A common theme in discussions about human evolution is the idea that comfortable modern lives, and particularly modern medicine have reduced or removed selective pressure.
The interesting thing about the findings discussed in the article to which I've linked above is that they suggest this could have happened earlier than we might think and that the selective pressure - the hardship and death - required to cause us to evolve our intelligence is, by any even remotely modern standards, massive.
The result seems to be that it isn't just the modern medicine of the past 100 years or so that has eased off the pressure enough to stop it from being effective. It's the entire development of complex human societies. Recorded human history, by definition, tends to go back only as far as the development of societies sophisticated enough to leave detailed records. But, it seems, the very act of reaching that level of sophistication is enough to reduce the pressure sufficiently to "turn off" evolution.
The most interesting thing to me is what, if anything, this might say about evolved human psychology and how it works, or doesn't work, in modern (i.e. no more than a few thousand years old) societies. The research seems to show even more than ever before that failure and death are much, much more "the norm" than success and life.
The findings re-iterate even more the contrast between our modern relatively threat-free lifestyles and the lives that our pre-historic ancestors must have lived. Perhaps it goes some way to explaining our constant need to create threats where none need exist.
Finally, the phenomenon of paint-balling is explained.