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Philosophy Explorer wrote:Starting in 1927, those two great minds had a debate over the correctness of quantum mechanics. Einstein came up with several thought experiments to which Neils Bohr responded to. It's been suggested that Einstein may have won if he had used spooky-action-at-a-distance. So you decide. Who actually won the debate? (the internet has several articles)Spooky action at a distance is not so spooky if you consider the mechanics of motion of a rotating spiral. The spiral turns clock wise on one side and anti-clock wise on the other side, both at the same time. Thus, two opposite polarities can exist within one action. Thus, light must have some kind of a spiral action which allows two opposite polarities to exist simultaneously. Thus, quantum mechanics is a scam.
Radar wrote:At the time of the debate, there was no way to confirm "spooky action at a distance." Now it is one of the most confirmed facts of science there is. However, it is poorly understood and its implications so radical that many scientists, if not most, would rather just "shut-up and calculate."There is still debate on this area. And the 'shut-up and calculate' is not the most popular position. The two major views with quotes from leading physicists in quantum foundations:
In 1964, Bell proved that any serious version of quantum theory (regardless of whether or not it is based on microscopic realism) must violate locality. He showed that if nature is governed by the predictions of quantum theory, the "locality principle," precluding any sort of instantaneous (or superluminal) action-at-a-distance, is simply wrong, and our world is nonlocal.
What is most relevant to Bell's Theorem is that the non-locality which it makes explicit in Quantum Mechanics is a small indication of pervasive ultramicroscopic nonlocality. If this conjecture is taken seriously, then the baffling tension between Quantum nonlocality and Relativistic locality is a clue to physics in the small.2. Observed violations of Bell's inequalities implies anti-realism (e.g. quantum measurement results do not pre-exist).
...quantum measurement results do not preexist in any logically determined way before the act of measurement.
...unperformed tests have no outcomes: it is wrong to try to account for the outcomes of all the tests you might have performed but didn’t.
Bohm2 wrote: There is still debate on this area. And the 'shut-up and calculate' is not the most popular position. The two major views with quotes from leading physicists in quantum foundations:I disagree. Only a pathological skeptic would dispute “spooky action at a distance.” And while the religious and philosophical implications are clear, most scientists are too busy wandering through equation after equation to delve deeply into such matters, and those that do are often held in contempt.
Radar wrote:Only a pathological skeptic would dispute “spooky action at a distance.” And while the religious and philosophical implications are clear, most scientists are too busy wandering through equation after equation to delve deeply into such matters, and those that do are often held in contempt.With respect to the "spooky action at a distance" issue, I think it depends on what one means by that term. From the polls I've looked at, most physicists do believe in some notion of non-locality but the majority do not believe in 'action at a distance' (e.g. that nature is non-local), primarily because this would be at odds with relativity. With respect to the issue of interpretation, there are a number of reasons why the "shut up and calculate" approach may not be the most productive approach to take and why interpretation is important. Some of the reasons are spelled out in these articles by physicists:
Bohm2 wrote: With respect to the "spooky action at a distance" issue, I think it depends on what one means by that term. From the polls I've looked at, most physicists do believe in some notion of non-locality but the majority do not believe in 'action at a distance' (e.g. that nature is non-local), primarily because this would be at odds with relativity.That's what I call "pathological skepticism."
