your retina is merely a photo electric detector with different receptors for the various wave lengths.
We know that light travels in an inertial manner. ie. no change except in response to an external force. Simple Newtonian physics.
We know that light, radio signals, and water waves can be reflected, refracted, superimposed, and measured. ie. External forces.
We know that light, radio signals, sound and water waves all can be redirected (turned) by the actions of whatever field they happen to be in.
We know that any moving field will relative to us affect the frequency with which we can count the waves in a duration of time. Also the fields motion will affect the energies observed.
We know that relative motion of observers and emitters calls forth the "Doppler Effect" It does this with light, water waves, sound, and radio signals.
Consider the moving river as a field for energies to play in. Throw a pebble in the river. What happens to the ripples going upstream. This is redshift. The ripples will pass you more slowly and with less energy than the ones going downstream.
Once a water wave runs into shallow water the wave form is broken and breakers begin to form. Sailors and surfers say that "the wave is feeling the bottom".
Once a water wave is broken we call them "breakers". They can also dissipate into the field with the slow conversion of energy toward entropy.
Once a light wave is broken we call it a photon. A light wave does not dissipate if it is travelling at the same rate and direction that the space-time is. That is why light is visible over millions of miles. For it no time elapses. If (assuming a light wave) is broken in any fashion it ceases to exist as light.
For instance for a person on earth shining a flashlight up the light will soon be red-shifted to obscurity. However in an earth satellite you could shine the flashlight down and the light (assume a transparent atmosphere) will get brighter (blue shifted) A little clue may be derived from a satellite picture of nighttime Earth.
I don't believe in gravity waves. Search LIGO for something else to see. They have been looking for gravity waves for more than ten years and haven't found any yet.
At least as of a couple of years ago.
If you Google "Harvard Tower Experiments" you will get a little more complete discussion of lights behavior in a gravity field
Also you may want to search "resonant frequencies". This discusses things like photo electrics, and guitar strings. I suspect that the length of a light wave and the size of a photon may be related somehow to the resonant frequency of a wave but I gotta think a bit more