They are components in the sense that you can arrange them in different sentences (e.g. P&Q, P<->Q, ~Q->P etc.). It seems to me pretty obvious that sentences are made of components, you can have the same words but put them in different ways etc.
This may be the key to your misunderstanding. The lines of a proof are not like sentences. Logic is like maths; a 'formal science'.
With sentences, the meaning of the words is important. But '
all women have beards' is just as valid in logic as '
grass is green'. Both will be symbolised by a letter, so both can create 'valid' proofs ('valid' also having a special meaning). It is like
2 + 3 = 5; it is not saying the same as
'I have two apples then three more apples, now I have five'. The first is necessarily correct; the second may be false.
This means the symbol; '->' etc. is not really the equivalent of a word like '
then'. If we say '
If it rains then we get wet' then this doesn't imply that getting wet can only be the result of rain, nor does it imply that it can't be negated (by having an umbrella). But in the logical
P -> Q, which has nothing to do with empirical facts, the relationship is much more strict. It is saying that wetness must follow rain; and does not follow from anything else. But even the '
follow' in my attempt to use words to explain it is misleading, since no cause-effect relationship is implied. The relationship is more like
'If you are a bachelor then you will be unmarried' - it is saying the conditions that would make P true are identical to the conditions that would make Q true.
So how can you substitute words for letters in P->Q? If those words denoted different things, then P -> Q isn't true. (If Q denoted something different to P, then the line should be P (+ something else) -> Q).
Like maths, superficially logic seems to match up with 'common sense' and the practical ways in which we deal with the world of objects, but this is misleading. Logic is not about 'things' and the words which denote them - and this becomes clear when you examine it closely.
About non existing components, yeah that's how language works, and you must live with that. When I say "the first person to be born in the year 2017 will be ..." it's a perfectly intelligible sentence even though it doesn't refer to any actual object. So if you think that this sentence is meaningless, then there's a heavy burden of proof on you to show why.
No; it isn't intelligible as it stands. We can only understand it if we know what sort of a proposition it is; the meaning of the words, what conditions would make it true or false.
For example, what is the meaning of your word 'person'? In normal speech, that word denotes something that exists now, so we need to find out what
you might mean by it.
And is this sentence to be understood as an empirical claim? (...will be a girl) Or a tautology? (...will be human). Since you don't finish it, we cannot guess.
Although you disguise it with verbs like '
born', your sentence consists of a subject...and nothing else. It can be condensed to; "
Person", (plus the hint that 'person' may not have the normal meaning). That isn't intelligible, it doesn't say anything.
Which proof?
1. P (A) (A meaning we assume)
2. P -> Q (A)
3. Q Modus ponens (1,2) (meaning it rests on the assumptions of lines 1 and 2)
Note; you can't leave out line 1, even though P also appears in line 2. On its own, P -> Q cannot be used to prove Q.
Me: But let us move onto the much more interesting notion of facts about non existing objects, ('objects' being an important word) as this threatens to raise the ghost of Wittgenstein! Can you give an example of what you have in mind?
It's the example I already gave- "a 6 meter man is taller then a 5 meter man".
A 6 meter man' is an object.
6 meters' is not an object, but nor is it a fact. A fact can be true or false; '
6 meters' isn't either.
You want to borrow the object-ness of '
man' to turn that '
6 meters' into a fact, but then deny the sentence concerns objects.
What I mean is that sentences about objects which don't exist have nevertheless a meaning and can be true or false. So to take the famous example of Russell, "the present kind of France is bald", which is supposed to be a false statement on his account, but according to Russell, it doesn't mean that there's actually an object which is the present king of France who isn't bald, but merely to say that there's no such object that is both bald and the present king of France (the negation is ambiguous in this context). But this is not to say that "the present king of France is bald" is not a sentence that isn't about an object, because it falsely asserts the existence of such and such object.
That is not what it is about. Russell is about logic. The problem here is the logic of the 'excluded middle'; it appears logically necessary that the statement '
the present king of France is bald' must either be true or false. But both seem to involve the necessity for there to be a King of France. But (crudely) Russell says the logical meaning of 'is' when talking of identity, prediction and existence are different. By changing the focus of our negation we can say '
It is not the case that there exists a King of France (who is bald)'.
Which, of course, seems obvious. But it seems obvious to us because it corresponds to an empirical fact, but again I make the point that the rules of logic are not about empirical facts. That this negation is true is irrelevant. Russell's object is to prove that such a negation is '
(Another way of looking at it is what terms like '
the present king of France' describe. Because if we substitute a proper name then the logic works differently. The '
King of France..' stuff is discussed as an aspect of Russell's 'Theory of Definite Descriptions'.)