A Poster He or I wrote:But I personally believe that if Einstein had lived to see the empirical proofs of Bell's Theorem, he would have graciously conceded to Bohr that he was wrong.But violation of Bell's inequalities Bell's also doesn't completely support Bohr's position either. The standard interpretation of experimental violations of Bell's inequalities is that either we accept non-locality or non-realism. In fact, there are physicists who argue that Bell's theorem implies non-locality irrespective of other issues like realism/non-realism, hidden variables, etc. For example, Laudisa writes:
...the role of Bell’s theorem is not to set constraints on how ‘realist’ we are allowed to be about quantum systems but rather, much more interestingly, to characterize a structural property of any theory that aims to cover the domain of validity covered so far by quantum mechanics, namely non-locality. As a consequence, whether a theory aiming to supersede quantum theory will be ‘realist’, ‘non-realist’, ‘half-realist’ or ‘one-third realist’, this will concern the further conceptual and formal resources of that theory and not at all the Bell theorem.Non-Local Realistic Theories and the Scope of the Bell Theorem
A Poster He or I wrote:But it certainly need not insist on a local universe. I personally don't see any compelling reason to believe in a local universe...It is non-realism (implicit in the Copenhagenist's mindset) that best allows us to accept what our experiments tell us about our experience of the universe, and so feel more comfortable in accepting the validity of non-locality as a better model of that universe than a local model.But if one is willing to accept non-locality then why give up realism? Realistic models like deBroglie-Bohmian are both non-local and realistic and fully compatible with all quantum predictions. I mean, why give up both locality and realism when giving up locality alone is enough? Moreover, if one is willing to subscribe to non-realism, what is the difference between a non-local, non-realistic model versus a local, non-realistic model? As Maudlin points out:
The microscopic world, Bohr assured us, is at least unanschaulich (unvisualizable) or even non-existent. Unvisualizable we can deal with—a 10-dimensional space with compactified dimensions is, I suppose, unvisualizable but still clearly describable. Non-existent is a different matter. If the subatomic world is non-existent, then there is no ontological work to be done at all, since there is nothing to describe. Bohr sometimes sounds like this: there is a classical world, a world of laboratory equipment and middle-sized dry goods, but it is not composed of atoms or electrons or anything at all. All of the mathematical machinery that seems to be about atoms and electrons is just part of an uninterpreted apparatus designed to predict correlations among the behaviors of the classical objects. I take it that no one pretends anymore to understand this sort of gobbledegook, but a generation of physicists raised on it might well be inclined to consider a theory adequately understood if it provides a predictive apparatus for macroscopic events, and does not require that the apparatus itself be comprehensible in any way.Can the world be only wavefunction? In Ch. 4 of "Many Worlds?: Everett, Quantum Theory, and Reality"
If one takes this attitude, then the problem I have been trying to present will seem trivial. For there is a simple algorithm for associating certain clumped up wavefunctions with experimental situations: simply pretend that the wavefunction is defined on a configuration space, and pretend that there are atoms in a configuration, and read off the pretend configuration where the wavefunction is clumped up, and associate this with the state of the laboratory equipment in the obvious way. If there are no microscopic objects from which macroscopic objects are composed, then as long as the method works, there is nothing more to say. Needless to say, no one interested in the ontology of the world (such as a many-worlds theorist) can take this sort of instrumentalist approach.
What is surprising is that so many good physicists interpret the violation of Bell’s inequality as an argument against realism. Apparently their hope is to thus save locality, though I have no idea what locality of a non-real world could mean? It might be interesting to remember that no physicist before the advent of relativity interpreted the instantaneous action at a distance of Newton’s gravity as a sign of non-realism...Is realism compatible with true randomness?
But if one is willing to accept non-locality then why give up realism? Realistic models like deBroglie-Bohmian are both non-local and realistic and fully compatible with all quantum predictions. I mean, why give up both locality and realism when giving up locality alone is enough?From the Copenhagen viewpoint, you're asking the wrong question. It is not an issue of giving up realism. It is an issue of why embrace it when the applicable science (QM) doesn't support it.
Moreover, if one is willing to subscribe to non-realism, what is the difference between a non-local, non-realistic model versus a local, non-realistic model?The difference is in the interpretation of the empirical evidence. Such evidence flies in the face of locality (namely, its concomitant limits as described by Special Relativity). Non-locality, on the other hand, is consistent with the empirical evidence, and non-realism ALLOWS us to accept it as valid hypothesis until contradicted by further scientific development. Realism, by contrast, REQUIRES us to accept it as valid hypothesis (or at least requires us to eschew any non-deterministic hypothesis and settle on a deterministic one). Philosophically, this makes realism anti-scientific by imposing an ontological/metaphysical "mandate" upon scientific interpretation. Copenhagenism is spared this burden, allowing scientific inquiry to proceed without any predisposition toward the results.
A Poster He or I wrote:Realism, by contrast, REQUIRES us to accept it as valid hypothesis (or at least requires us to eschew any non-deterministic hypothesis and settle on a deterministic one). Philosophically, this makes realism anti-scientific by imposing an ontological/metaphysical "mandate" upon scientific interpretation. Copenhagenism is spared this burden, allowing scientific inquiry to proceed without any predisposition toward the results.Can you clarify what you mean by "realism"? Are you equating realism with determinism?
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