EMTe wrote:What do you mean by "state of knowledge", Consul?
The having of knowledge, which is a (dispositional) mental state.
EMTe wrote:Knowledge is facts you learn about the world - how to operate crane, how many moons Jupiter has, what is gross domestic product of Vanuatu. "State of knowledge" is some dim expression that desperately tries to make world harder to understand for others and is as such philosophical which equals to being stupid.
Source of knowledge is always external, because you learn from interactions with environment. What comes from inside of you is not knowledge, but your innate characteristics. The whole problem, in my opinion, with you philosophers is that you constantly confuse expressions and broaden or narrow their meanings to create false problems. Instead of accepting some kind of practical division between knowledge and experience (and many other terms) you discuss their limits which is totally pointless and absurd loss of vital energy.
There's a difference between theoretical (propositional) knowledge (
knowledge-that) and practical (actional) knowledge (
knowledge-how(-to-do)). The source of (non-innate) practical knowledge is learning, but I've been talking about the epistemic sources of theoretical knowledge, i.e. propositional knowledge of facts/truths.
The epistemic source of propositional knowledge is the justifying ground for believing that a proposition is true.
"What I regard as a source of knowledge is what justifies the recognition of truth, the judgement."
(Frege, Gottlob. "Sources of Knowledge of Mathematics and the Mathematical Natural Sciences." 1924/5. In
Posthumous Writings, edited by Hans Hermes, Friedrich Kambartel, and Friedrich Kaulbauch; translated by Peter Long and Roger White, 267-276. Oxford: Blackwell, 1979. p. 267)
What are our natural sources of knowledge and justification?
1. sensory perception
2. introspection
3. rational intuition/intellection
4. recollection (memory)
5. testification (testimony): communication of information (that isn't mis- or disinformation)
Supernaturalists claim that there are additional epistemic sources:
* extrasensory perception (clairvoyance, precognition, or telepathy)
* mystical apprehension or intuition (distinct from rational intuition) or vision
* (divine) revelation
Radical empiricists deny the possibility of a priori knowledge (and justification), i.e. that we can acquire propositional knowledge through intuition. Moderate empiricists only deny the possibility of synthetic knowledge a priori, believing that analytic, i.e. logico-conceptual, truths are knowable a priori. For them, intuitions regarding analytic propositions are simply manifestations of logico-linguistic competence and intelligence.
-- Updated May 17th, 2014, 9:52 am to add the following --
Fafner88 wrote:
But the things which are most often said to be known a priori are not observable facts about the external environment (i.e. mathematics), so to argue that a priori knowledge is a contradiction because it doesn't come from the outside is to miss the point. I mean, no one claims that somebody can know a priori that Paris is the capital of France or that Dolphins are mammals, the claim is rather that there's a special class of non-empirical prepositions which truth can be grasped by reason alone.
Rationalists who believe in synthetic knowledge a priori do not believe that contingent or only nomologically (naturally) necessary facts/truths are knowable a priori. If there is synthetic knowledge a priori, it's knowledge of
ontologically/metaphysically necessary propositions, i.e. ones which are true in all possible worlds. No rationalist asserts that naturally contingent facts or only naturally necessary facts (= laws of nature) are knowable a priori, i.e. by virtue of pure reason or thought. You surely cannot come to know that Paris is the capital of France or that dolphins are mammals through mere armchair reflection.
"From an intuitive standpoint, …, what happens in cases of the kind in question is this: when I carefully and reflectively consider the proposition (or inference) in question, I am able simply to see or grasp or apprehend that the proposition is necessary, that it must be true in any possible world or situation (or alternatively that the conclusion of the inference must be true if the premises are true). Such a rational insight, as I have chosen to call it, does not seem in general to depend on any particular sort of criterion or on any further dicursive or ratiocinative process, but is instead direct and immediate (though in some cases, …, there are possible discursive processes of reasoning, beginning from other insights of essentially the same kind, that could have yielded that claim as a conclusion).
The occurrence of such an insight does obviously depend on a correct understanding of the claim in question, which requires in turn an adequate grasp or comprehension of the various properties and relations involved and how they are connected. …[S]uch a comprehension may itself depend on having had experiences of some specific sort—for example, comprehending the properties of redness and greenness … may well require having had experiences involving these two colors. But once the requisite understanding is achieved, the insight in question does not seem to depend on experience in any further way, thus allowing it to be the basis for a priori justification and a priori knowledge.
From an intuitive standpoint, such an apparent rational insight purports to be nothing less than a direct insight into the necessary character of reality, albeit…a relatively restricted aspect of reality. When I see or grasp or apprehend the necessary truth of the claim, for example, that nothing can be red and green all over at the same time, I am seemingly apprehending the way reality must be in this respect, as contrasted with other ways that it could not be. If taken at face value, as the rationalist claims that in general it should be, such a rational or a priori insight seems to provide an entirely adequate epistemic justification for believing or accepting the proposition in question. What, after all, could be a better reason for thinking that a particular proposition is true than that ones sees clearly and after careful reflection that it reflects a necessary feature that reality could not fail to possess."
(BonJour, Laurence.
In Defense of Pure Reason: A Rationalist Account of A Priori Justification. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. pp. 106-7)